Chapter 37 Lying

At noon, Xiaobai rode a bicycle to the gate of the paper mill, waiting for Lanshu to 'get off work'.

He is wearing a black and white sports suit, with inch-long hair obediently hanging down to cover his forehead. He is tall and tall, with slender limbs. He holds the handlebar of the bicycle with one hand. Just standing there quietly can attract the attention of all passers-by around him.

Such a clean, fresh, sunny and handsome boy seems to be a bit out of place in the small county town.

Some local workers who came out of papermaking after get off work at noon saw him, and even sighed, which girl will have the good luck to marry such a handsome man in the future?

At this moment, not far away, Lan Shu and Zhang Yunjing walked out of the paper mill together.

Seeing the person coming, Xiaobai's originally calm and even cold face suddenly showed a faint smile!

He immediately pushed the bicycle and walked towards Lan Shu, parked the bike in front of Lan Shu, and said softly, "Get off work? Let's go~"

Xiao Bai came to pick up someone, so he only had Lan Shu in his eyes, and even ignored that there was another person beside Lan Shu.

This is the third time Zhang Yunjing has seen the boy next to Sister Lanshu.

Once in a shopping mall in the county seat, the boy stood next to Lan Shu, subconsciously protecting Lan Shu behind him.

The second time was when the teenager and Sister Lan Shu came to the paper mill together and wanted to see the factory director Zhu, so she brought the two of them into the factory director's office.

And today, the boy came to pick up Sister Lanshu from get off work.

Meeting three times, the impression the young man gave her each time cannot be ignored!

His handsome face, as well as the extraordinary temperament faintly revealing from his body, are the reasons why people unconsciously focus on him and want to pay attention to him.

Zhang Yunjing didn't know what the relationship between Lan Shu's sister and the boy was, but she could tell that the boy cared about Lan Shu's girl very much.

Of course, Sister Lanshu is also very kind to the boy.

There seems to be a gentle, soft, entangled and gradually intensified feeling between the two, which cannot be resolved.

Seeing that Xiaobai was already waiting for her at the gate, Lan Shu immediately said to him, "Sister Yunjing said she wanted to invite me to dinner, the kind that can't be done if you don't go..."

"Yes, I have to treat you to dinner at noon today! Xiaobai is also here."

Zhang Yunjing is very good at getting things done, and with a single sentence, she naturally draws Xiao Bai into the small group where they eat.

Hearing what Zhang Yunjing said, Xiaobai didn't immediately agree, but moved his eyes to Lan Shu, met her eyes, and asked her opinion.

He only listens to Sister Lan.

Lanshu saw Xiaobai's thoughts, she looked at Xiaobai, and said softly, "Let's have a meal together at noon."

Sister Yun Jing kindly invites her, and it is hard for her to refuse.

Xiaobai nodded slowly.

Lunch is at a time-honored restaurant not far from the paper mill.

The predecessor of the restaurant was a state-owned restaurant. A year ago, the manager of the restaurant took the restaurant down and made it private, but the chef remained the same and the taste remained the same.

At the entrance of the hotel, Lan Shu waited for Xiao Bai to park the bicycle together, while Zhang Yunjing went in first to arrange a private room.

The two of them parked the car, walked into the hotel lobby, and were about to go to the private room in the backyard, when they suddenly heard the direction of the corner of the hotel lobby, and someone mentioned the name that caught their attention instantly—

"Yunjie, you are so kind-hearted that you will be manipulated by that **** Lan Shu!"

"More than three hundred yuan~ it all went into her pocket!"

"Yunjie, you must be very good to me in the future, I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."

Before Li Xiumei finished speaking, she found Xu Yunjie who was sitting opposite her at the dinner table looked up slightly, showing a surprised and then guilty expression.

Not long ago, Xu Yunjie calmed down his girlfriend's emotions, and it was just in time for noon, so he took Li Xiumei to have a meal at the outer door.

He didn't expect that they would be able to meet Lan Shu and the boy next to her who was not easy to mess with at first glance, at least he was a boy who couldn't beat him with his hands!

"Yunjie?" Li Xiumei didn't know what happened yet.

Immediately afterwards, she heard a slightly familiar voice behind her—

"Xu Yunjie, tell me again, when we divorced, how much did you pay me back? Is it only more than three hundred yuan?"

Lan Shu said, standing in front of Xu Yunjie and Li Xiumei's dining table with a half-smile.

Xiao Bai was right next to her, a shoulder distance away from him. As long as there was any movement on Xu Yunjie's side, he would be able to push him down immediately!

Aside, Li Xiumei heard the voice and turned around abruptly!

The next second, she saw a woman wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans, with long hair naturally scattered on her shoulders, and her simple dress set off her temperament, which even looked a little foreign.

Li Xiumei was startled, and after a closer look, she realized that this woman was actually Lan Shu!

The last time she saw Lan Shu in the shopping mall, she was a very rural woman, wearing ill-fitting clothes and dressed in a rustic way.

But now that I haven't seen her for a few days, Lan Shu's image has changed a lot!

At this moment, she doesn't look like a rural person at all...

But even so, Li Xiumei can't forget Lan Shu's evil deeds!

She frowned, and when she faced Lan Shu, there was disgust in her eyes, "What do you mean?!"

Lan Shu saw Xu Yunjie's face was ugly, her mouth was tightly shut, and she obviously didn't intend to explain, she sneered, and then shifted her gaze to Li Xiumei.

"It seems that Xu Yunjie didn't tell you the truth. When we divorced, I took 700 yuan. It's just that he didn't give me the money, but he returned it to our family."

Lan Shu's voice paused for a moment, and then continued to speak under Li Xiumei's puzzled gaze.

"Do you think all the tuition expenses for his two years of college can be paid by the poor Xu family who sold him to our family?"

Although Lan Shu didn't go into too much detail, what she said confirmed what was said in the previous newspaper article that their marriage was just a tool used by Xu Yunjie to go to school.

Hearing Lan Shu's words, Li Xiumei's eyes widened in disbelief.

At this moment, she found that Xu Yunjie didn't stand up to argue at all!

Is this all true? !

But Xu Yunjie has only graduated for one year, so where does he have 700 yuan? !

That is, all his wages combined are not enough!

So the rural woman in front of her must be lying!

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiumei heard Lan Shu ask Xu Yunjie—

"Xu Yunjie, have you paid off the money you borrowed from your colleagues in the factory? The cost of falling in love is not small, or is your new girlfriend so considerate that you only fall in love and don't cost you a penny?"

"Borrowing money?!" Li Xiumei was startled, and then she suddenly turned her head to look at Xu Yunjie.

"You really borrowed money from others, and now you owe money?"

Li Xiumei can't believe it!

It is not a trivial matter to owe money in this era, and people who owe money will be looked down upon by others!

Her boyfriend turned out to be that kind of person?

(end of this chapter)