Chapter 429 Think it over

When the Lan family, Lan Dazhuang, Tang Chu, and the old couple rushed over after hearing the news, they saw Junjun with a pale face, and he had already fallen asleep in the back seat of Lanshu's car.

At this moment, Tang Chu couldn't help but cry, but his crying was full of fear and joy of regaining his loss.

Lan Dazhuang also raised his hand to wipe the tears on his face. He finally let go of his heavy heart these days.

Chang Chunfang and Lan Shengli saw that their grandson was safe and sound, and Lan Shengli's heart that has been hanging over him can be regarded as settled.

And Chang Chunfang wanted to go over to see her grandson, but was stopped by Tang Chu who was holding back his crying—

"The child is asleep, so don't disturb him." When Tang Chu spoke, his voice was deep and cold, and he didn't even look at Chang Chunfang.

She refused the child's grandma to approach the child. Although Lan Dazhuang felt that something was wrong, he did not stop it.

He knew that his wife was frightened this time!

His mother lost the child, it is understandable for the daughter-in-law not to forgive for a while.

In the future, slowly, everything will pass...

As soon as the people from the Lan family arrived, Xiao Bai also rushed over by car.

He brought 10,000 yuan in cash as Lan Shu said.

Lan Shu took the money and handed it directly to the county law enforcement team who stayed at the scene to investigate the situation later.

"Please help me transfer the 10,000 yuan to Hu's Second Hand, and tell him that luckily the child is fine, and he only needs to stay in prison for a few years, otherwise, if something goes wrong with the child, he will never think about it for the rest of his life." Already!"

Although Lan Shu's voice was not loud, but her tone made people listen to it, and she couldn't help but feel chills in her heart. No one would doubt that she would not do what she said.

Lan Dazhuang watched his little sister offer 10,000 yuan to traffickers. Although he disagreed, he knew it was because his little sister kept her word.

Thinking that the younger sister spent money to help him find a son, Lan Dazhuang immediately opened his mouth.

"Little sister, I will transfer the 10,000 yuan to you later."

"No need." Lan Shu shook her head.

"I asked the TV station to do the advertisement for the missing person notice, and I set the price for the promised remuneration, so I can just pay the money. I am also the child's aunt, so it is only natural to help find the child."

Lan Shu doesn't care about gaining or losing 10,000 yuan, as long as her family is safe.

Lan Dazhuang understands his little sister's character, as long as it is something she decides, there is no room for change.

So Lan Dazhuang didn't mention the matter of transferring money to the younger sister.

But the ten thousand yuan, he kept it in his heart!

This is not only the younger sister's concern for her nephew, but also the brother-sister relationship for him, the elder brother!

He won't say anything nice, in short, he will find an opportunity to repay the younger sister double in the future!

A day later, in the hospital, all of Junjun's physical examination reports came out.

Lan Xiuming personally conducted various inspections on his nephew, and confirmed that the child had no other injuries except for the excessive content of benzodiazepines in his body.

The side effects of benzodiazepines are headaches and fatigue.

After giving Junjun a drip, the side effects on Junjun gradually subsided.

During this process, Tang Chu guarded his son almost every step of the way.

The old couple Chang Chunfang and Lan Shengli wanted to get closer, but Lan Dazhuang persuaded them to go back.

"Father, Mom, please give my wife more time alone with the children..."

Lan Dazhuang could see that his daughter-in-law rejected him.

In order not to make his mother too sad, Lan Dazhuang directly blocked his father!

This will also make his mother feel less targeted by her daughter-in-law.

In the ward, Lan Shu saw this scene, she was not surprised.

She was not in a hurry to return to the capital. Since she was back this time, she planned to stay for a few more days, at least until the family affairs came to an end.

The 'event' Lan Shu mentioned was not only about her nephew being abducted, but also about the subsequent impact on the family.

Tang Chu's hurt feelings and the subsequent development of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law made Lan Shu, a member of the family, have to worry about it.

Although she is very busy in her career, these things happen to the people she cares about, so she will put her heart into it.

As long as she has a weak relationship with the Lan family, she won't care about these things.

Then, the follow-up development of the matter was just as Lan Shu had expected at the beginning. His nephew Junjun stayed in the hospital for three days before he was discharged. After that, Tang Chu brought his son back to Qingyang County.

Tang Chu and Lan Dazhuang bought a house in Qingyang County a long time ago. On weekdays, because of work, Tang Chu most often lives in his home in Qingyang County.

Now, because of her mother-in-law's carelessness, she lost her son. Even if the son is lost and recovered, she will no longer be able to get along with her mother-in-law as peacefully as before.

So Tang Chu didn't plan to go back to Tianshui Village!

After she settled down at home in the county seat, she immediately went to the garment factory and handed in her resignation.

Lan Shu found out about Tang Chu's resignation through other secretaries in the factory.

Tang Chu is now the first secretary in the factory. Let alone her monthly salary and annual year-end bonus, Lan Shu plans to hand over the factory to Tang Chu to manage this matter. Passed the breath for the first time.

Now that Tang Chu resigned, he lost not only a job, but also a great career in the future.

Lan Shu wanted to persuade Tang Chu to think carefully.

So she went to her elder brother's home in the county seat and chatted with Tang Chu.

"Lan Shu, I've thought about this matter very clearly."

Knowing the intention of her boss and sister-in-law, Tang Chu immediately expressed her determination.

She has made up her mind about resigning.

Lan Shu nodded, she could understand Tang Chu's thoughts, and she could also see Tang Chu's persistence.


"Have you ever thought about taking care of the children at home full-time after resigning? This matter may be more difficult than working." Lan Shu reminded.

Some people can be organized at work, but if they take care of children, they may be in a hurry and unable to do the job.

Chang Chunfang knows how to take care of children because she has already taken care of several children and is already used to it.

But Tang Chu didn't have much experience in raising children.

Hearing this, Tang Chu shook his head, "I can accept my own child no matter what. Although I know that raising a child is not an easy task, I am already prepared."

Tang Chu sighed and continued.

"Besides, Junjun is almost four years old, and he is going to learn some things slowly. It is most suitable for me to take it with me at this time."

Lan Shu knew that the so-called raising children in Tang Chu was different from Chang Chunfang's raising children.

Chang Chunfang just brought up the child by her side, but Tang Chu's philosophy may be closer to her own.

After all, the child is older, and it is time to pay attention to education later.

Seeing that Tang Chu thought so thoroughly, Lan Shu stopped persuading him.

"In this case, I agree with your resignation, but when Junjun gets older, if you want to resume work, you can tell me anytime." Lan Shu said.

Tang Chu has worked in a garment factory for so many years. It can be said that he watched the garment factory start. Lan Shu still needs her ability, so she promised that she could resume work at any time.

This is not only because Tang Chu is her sister-in-law, ability is the key.

(end of this chapter)