1st year Max Level Manager chapter 6

- Volume 1 Episode 6

6. Day 4

The power of an S-class drama writer is beyond imagination.

Not only the Hallyu stars who excite 1 billion Chinese fans, but also big producers and broadcasters are nothing more than Eul in front of S-class drama writers.

It was a great opportunity for writer Lee Ji-yeon, who is unique among such S-class writers, to have an interest in a specific actor.

Writer Lee Ji-yeon is famous for casting the actors she likes in an unconventional way.

"At the site, writer Lee Ji-yeon asked many questions about Eugene. It seems that I am obsessed with Eugene."

But Kim Dong-soo didn't seem to want to listen to me at all.

一It's really ridiculous. Where is the first year judged? Don't think like that, don't judge, just do what you're told, right? Writer Lee Ji-yeon gets a seat every time she pays attention? Youngin

Take care of your work!

Kim Dong-soo did a lot of cleaning without a break.

However, taking care of Joo Young-in is a little more than I thought.

Could it be that Joo Young-in has been interested since then?


Let's not worry about it any more.

After all, my past life came to an end in an instant.

I shook my head to shake off my thoughts.

"First, I will report to the head of our office and go to Namyangju if he permits."

Kim Dong-soo was confused.

-Hey! Why is Mr. Koo's story here?

One o'clock is urgent, but I don't have time to keep talking like this.

uh? The author is calling. I will quit~. I'm sorry.

-Uh, where's my phone...


I heard profanity over the handset

But, my mentality doesn't waver like this anymore.

I immediately called Guo Guo-cheol, the director of the Actor 2 Room to which I belong, and explained the situation so far.

-You said that Jin-yi was attracted to writer Lee Ji-yeon? Hey~, our youngest did a great job! Oh, and chew on the instructions of Director Kim. Whose bastard dare you come and go? In the future, on-site work should be done first, report later. know?

Chief. I love you!

-Oh~. I love you too, our youngest.

Director Koo, who had a personality like an activist, generously accepted my words.

However, the schedule for Smile has not changed yet.

The clogged Gangdong-daero is like my heart.

In the end, I decided to use a different method.

* * *

-Hey. Don't you know that if you make a prank call to the police station, you will be arrested? Track your location right now...


"Heh heh. Has the law changed? Can 112 even track my location?"

I called the police station and falsely reported that a thief had entered Miso's house.

A small child is hiding under the bed and trembling in fear.

I wondered if the police would protect me, but the police who answered the phone immediately realized that I did not live in Cheonho-dong.

I was surprised to find out that the location was tracked and put him in a detention center immediately, so he hung up the phone.

Then second.

This time, it is the national hero 119.

Truly Lulu.


- Hello?

He said, holding his nose at the friendly counselor's voice.

"Honey. For living at XX Cheonho-dong. I think it smells like gas around here. me on the second floor

I think it is."

- Don't call pranks. 119 is tracked. You are at the southern end of Gangdong Bridge. It looks like you're coming down from the Guri direction... .

But now I can't back down either.

"Oh, it's true! Because my cousin sent me a chat about a strange gas smell? Even if you ask me to pay the fine later, I'll pay it, so go check it out! Yes? please!

In spite of my earnest request, the 119 counselor answered with bluntness.

-A fine will be charged to the address of the caller. If you bring me a bill later, take it with you. If you pay late, you will be charged a penalty.


The phone is disconnected.

Korea must be such a messed up place.

But I didn't give up and called elsewhere.

This time it's an errand center.

"Hey, Madangbal errand center, right? The location is XX in Cheonho-dong. thing

A little kid who lives in Ki... Yes? I'm not kidnapping! It's real! Don't call the police! Isn't it? Oh, that's crazy!"

I was treated like crazy.

I hung up the phone to report it to the police.

Why is everyone so strong in law-abiding spirit?

The child is dying!

After barely exiting the Gangdong Bridge, I parked my car nearby and pulled out an electric quick board from the trunk.

But no helmet.

I can't help it.

Even if you pay a fine, I'll go, smile!

* * *

Arrived at Miso's house.

Ugh! Whoops!"

Because of the snow that had fallen since 500m left, I ran with a quick board.

It felt like my heart would explode.

After crossing the low wall, I jumped up to the second floor.

The front door was open, so I went inside and smiled.

"Mi, smile!"

uh? Uncle Yuno!"

A smile opened her eyes and greeted me.

He has such a cute appearance that he can be a child actor because he resembles Eugene.

When I saw something, I combed my hair finely and put it in two braids, in the living room.

In the middle, he was touching the Christmas tree.

Although it is a toy tree that is only about 30cm tall, it is sold at a stationery store, but it was put together with cotton and luminous stickers, so it took a lot of effort.

"Smile. you were in kindergarten Why are you here?"

I approached Miso with the most gentle attitude to hide my urgent feelings.

I have to take him out, but it's difficult if I get scared and cry.

"That's it, um No, Aunt Surf

I'm going to give you a rise party! My aunt loves Christmas so much! After making all these, I went back to kindergarten and tried to wait."

The smile on his face was full of an innocent smile.

Anyway, I hope you didn't get hurt.

okay. Then, shall I go see my aunt with my uncle?"

"Do I have to make all of these?"

"Then let's take the tree and go out and make it. I'll buy you a lot of luminous stickers to put on the tree. You can make it in the car. Is not it?

At that moment, the smell of gas was faintly felt.

Time was running out.

