The door was opened with a bang, and more than a dozen figures jumped out in an instant.

Ah Da tried his best to escape.

The footsteps behind him were still in a hurry. ADA struggled to keep the distance between them, but he couldn't get rid of them.

ADA gritted her teeth and turned the direction of her escape.

His physical strength is not as good as that of his prime years, and there are so many pursuers behind him that he may not be able to escape today.

But even if he can't escape, he can't implicate Lin Shuqian and Qi Mingxuan.

ADA fled to the outside of the city. There were large valleys and dense forests outside the city. Maybe he could take the opportunity to escape.

A Da listened to the sound of chasing closer and closer behind him and turned out of the city wall.

Under the faint moonlight, the outside of the city is shrouded in darkness. Even people with excellent eyesight may not be able to quickly distinguish.

ADA quickly hid in the woods, and the pursuers followed him.

Although he can't see things clearly in the forest, he can tell the movement from the sound. ADA dares not stay in the same place, so he can only hide carefully. But he can't stand the other party's large number of people, so he is still caught.

"Catch him, don't leave him alive!"

At the other party's command, another person rushed in the direction of ADA.

ADA dodged quickly and continued to run away.

The other side pursued, a big ear heard a "whoosh", had no time to dodge, a burst of pain in the shoulder.

It's a hidden weapon.

ADA clenched her teeth and continued to run away.

The other side seemed to find that it was not easy to catch ADA, so they swished a few concealed weapons and flew towards ADA.

A big dodged a few times, some concealed weapons hit empty, but some mercilessly stabbed into his body.

The pain is real.

A Da Neng obviously smelled the smell of blood on his body, as well as the pain of muscle tears when running.

The physical strength is gradually losing, but the pursuers behind him are getting closer and closer, and more and more concealed weapons are coming towards him.

ADA continues to run, only to know that he can't.

The other side seems to be aware of this, and they keep attacking the weak part of ADA.

The concealed weapon was inserted into his thigh, and ADA staggered.

ADA was gradually exhausted, but the other side was getting closer and closer, and he was about to be overtaken. ADA gritted his teeth and turned around to run away.

There is the sound of water in the distance. It sounds like a valley. ADA is running hard, but he is hit by a hidden weapon on his leg.

As soon as ADA's knee softened, he fell to the ground. He reached out and hugged himself, but his body rolled uncontrollably toward the valley.


More than ten people stood at the edge of the valley and stopped.

"He ran away." The other side scolded a few dirty words, and hesitated to catch up.

The moon is dark and the wind is high. They can't see the depth of the valley at all, but listening to the sound of the water, they know that there is no good fruit to eat.

"Boss, what to do."

The leader hesitated for a while, "search nearby first, and go down to find someone tomorrow morning!"

"Yes The crowd immediately dispersed and searched the cliff.

They searched all night and got nothing. When they looked down the cliff at dawn, they couldn't help laughing.

The cliff is steep, and there is a river valley full of rocks below. Even if they jump at the moment, they are either dead or injured. Last night, the man was injured and fell down carelessly. How could he survive?

The leader looked around, and now he really couldn't go down to find someone, so he immediately decided to retreat.

As for Mr. Hao and his master, just look for a dead body.