Jia Yufei and Murong Yanjia have gone, but no one knows when and in which direction.

Murong Jie furious, severely reprimanded Jia Xinxin for some time, and sent people to pursue.

As soon as the pursuer started, it suddenly snowed heavily, but he couldn't even think fast.

It's obvious that we can't catch anyone this time.

This new year's palace is very depressing. Everyone is afraid of the emperor and queen who are in a bad mood.

Lin Shuqian is happy to stay in Qifeng palace. After all, her greatest pleasure now is to block murongjie and Jia Xinxin.

When winter comes and spring comes, it's time for xiunv to enter the palace.


Pretty girls go to the palace almost every time. There are a few who are particularly noisy, arrogant and domineering. There are also some who are beautiful, smart and lovable.

But this time, without waiting for Lin Shuqian to pick out the good ones who would cause trouble, murongjie spared her and Jia Xinxin, and directly waved dozens of people, and the rest were driven out of the palace.

This practice is obviously against the rules, but murongjie just did it, and others dare not say anything more.

Later, Lin Shuqian and Qi Mingxuan mentioned that they knew why murongjie did it.

There was an accident outside.

It didn't snow much this winter. There was a rain in spring, and the land outside was dry.

There was a severe drought in the north, but there was constant rain in the south. The river did not cross the dam and destroyed several villages.

The farmers in the North look at their dead crops, and the people in the south look at their destroyed farmland. When they think of the scene of the magnificent beautiful girl entering the palace, they can't bear it.

The government sent people out to relieve the disaster, but the money was also embezzled. The relief grain was moldy Chen mili mixed with sand, and the rebuilt dam was a bean curd project, which no one could accept.

As a result, there was a reaction.

All this came suddenly, but it was expected.

Since Murong pingqi, the imperial court has not been clear-cut. It is not uncommon for the court to be corrupt and pervert the law. As long as the relationship is strong, the black hat will be stable.

There have long been complaints among the people, or there would not be a few assassins from time to time.

This time there is a small-scale uprising in the north and south, Murong Jie can only hastily end the draft.

But even so, he still did not return to the court.

Qi Mingxuan said about it, can't help sighing.

It turned out that everyone thought Hao Bowen was a good man with integrity. Unexpectedly, after being prime minister for half a year, he showed his true colors.

He pretended to be open-minded, but he suppressed the dissidents. Now no one in the court dares to say "no" to Hao Bowen.

Master Hao was so angry that he couldn't afford to be seriously ill. Many senior officials in the court were also invited home by Hao Bowen.

Now the imperial court has become a one word house, and the former disaster relief and embezzlement people have spent money, but they have not been dealt with.

Qi Mingxuan took Lin Shuqian and sighed.

Lin Shuqian looks at Qi Mingxuan in surprise. She has never seen him like this.

Qi Mingxuan's eyes were dim and he said in a low voice, "Your Majesty asked me to suppress the mob."

"This..." Lin Shuqian holds Qi Mingxuan's hand, and the whole person is shaking.

Those people said that they were all the people who were affected by the disaster. There was really no way to fight back. If Qi Mingxuan led the army to suppress it, wouldn't he help the tyrant?

Lin Shuqian tightly took Qi Mingxuan's hand, "you can't go."

If you go, Qi Mingxuan will leave an eternal name.

Qi Mingxuan nodded and sighed again.

"It's hard for the emperor to do. Although the imperial edict hasn't been issued, it's already eight or nine years old."

"No way!" Lin Shuqian's attitude is very firm, this time Qi Mingxuan can't go anyway.

"As long as there's no edict, there's still a chance." Lin Shuqian's eyes are firm. She will have a way to stop it.