Princess de was a little embarrassed.

Although she likes Xue Ping'er, she also knows that she is favored by the Empress Dowager.

But This Xue Ping'er is a common girl of Shangshu mansion!

The Empress Dowager certainly didn't let Xue Ping'er do the side room, but her identity was the main room. That's too bad. Yanjia will be ridiculed in the capital in the future.

Defei immediately got up and said with a smile, "if you go back to the empress dowager, Yanjia's age is almost the same as pinger's. It's just Ah... "

Defei sighed deeply, "if Yanjia had one tenth of pinger's, he would not have gone three or four gentlemen in a row. Up to now, he has not finished reading the four books and five classics and is beaten by his majesty every day."

The meaning of de Fei's words is very obvious. My son doesn't deserve it.

But the Empress Dowager did not give up. "It is said that those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black. Someone suggested that maybe Yanjia would be enlightened..."

Princess de waved, "empress dowager, it's not easy for Dayi to be such a talented girl as Ping'er, but we can't be taken askew!"

Worried that the Empress Dowager would be bored, she forced Xue Ping'er to her son.

Her eyes in the hall swept a circle, suddenly saw Murong Yanwen thin figure.

"Empress dowager, Yan Wen and Ping'er are about the same age. They both like reading books. The best thing is that they knew each other before!"

Shufei was surprised, just about to stand up to refute, and hesitated.

Shufei doesn't know about Murong Yanwen's quarrel with Xue Ping'er. She also thinks about Xue Ping'er's being a good wife for her son.

If she gets up now and refuses, isn't she offending someone?

Lin Shuqian looks at Shufei's uneasy posture, and then looks at Murong Yanwen and Xue pinger. Their faces are a little ugly.

"What do you think, queen?" Lin Shuqian left the problem to Jia Xinxin, who has never spoken.

Jia Xinxin looked at Xue pinger with satisfaction and said with a smile, "I look very good."

Of course, she won't refuse Xue pinger to marry the seventh or ninth prince. Anyway, with the Xue family's family background, she can't make waves at all.

Lin Shuqian doesn't want to point out marriage on the spot either. She turns to the queen and says with a smile, "I'll see that the two of them are chatting. In the future, we can let the two children have more contact with each other."

This time, we understand what the Empress Dowager means. Although she intends to make a match, she still hopes that the two young people can develop freely.

Jia Xinxin also has no need to oppose, "so good, they can also exchange knowledge, spread out is also a beautiful talk."

Xue Ping'er also breathed a sigh of relief. She was so afraid of the Empress Dowager's impulse that she directly assigned herself.

However, it also sounded an alarm for Xue Ping'er. It's hard for everyone in the palace to argue. If she keeps dragging on, maybe she will be arranged one day.

Xue Ping'er secretly plans to speed up the attack on Qi Mingxuan, but is Qi Mingxuan a wood?

Isn't Qi Mingxuan fond of himself? Why didn't you respond to your letter?

Xue Pinger is so tangled that she doesn't even have the heart to tell stories.

People who listen to the story also realize that today's story lacks some flavor. It sounds more like Xue Ping'er is endorsing.

Lin Shuqian didn't say it directly, but let Xue Ping'er stop.

Lin Shuqian yawned, "I'm a little tired today, so I'll leave earlier."

Everyone also felt sleepy after hearing today's story. Since the Empress Dowager had said goodbye, she would go back to make up for it.

Xue Ping'er realized that she was not doing well today. She was dejected and ready to go back, but she was suddenly stopped.

"Miss Xue."

Xue Ping'er turns her head and calls out that it's lady Shufei. Beside Shufei stands Murong Yanwen with an embarrassed expression.

"Miss Xue, since it's still early today, why don't you come to my place?"

Although Xue Ping'er didn't want to please her, she was one of the four concubines, and she was not easy to offend.

Xue Ping'er salutes Shu Fei, "but Ping'er is not respectful."