Chapter 452 Worthy

Lan Xinya came back after 7:30 in the evening.

She closed the clothing store at seven o'clock, as usual, and went home after eating in a small restaurant near the mall.

She herself is full, and she doesn't care whether Chang Chunfang in her family has eaten.

Lan Xinya clearly remembered that before Chang Chunfang came, her father Lan Shengli said on the phone that Chang Chunfang would bring living expenses when he came.

So Chang Chunfang already has living expenses, so of course I don't have to worry about her food.

If I don't go back to eat, I'm already saving Chang Chunfang money.

So when Chang Chunfang finally expected her daughter to come back, she was told by her daughter that she had already had dinner outside.

This made Chang Chunfang slightly startled—

Then she looked down at the fried vegetables and rice porridge on the table, and was silent for a while.

In the end, she could only eat by herself...

Because it was a meal for two people, Chang Chunfang couldn't finish it at night, so she had to save it for tomorrow morning.

The next morning, what Lan Xinya ate was the rice porridge that Chang Chunfang had boiled early in the morning, two salted duck eggs, and the last crispy chicken that Chang Chunfang brought from Linjiang City.

But what Chang Chunfang ate was the leftovers and leftovers that she hadn't finished eating last night.

The two sat at the same table for breakfast, but the food they could eat was completely different.

Regarding this scene, Lan Xinya didn't think there was anything wrong.

She thought in her heart that it was only natural for a mother to leave delicious food to her children.

Because Chang Chunfang treated her like this during the few days when she lived in Lan's house.

She knew that Chang Chunfang would treat her well unconditionally, so she didn't think about whether such kindness had a deadline or an end...

After dinner, Lan Xinya got up to go out to the store, but she was stopped by Chang Chunfang before she walked out of the yard.

"Xinya, give me a key to your place. I will lock the door after a while and go out for a stroll and come back to buy some food."

Listening to Chang Chunfang's request, Lan Xinya was stunned!

She never thought of giving Chang Chunfang the key of her house—

To her, Chang Chunfang is an outsider in her own home!

So Lan Xinya frowned slightly, and asked with great reluctance in her heart, "Mom, how long do you plan to stay with me?"

At first, Lan Xinya thought that Chang Chunfang's coming to Kyoto was like she was going to Lan's house from Kyoto to stay for a few days, and after taking a look, she went back.

But Chang Chunfang asked her for the key, which made Lan Xinya feel that it was not what she thought?

Sure enough, the next second she heard Chang Chunfang say, "I plan to stay for a while, you see you didn't eat well in the morning, if I wasn't here, you would be hungry again."

Chang Chunfang didn't understand Lan Xinya's question, because she had a problem with the length of her stay here.

And when she heard that Chang Chunfang was going to stay longer, Lan Xinya frowned even deeper—

"Mom, I usually don't go hungry in the morning. There is a breakfast shop near the shopping mall where I shop. It's very convenient to eat a few buns and have a bowl of porridge."

"Where are the buns outside, where are the buns made at home, are you willing to use materials~!?" Chang Chunfang took the words and continued.

"You like to eat steamed stuffed buns, then mom will go out today to see where you can buy meat, and when she comes back, she will make meaty steamed stuffed buns for you."

Hearing about eating meat buns, Lan Xinya still remembered that when she was at Lan's house, she had eaten Chang Chunfang's big meat buns. It was indeed filled with meat, and it was more delicious than outside ones.

So Lan Xinya hesitated for a while, then went to the house and took out a key, and handed it to Chang Chunfang.

Lan Xinya's reaction, to Chang Chunfang, is equivalent to her daughter agreeing to her staying here for a longer period of time.

Chang Chunfang was very happy, so after Lan Xinya left, when she went out to buy flour, green onions, and meat, she was happy even when she spent money.

When Lan Xinya came back at night, she could smell the smell of meat buns coming from the kitchen from a long distance away.

She specially didn’t eat in the restaurant outside tonight, she just waited to come back to eat steamed stuffed buns~

Sure enough, Chang Chunfang would immediately do as long as she said a word.

Just like now, when she mentioned the meat buns, Chang Chunfang steamed a large pot of meat buns for herself.

Looking at it this way, Lan Xinya was not in a hurry to let Chang Chunfang leave.

After all, there are multiple nannies in the family, and it is a good thing that they can clean and cook for themselves without spending a penny.

So Lan Xinya acquiesced that Chang Chunfang could stay in her house for a while longer.

It's just that Lan Xinya didn't know that Chang Chunfang had limited money left.

Chang Chunfang went out today to buy flour, meat, other vegetables, and soy sauce, and already spent more than ten yuan.

If things go on like this, the remaining 60 yuan in her hand will be enough for at most half a month's expenses.

Although there is not much money in hand, Chang Chunfang is not worried.

She only gave her daughter 1,000 yuan yesterday, and she will ask Xinya for it when the money in her hand is gone.

But Chang Chunfang didn't know that she wanted to get money from Lan Xinya, but it was more difficult than going to heaven!

The money that went into Lan Xinya's hands, is there any reason to spit it out?

So the time she stays at Lan Xinya's house depends on when the money in her hands runs out...

And such a result, before Chang Chunfang came to Kyoto, Lan Shengli in Linjiang City had already expected it.

Lan Shengli gave his wife 1,000 yuan for the so-called living expenses. In fact, he had already guessed that his wife would give the money to Lan Xinya.

When his wife watched her give Xinya money, but Xinya disliked her, it should make his wife feel cold, right?

Lan Shengli felt that it was not a loss to spend 1,000 yuan to let his wife see the facts clearly.

As long as my wife can understand his intentions in the future and know that it is meaningless to pay some people, it will be worth it...

When Chang Chunfang lived in Lan Xinya's house, neither Lan Shu nor Lan Sibo, who worked at the Kyoto Suburban Biological Research Institute, knew that their adoptive mother had come to Kyoto.

As for Tang Chu, she didn't care much about Chang Chunfang's situation.

Since Tang Chu took Junjun to settle in the capital, apart from not being able to see her man often and Junjun not being able to see his father, the mother and son had a pretty good life in other respects.

There are still two months before the Chinese New Year. Tang Chu called her man last night and asked where they will celebrate the New Year this year?

Lan Dazhuang's first reaction in his heart was of course to go back to the village, but he thought of the gap between his wife and his mother, so Lan Dazhuang answered after thinking for a while.

"Daughter-in-law, do you and your son want to celebrate the New Year in Kyoto, or go back to the county?"

He never mentioned the matter of returning to the village.

Tang Chu was very touched that his man gave him such an important right to choose.

She also knew that it was difficult for a dutiful son like her man to make such a choice.

So Tang Chu took a deep breath and replied, "Let's go back to the village during the Chinese New Year. Anyway, we will only stay for two days at most."

Tang Chu had made up his mind that they would go back on New Year's Eve, stay for one day on the first day of the new year, and leave on the second day of the new year.

If her man can make choices for her, then she can also be patient for her man.

(end of this chapter)