Chapter 279 Pig Raising

Ten minutes later, the bicycle and sewing machine were moved to the tractor, and Tang Chu followed Lan Dazhuang out of the gate of Tang's courtyard and got into a shiny black car.

As the car drove away, the tractor also 'chug...' away.

The relatives of the Tang family were left watching the old lady Tang cursing in the yard, yelling that her granddaughter was a wolf-eyed and heartless.

Some of the few relatives were talking in low voices, "In the early Tang Dynasty, you can sit in a car when you get married. It seems that you are married well!"

"That's for sure! I heard that the other party gave a bride price of 500 yuan, and there are three more things."

"Even if the three major items are taken away by Tang Chu's cousin, there are still five hundred yuan~ The old lady is a little greedy."

"The old lady is short-sighted. Someone who can marry in a car must be in good condition. If it were me, I would definitely establish a good relationship with my in-laws. If I encounter problems in the future, I will ask the other party for help, which is better than asking for money now."


The onlooker is clear, and many people can understand things, but it is a pity that Mrs. Tang only recognizes the immediate interests.

In her opinion, if her granddaughter gets married, she is just throwing water out. It will not be easy to get benefits from her granddaughter in the future.

And what she is doing now is to severely offend the Lan family who could have brought their Tang family to prosperity!

In the future, the two families will have nothing to do with each other except for going around during the holidays—

On the other side, on the way back to Tianshui Village.

Master Zhang was running in front in his Santana, and Lan Sibo was behind on the tractor, besides Lan Weicheng, Xu Shan, and Lan Xinya, there were also bicycles and sewing machines.

Fortunately, the pull plate hanging behind the tractor is relatively spacious, so it does not appear crowded.

Lan Xinya stood on the tractor, looked at the black car in front, and compared with the tractor she was sitting on now, driving through the dirt road in the village, filled with dust and smog all the way, Lan Xinya's mood became worse and worse!

Lan Weicheng next to him could see the displeasure of his adopted daughter, so he decided to say something to divert his adopted daughter's attention.

So Lan Weicheng asked Lan Sibo who was driving a tractor, "Second nephew, you drive a tractor well."

"That is." Lan Sibo replied, "Last month I drove a tractor to the county town to help my elder brother with work."

Speaking of driving a tractor, Lan Sibo felt a little complacent. He learned all afternoon and was able to master the technique of driving a tractor with ease. His learning ability is really strong~!

After hearing Lan Sibo's words, Lan Xinya realized that the young man driving the tractor in front was her blood brother.

Regarding the situation of the Lan family in the countryside, Lan Xinya went there with her parents yesterday, and she has already met the eldest and second child of the Lan family.

She knows that the Lan family has three brothers, so this is the third brother of the Lan family, right?

Thinking that she was about to go back to see the unfamiliar family members of that family, Lan Xinya decided to let herself know a little bit about the three brothers of the Lan family.

So Lan Xinya hesitated for a moment, and asked Lan Sibo.

"What do your brothers do?"

In one sentence, 'your family' don't mention your birthright!

Lan Sibo frowned immediately after hearing this.

Although he heard from his second brother that his sister disliked the family, the feeling he saw with his own eyes was completely different from what he had heard from his second brother!

On the tractor, Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan heard Lan Xinya talking to their cousin's second child so distantly, the couple wanted to preach to Lan Xinya.

But Lan Sibo's voice sounded first.

"What is your family? You are my sister, and our family will be yours in the future."

Lan Sibo already knew that his own sister hated the family, so he deliberately said this to let Lan Xinya understand that she has nothing to do with their family!

As for what Lan Xinya asked, Lan Sibo replied after a little thought—

"My eldest brother usually farms in the village, and the second brother is better off. After leaving the village, he works as a doctor in a hospital outside. As for me..."

Lan Sibo turned his head and glanced at Lan Xinya, "What do you think I do?"

"How do I know what you do?" Lan Xinya frowned.

Just now the third son of the Lan family said that their home is hers, and she doesn't like to hear that!

Now that the other party speaks to her in such a familiar tone, in Lan Xinya's eyes, Lan Sibo is a stranger, deliberately trying to get close to her!

So her first reaction was to keep her distance.

Seeing that Lan Xinya didn't answer his words, Lan Sibo was not angry, he replied softly, "I help people raise pigs."

He is in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and his job is to research and breed hybrid pigs, so it is not a lie to say that he raises pigs.

After finishing speaking, Lan Sibo turned his head to look at Lan Xinya again, almost without much surprise, he saw a disgusted expression on Lan Xinya's face.

This sister is really...

let him down.

Lan Sibo smiled wryly. He thought he was about to see his own sister, but he still had expectations and joy, but now those emotions have all been transformed into indescribable words.

On the tractor, Lan Xinya heard that the third son of the Lan family raised pigs, of course she hated it!

Pigs are so dirty and smelly, and the people who raise them will inevitably smell disgusting.

Although she didn't smell any peculiar smell from the third son of the Lan family at the moment, when she heard his work, Lan Xinya couldn't help but think of the third son of the Lan family covered in pig feces in her mind.

She felt that she should stay away from this blue blog, so as not to get dirty things on her body.

So along the way, Lan Xinya didn't speak any more, and Lan Sibo was also silent.

Although Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan knew that Xinya's behavior just now was not very polite, but based on their understanding of their daughter, they couldn't force their daughter to get close to her family.

Xinya herself could not accept that she was not their own. Once the couple persuaded her to get along with her brother too much, Xinya would only feel that they would push her away.

In order to avoid counterproductive consequences, let’s take one step at a time.

The tractor drove into Tianshui Village and stopped at the gate of Lan's house.

Lan Sibo jumped off the tractor, and said to the uncle and aunt Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan, "I'll go in and help first."

Then diameter into the house.

At this moment, Lan Dazhuang had already entered the house with his wife, and the firecrackers were crackling in the courtyard, surrounded by neighbors.

Just now everyone watched the bride enter the door, now waiting for the wedding ceremony to start, the atmosphere is quite lively.

When Lan Sibo arrived at home, he met his second brother first, and then listened to his parents' arrangements, helping to move tables and set up stools in the yard, and after the wedding ceremony, he would also invite neighbors from the village to have a meal .

Behind, Lan Weicheng, Xu Shan and his wife brought Lan Xinya into the gate of Lan's courtyard.

Feeling the lively surroundings, Lan Weicheng pushed the elbow of his adoptive daughter beside him, "Go to the main room, meet your parents, and say hello."

This is the most basic polite question when you come to someone else's house.

Lan Xinya knew that she could not escape being in contact with those people, so she took a deep breath, with a resigned expression, and walked towards the main house of the Lan family with heavy steps.

Looking like that is incompatible with the lively atmosphere of the Lan family today—

(end of this chapter)