Chapter 16:Black Prince

At the entrance of the Lee tower, all of the worker look at the beautiful woman who was walking beside their big boss. The worker eyes then turn to the back of them, when they see a handsome figure who is also entering the building and walk behind the woman.

She put an arrogant mask on her face. They walk into the elevator to the top of the floor.

At the top of the Lee tower only consist of director's office from a few division and Richard's office. At in front of the director's offices, they'll have a counter desk that assign for each of their secretary.

"Welcome back, President." a beautiful women with a long hair and red velvet lipstick said with a soft voice.

"Assistant Wen, this is my wife Hai Rin. Rin, she's Miss Ming Wen." Richard said with a plain voice.

In an instant Wen's face redden. She was suppressing her anger in her heart. She knew that Richard was looking for someone to be his wife since she accidently heard him discuss this matter with his girlfriend not long ago.

She thought that she had a chance to be his wife since she's the one who quite close with him beside his girlfriend.

Who would have thought that he suddenly pick any random and plain girl to be his wife? She couldn't accept this.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Lee" she grab Hai Rin hand tightly.

"Same here Miss Wen." she also return the pain back with a smile in her face. When both of them release their hand there's a bit faint red in both their hand.

Only Andy Lu who noticed it, gave a murderous gaze to Ming Wen. When both of Richard and Hai Rin walk into the office, he slowly approaching Ming Wen.

"Don't you dare to hurt her. Keep that in your mind." after he said it, Andy Lu follow behind both of them.

Ming Wen scoff when she heard Andy's warning. Who is that girl that can make Andy Lu, the best butler in this city said something like that? It's not like his character at all who is so gentle toward people.

Andy Lu is one of the 'perfect guy' listed in Lee Tower among the girls beside Richard Lee. Everyone know who is Andy Lu. He's like prince charming that every women want to hold him. Unlike Richard Lee, he gave an aura as a black prince. Even feeling dangerous, woman still want to come and give all her heart to him.

"Wow. What a nice office you have here." Hai Rin look around before she stop at Richard's desk.

A pile of file and a few document are placed at his desk. Richard who was busy looking something at his table didn't reply her.

When Hai Rin see Richard seem to find something, she handed a document at him that she pick up from his desk.

When Richard see the document he frown her brow and ask. "How do you know I was looking for this?"

Hi Rin point her finger at his laptop. "That. The chart that shown in your laptop is the summary in this document." she said nonchalantly and went to the sofa.

Richard was dumbfound. He never thought that she had a very sharp eyes. If people not in the business field they will never understand what chart is that.

"Thanks. You said you were tired, why don't you go to the lounge and take a rest?"


"Andy, led her to the lounge."

"Yes, master." Andy Lu stand beside Hai Rin and give a hint to follow behind him.

"Do you need anything else Madam?" Andy ask gently when they walk inside the lounge. There was a big king size bed at the center and a few furniture inside the lounge. The decoration a bit similar like their bedroom at the mansion.

"Andy, it's just us. You can drop the honorific with me." she said while lie down her body on the bed. She place one hand at her face and close her eyes.

When Andy see her tired body lie down on the bed, he walk beside the bed and cover her body with the soft blanket.

"You can sleep now. I'll be here when you wake up later." his voice is so close to her. It feel that she can hear his breath.

"Mmm.." she reply before she fell into slumber.

Andy Lu walk out from the lounge when he confirm that Hai Rin already fell asleep.

"Did she already asleep?" Richard ask.

"What are your feeling toward her Andy?" Richard took a glance at his butler with a question look.

"I couldn't identified it yet." Andy Lu said with plain voice.

"Whatever it is, you need to wait for 5 years. After that, you can have your freedom and do what you want to do. But before that, please remember that she's my wife now. I don't want any mistake that can affect my plan in future. Understood?" Richard voice turn cold and his face also turn serious.

"Yes Master." Sensing the change in his master voice, he turn his head a bit down and the room fell into silent.