There's nothing wrong with the Royal Taoist temple. Lin Shuqian is going to return to Beijing.

Xiuning and all the imperial concubines are reluctant to part with each other. The Empress Dowager is gone, which should be boring in the Royal Taoist temple.

Xiuning pulled Lin Shuqian's sleeve and whispered, "grandma, when will you come to see Xiuning again?"

Lin Shu said with a smile, "Ai's family will go back to discuss with the queen to improve your living conditions. When you feed yourself a little fatter, AI's family will come to see you."

She wiped her tears and said, "can the Empress Dowager be kind and let her family send her two pieces of good material?"

Feng Taifei also crowded over, "empress dowager, my concubine's tea set is broken, can you let my family send a new set?"

Lin Shuqian nodded and agreed one by one. Originally, it was not a big deal. There was no need to treat you too harshly.

The imperial concubines looked at Lin Shuqian gratefully and felt that the Empress Dowager was really kind-hearted. If she had been in the palace a few years earlier, maybe they could become good sisters!

Lin Sheng stood on the periphery and could not help reminding, "empress dowager, it's not too early."

The imperial concubines glared at Lin Sheng discontentedly. These men just didn't have the eyesight to see them. Didn't they see that they were sad?

But we still make way, Xiuning with Lin Shuqian, put her on the sedan chair.

Xiuning waved his hand high, "grandmother, pay attention to safety on the road, don't forget us!"

Lin Shu said goodbye one by one with a smile, and turned his head to see the princess Hui standing far under the tree.

She raised her hand and waved to Princess Hui. Princess Hui turned and left.

Even if separated so far, Lin Shuqian also can guess, just huitaifei must be to her rolled a white eye.


When they got down the mountain and went back to Beijing, the guards came to meet them.

To Lin Sheng's surprise, Qi Mingxuan, the commander of the Imperial Guard, came to meet him.

"Qi Tongling, why did you come in person?"

"I'll meet you."

Lin Sheng sweeps Qi Mingxuan, and Yu Guang sweeps Lin Shuqian's carriage.

The boy of the Qi family knew very well what he had done to his girl.

Originally, the Qi family had a good family background, and he wanted them to make a couple. He didn't stop them before, but now Lin Shuqian is the Empress Dowager

He believed that his daughter would not do anything out of the ordinary, but he didn't know if the boy in the Qi family had a wrong idea.

After all, Qi Mingxuan is more than 20 years old and has not married yet. He is really worried!

"It's just that Qi Tong sent someone to meet him. Now his Majesty's safety is more important."

Qi Mingxuan did not squint, "Your Majesty there is a large number of natural guard."

With that, he lowered his voice, "Lord Lin, it's not safe near the capital."

Lin Sheng felt a thump in his heart, and there was a layer of coolness behind him.

Qi Mingxuan, who has seen a big scene, can say so. Maybe something really happened.

Lin Sheng said, "what's the matter?"

"Recently, a group of wandering soldiers gathered in the suburbs of Beijing. It's not safe here. Please go back to the palace as soon as possible."

Lin Sheng didn't dare to waste any more time. He immediately threw a fist at Qi Mingxuan, "then ask Qi Tongling to escort the Empress Dowager back to the palace."

Qi Mingxuan didn't delay either. With an order, the guards scattered in a circle and surrounded the Empress Dowager's carriage in the middle.

Qi Mingxuan went to the carriage, holding a sword in his hand, and escorted the carriage forward with dignity.