Chapter 479 A Faker

Name:100 Days to Seduce the Devil Author:

Day Fifty-Five...


Old Master Yan and Jane spent more time together. The old man asked her about her childhood memories. How did she survive? Jane narrated her story about being saved by a lady who was known as Miss Frost. She became her foster parent.

Meanwhile, Old Master Yan talked about her mother, Alyssa. During their entire conversation, Old Master Yan never mentioned her father. She could tell that her grandfather was avoiding the topic related to Mr. Hiroshi.

But Jane would like to talk to his grandfather, hoping that Old Master Yan would be able to accept her father.

"Grandpa... there is something I want to tell you." Jane finally changed the topic. She wanted to fix the relationship between her father and grandfather.

"Go on. I will listen, my dear," Old Master Yan allowed her to express her thoughts.

"Grandpa, it's about my father." When Jane brought it up, the old man's expression changed. "I know that you don't like my father. But Grandpa, I hope you will give him a chance to get to know him. He is not a bad person."Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Old Master Yan didn't know what to feel when he heard that. He had conflicting thoughts in mind. But for Jane's sake, he was willing to listen to her.

"Have you met your father?" Old Master Yan asked her.

"Yes, Grandpa. I already met him. He found me first," Jane softly said, smiling at him.

Old Master Yan was taken aback for a moment.

"He revealed to me his real identity. His works. His organization. But don't worry Grandpa, my father truly loves my mother and us. He won't be a bad influence on us." Jane reassured Old Master Yan.

Old Master Yan was still reluctant to accept Mr. Hiroshi. He heard a lot of bad things regarding the Sawada Clan. That clan was well-known in the underground world. And they did so many illegal and despicable things.

"He is a changed man now, Grandpa."

Seeing the determination in Jane's eyes, Old Master Yan could only sigh in defeat. His granddaughter was backing up her father.

"Alright. I want to meet your father."

Jane's lips curled up into a bright smile when Old Master Yan took the first step to getting to know Mr. Hiroshi. He was doing this for Jane and Abigail.

"Thanks, Grandpa!" Jane pounced on him, hugging her grandpa as she expressed her gratitude to him. "I assure you... you will never regret this. And I hope that my sister and I will reunite soon."

'Why did Nathan let her go? I expect him to imprison her until he gets his revenge. Why can she go around freely? She didn't even have any bodyguards around her.'

Vincent couldn't figure out what kind of deal Nathan and Phantomflake had.

'Perhaps... she already confessed who called the hit.' Vincent frowned at that thought.

'If that's is the case then Raven must lie low. I am sure that Nathan will start looking for the Raven. But too bad for him, I will not allow him to get any clue. He won't find anything about the Raven. Even Phantomflake didn't know that Raven is a pseudo-organization.' A smirk formed in the corners of his lips.

"Uncle! Uncle! Why are you not listening to me?" Little Mia tugged Vincent's sleeve, snapping him out of his deep thoughts.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Mia. What did you say?" Vincent asked the young girl again.

Helena pursed her lips before answering him. "Are you okay, Vince? You are not paying attention to us. Is there something wrong?"

Vincent darted his gaze back and forth between Helena and Mia. "Everything is fine. I guess... I'm just tired. Shall we go home... now?"

"Okay. Uncle. I don't want you to get sick so I will let you rest." Mia patted Vincent's hand.

Vincent could only glance at her meaningfully. 'She is so thoughtful. I'm sorry, Mia. I am using you as a tool for my revenge. But I will make it up to you. No matter what I do, I will not harm you.'

Soon, the three of them left the mall. Vincent dropped Mia at home first before sending off Helena.

"Vincent. Mia is not around. Now tell me... what is troubling you a while ago?" Helenas confronted him.

Vincent contemplated for a moment, undecided whether he would tell her about the encounter he had with Phantomflake or not.

"Vincent. I know what you are thinking! You are hesitating to tell me anything. C'mon. Spill it out. I won't forgive you if you dare lie to me," Helena threatened him.

"Fine. I'll tell you everything." Vincent took a deep breath before he shifted his gaze from the road to Helena's face.

"I saw Phantomflake in the mall. She is alive."

Helena was rendered speechless for a moment. She couldn't believe that Phantomflake was still alive.

"Nathan didn't kill her? But why? Nathan is supposed to kill her. Did he spare her life?"

"I don't know his reason for keeping her alive. But I will gather more information regarding this." Vincent could see the uneasiness on Helena's face. She looked threatened by Phantomflake's existence.

"What if Nathan will find out the truth about Phantomflake? Do you think... Nathan discovers that Phantomflake is the real Shining Star that's why he spared her life?"

Vincent wasn't able to utter a word. That might be a possibility. He couldn't see any reason for Nathan to keep Phantomflake alive. He knew how he hated her.

"Vincent! If he learns the truth then Nathan will realize that Monica is a faker. What should we do now? He will seek more answers and investigate further."