Chapter 666 My Complete Family

Name:100 Days to Seduce the Devil Author:
Chapter 666 My Complete Family

Day Seventy-Two...


Jane and Nathan were still trying to recover from the overwhelming sensations of their passionate encounter when they were abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door. Both of them exchanged glances, realizing they were still in half-naked.

"Nate, it's me," Old Man Xu's voice called from outside.

Jane swiftly sprang from the bed, frantically searching for her clothes. Her heart sank when she remembered that Nathan had inadvertently torn her shirt in the middle of their passion.

"Nate, you have a knack for tearing my clothes," Jane lamented, gazing helplessly at her ruined shirt.

Nathan merely smirked as he zipped up his pants and offered her his own shirt. "You can wear my shirt for now."

Jane's jaw dropped at the suggestion. "Are you serious? Your father might—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Nathan silenced her with a brief yet tender kiss. When he pulled away, he gently caressed her cheeks with his thumb. "Don't worry about him."

"Do I need to hide?" Jane inquired, her voice laced with concern.

Nathan shook his head, his voice filled with assurance. "There's no need to hide. You're my girlfriend." With that declaration, he swiftly covered the disarray on his bed with a blanket and headed toward the door.

Jane watched Nathan's retreating figure with loving eyes. His last remarks sent her heart into frenzy, and a radiant smile graced her lips.

"This guy... he really knows how to make my heart flutter," Jane mumbled with a smile as she slipped into Nathan's shirt.

It didn't take long for Nathan to answer the door, revealing his father, Old Man Xu, who looked surprised to find his son half-naked, wearing only his pants. His eyes widened further as he caught a glimpse of Jane, now clad in Nathan's oversized shirt.

Old Man Xu could discern what had transpired in the room. 'OMG,' he thought, 'this is for real. My son has taken his relationship with Phantomflake to the next level.' His gaze darted back and forth between Nathan and Jane, a mixture of astonishment and curiosity in his expression.

"Sir, a young boy is here to see you. He is Ethan Sparks," the head guard reported to Vincent over the phone.

Vincent's eyes gleamed with anticipation upon hearing this unexpected news. He had been aware that Ethan was waiting for the DNA test results, but he hadn't expected him to pay a visit today.

"Please, allow him in," Vincent replied eagerly. Then, he turned to Monica, who was reclining beside him, and said with a meaningful smile, "Babe, our son is here."

Monica's lips curled up into a mocking smile. "Did you just say our son? Or your son?"

"He is our son. Don't forget that." Vincent insisted before he stood up to welcome Ethan.

Monica just rolled her eyes skyward before fixing her robe. She followed Vincent since she needed to play along with him.

The two of them headed to the living room. And they greeted Ethan with a warm smile.

"Have you found the answer you are looking for, my son?" Vincent inquired directly, his gaze fixed on Ethan. His attention was drawn to the backpack slung over the young boy's shoulder, leaving him to ponder whether Ethan had chosen to leave Nathan and perhaps intended to stay with them.

"I've received the DNA test results," Ethan replied in his typically composed tone, his innocent eyes locked onto Vincent's.

Monica and Vincent shared a moment of jubilation upon hearing Ethan's words, sensing that the young boy had finally begun to believe them.

Vincent couldn't contain his hope as he inquired, "So, does this mean you'll stay here with us, your real parents?"

Ethan maintained a solemn expression as he responded, "I just came to let you know. Biologically, she and you might be my parents. But in my heart, my Dad will always be my father. I've grown up with him, and he loves me."

"If you truly consider me as your son... Then you have to respect my decision. Don't tell my father about this. If you truly love me, then you won't reveal this to my Dad." Ethan was negotiating with Vincent, but at the same time, he was trying to test Vincent's sincerity.

Monica was the first one to react. "Don't you want to have a complete family? We are your parents. You should stay with us, son!"

Ethan cast an emotionless glance in Monica's direction, his young heart failing to register any maternal connection with her. His affections were undeniably stronger for Jane, leaving Monica in the shadows by comparison. The depth of his bond with Jane eclipsed any sentiment he held for the woman before him.

"I will acknowledge you as my biological parents. However... I have my Dad and Miss Jane. They are my complete family." Ethan declared with unwavering conviction, leaving both Vincent and Monica momentarily speechless. The profound sense of belonging and love he had found with them made him feel whole and content, rendering any further explanations unnecessary.