Chapter 613 Jane vs Members of King Stallion

Name:100 Days to Seduce the Devil Author:
Chapter 613 Jane vs Members of King Stallion

Day Seventy...

~~*****~~ The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

When the clock struck midnight, Bam-Bam awakened Jane with his magical powers. Still clueless of what was happening, Jane looked at Little Ethan with a questioning gaze. But Ethan couldn't utter a word, afraid that the two men would notice that Jane had regained consciousness.

Bam-Bam came into the picture to save the day once more!

"Master! These men abducted you and Ethan from the hospital. They are bad men!" Bam-Bam explained to Jane with exasperation. Only Jane and Ethan could hear and see Bam-Bam so it wouldn't be a problem for them.

Jane's protective instinct surged almost instantly upon hearing this information from Bam-Bam. Her immediate concern was Ethan's safety. How could these nefarious individuals involve an innocent child in their wicked plot? Jane was filled with a burning desire to ensure that these wrongdoers faced the consequences of their actions.

Without hesitation, Jane swiftly removed her oxygen mask and disconnected the IV drip from her arm. Rising to her feet in the confined ambulance, she took a protective stance, holding Ethan close and guiding him behind her. With unwavering determination, she positioned herself as a human shield, ready to defend Ethan against the two menacing men.

The two men were surprised to see Phantomflake's awake. She had a look of fierce resolve to beat them. Her eyes blazed with anger and her muscles constricted, getting ready to attack. On her side, a burly man with a disheveled appearance clenched his fists. A wicked grin twisted his lips as he advanced towards her.

He thought Phantomflake was still feeling weak. He was too full of himself, thinking he could easily defeat her. Meanwhile, opposite him, a second man, younger and more agile than the first guy. He circled cautiously, eyeing Jane with a mixture of caution and aggression. Two versus one! The two men were confident they could easily capture Jane.

Jane's eyes darkened with rage. She thought Phoenix was after Ethan. She couldn't hand him over to him. Over her dead body!

"No! I will never hand him over to you." Jane declared in conviction.

She strategized in her mind about how to evade the bullet while simultaneously disarming Phoenix. Jane carefully calculated the distance between them. It would take her five seconds to close the gap and reach Phoenix, but the risk was too great. She couldn't afford to abandon Ethan, especially with the two other men still present inside the vehicle.

"I'll count up to five. You have to hand him over, otherwise, I'll shoot you." Phoenix threatened her again. However, between Jane and Phoenix, he was the one who was in a difficult position.

Deep inside, he knew that he would be in trouble again once he hurt Phantomflake. Among the five men who watched Jane being tortured and assaulted by Monica, he could still remember what Vincent did to the three men. Two men died in Phantomflake's hand but the other three were severely punished by Vincent. He tortured them and blinded their eyes.

"One..." Phoenix started counting, his muscles clenched with the tension surrounding them. Jane had no plan of surrendering. 'Is she going to force me to open fire and shoot her?'


"Miss Jane... I'll go with him. I don't want you to get hurt." Ethan spoke behind him. He would willing to sacrifice himself just to protect Jane.

"No, Ethan. I will never give you to them. I'll die first before they can touch you."



The counting never reached five but they heard the sound of the gunshot!