Lin Shuqian left the palace with Qi Mingxuan.

Before leaving, Lin Shuqian specially asked not to embarrass Murong Hong.

Qi Mingxuan also heard of the original edict, so he took Lin Shuqian by the hand and gave muronghong a meaningful smile.

Murong Hong trembled. What are these? He might as well be crazy.

When they return to the camp where Qi's family is stationed in the suburbs of Beijing, Qi Mingxuan mysteriously says that he has prepared a surprise for Lin Shuqian.

Lin Shuqian lifted the curtain of the tent and saw the people in the room. He couldn't help crying with joy.

Liu Qianyue, Hu Junshi, LAN Ming, the whole Lin family, an Youwen and Hao Ningxin, who have not seen each other for a long time, stand in the camp together, waiting for Lin Shuqian to come back.

It turns out that when Lin Qiran knew that Qi Mingxuan had gone wrong, he secretly went to take refuge with Qi Mingxuan. Lin Sheng really missed his son, and felt that murongjie had killed Lin Shuqian, so he took down the gauze that had been used to pretend illness and took his family to take refuge with him.

As for an Youwen, he has been teaching in a small town in the south. Qi Mingxuan went out of his way to invite an Youwen to his army and stay with him as an adviser. At the beginning, the impassioned speech was written by an Youwen.

As for Hao Ningxin, although her husband was born in a rich family, he was also an ambitious and emotional scholar. When he came to the place and saw the sufferings and corrupt officials of the people, he took the initiative to join Qi Mingxuan and helped the people along the way.

When Lin Shuqian saw so many old friends, he couldn't help crying with joy.


But even if the Qi family had a million troops in the city, the capital was not so easy to attack.

Qi Mingxuan was in charge of the garrison in the capital at the beginning. He knew the situation in all parts of the capital, but he was still in trouble.

The wall of the capital is as solid as gold. It's easy to defend but hard to attack. It's not impossible to attack by force, but it's necessary to have casualties.

Qi Mingxuan does not want to see such a scene. After all, even if he wins, innocent people and soldiers will suffer.

After several days of discussion with his advisers, the best way was to persuade them to surrender.

Hao Ningxin's husband, Yu Zhengchu, volunteered. Now Hao Bowen is the mainstay of the court. He can go up and persuade him.

But as soon as the letter was delivered to Hao Bowen, it was torn to pieces.

It seems that Hao Bowen can't get along in this way. People continue to discuss how to persuade him to surrender, but Lin Shuqian suddenly comes.

"I'll go."

Lin Shuqian saw everyone shaking their heads at her, especially Qi Mingxuan, whose eyebrows were all wrinkled.

"I have a way to get them to surrender." Lin Shuqian did not waver, "you believe me."

She fixed looking at Qi Mingxuan, he will believe him.

Qi Mingxuan gets up and walks to Lin Shuqian.

Lin Shuqian hasn't responded yet. Qi Mingxuan grabs Lin Shuqian's two wrists in one hand. The cloth belt in his hand circles twice and binds Lin Shuqian.

"I won't let you risk it."

Qi Mingxuan picked up Lin Shuqian, then she threw her tent back, and let people take good care of her. Don't let people run away.

Lin Shuqian

Qi Mingxuan knows that Lin Shuqian is not so easy to die, so there are wave after wave of people come one by one to persuade Lin Shuqian.

Lin Sheng talks to Lin Shuqian. Mrs. Lin holds Lin Shuqian and cries. Lin Silan says that Qi Mingxuan is doing it for her good. Lin Qiran says that general Qi is doing everything right.

Lin Shuqian was read a day, the head almost exploded, finally mercilessly white Lin Qi ran one eye.