A worried smile stretched out her thumb and index finger.

I see. Then buy two shiny stickers! Big one!"

then. If we ask for a smile, what can't we do? I'll buy you three big ones. And as soon as I leave, I talk on the phone with my aunt and the manager. how?


Then a smile took my hand.

As I went out with a smile, I started to smell the rotten onion stench.

The gas seems to have come up from the first floor with the wind.

As I was walking with a smile, I had an ominous feeling that I would be late.

I bent my knees to go with a smile.

"Our smile. Will your uncle take you on the plane?"


With a bright smile, I raise my hands

and wrapped around my neck.

After holding the smile in his arms, he smiled broadly so as not to be surprised by the smile.


"Yeah, vreung vureung

In response to the smile, he cautiously headed to the first floor.

When we arrived on the first floor, the smell of gas started to be strong.

Uncle. It smells weird!"

"Smile. sorry. Uncle Farted Would you like to cover your nose?"

"Adler. ????????????????"

Smile covered her nose with both hands.

yes it is

I also covered my nose and headed for the gate.

When I saw the rusty iron door, I didn't dare to open it easily.

Because there was a fear that sparks would explode and cause an explosion.

But it couldn't be like this.

I clenched my teeth and put a smile on my chest

After wrapping it up, I slowly opened the door.

cut profit.

The sound of the iron door opening was as loud as thunder.

Don't explode.

Please, I begged several times not to hurt even a smile.

And the moment the door opened.

I took a stance to throw myself out.

But it was then.

人 人G 丁 一 - 千

In front of the door, a heavily armed 119th person in protective clothing was wearing a mask and looking at me with harsh breathing sounds.

"Did anyone report it?"

"Heh heh,

At the end of the day, my heart was about to fall.

"Aren't you the one who reported it?"

Yes! Yes! I reported it. I can pay the fine over there, so I'm in there right now...

female . I came here just in case, but the gas level is very high. Please evacuate over there quickly."

When I turned my head, a barrier had already been installed on the road and an evacuation operation had begun.

The best firefighters in Korea!

You said bluntly on the phone, but in reality they are dispatched.

tears cover my face

beep profit.


A loud whistle echoed throughout the alley.

"Everyone shut up. old man there. It's dangerous, so step back."

"The gas concentration is high, so don't go beyond this. uh huh! There students! Don't approach it, so yes!

Eight fire engines were dispatched to the Cheonho-dong residential area to introduce people.

The narrow alleyways resembled a market street.

As I was following the evacuation ship, I heard the sound of taking pictures from somewhere.

click click.

"Look here! Are you saying that that person over there is the one who reported it?"

I turned my head to see the face of the person taking the picture.

for a moment.

Is this man reporter Jang Moon-gi?

Prior to his return, he was the editor-in-chief of Weekly Star, where Minji Gu was a reporter.

Reporter Jang Moon-gi will become the editor-in-chief of Weekly Star in about five years, and is a notorious person who will not fall out of any distortion or fabrication articles.

It seems that he ran into a commotion while filming a nearby girl group broadcast, but it didn't bother him at all.

"Hey, look at this. Yes~. great.

click click.

It's a photo to be put on the gossip column, but I take it hard.

A smile wrinkled his eyes at the flashing flashes, giving him an uncomfortable expression.

"Hey, uncle. My eyes hurt."

At the grunt of a smile, I unknowingly stung.

"Oh, reporter. Be careful with the flash. What is this thing doing in front of a child's face?"

As I raised my voice, reporter Jang Moon-gi lowered the camera.

"Ike. Sorry. So, should we stop taking pictures and do an interview? If you interview me, I will give you a cultural gift certificate."

Moongi Jang smiled and took out a paper bag.

Either way, whether you receive this or not, it is certain that the article will go out.

It is heartbreaking that a photo of him leaving the scene was taken, but there is nothing he can do about it.

A reporter from the entertainment department who has no concept of portrait rights

If I ask him, only his mouth hurts.

If possible, I should rip some more cultural gift vouchers and buy Miso a bunch of stickers.

"Isn't an interview basically two gift certificates?"

Reporter Jang Moon-gi smiled awkwardly.

"Ahaha. The company's situation is a bit difficult these days... "

"Ah, then the interview is over."

"Oh no! Why are you in such a hurry? You have to listen to Korean. I mean, even if it's difficult. ruler.

here. Two sheets."

It's not two 100,000 won bills, but two 50,000 won bills, but it's a great color.

Then, since I am busy, I will respond to the interview in 5 minutes. Make sure you do some mosaics."

"Hey! do not worry. One of the things this Jang Mun-gi is is a thorough person, I."

you're funny

Reporter Jang Mun-ki, who sticks out his stomach while squeezing his chest, is nicknamed 'Swordsman'.

You say you change your face so well.

Anyway, I was a person who wouldn't blink an eye even after posting a false article, so I accepted the interview as unobtrusive as possible.

* * *

"You do it all the way here."

"Hey. Have you ever done an interview? The knight waku falls hard to fit,

Are you someone who works in the same industry?"

When the interview was over, Moongi Jang stuck out his tongue.


"Then no matter what kind of broadcasting industry "

I left Mun-gi Jang to do more interviews, and put a smile on my back.

"Smile. Hold on tight?"

Huh! Uncle.

Cheonho-dong with pure white snow

I ran towards the van with the Lisma Tree and the electric quick board.

As soon as I felt the breath of a smile sticking to my back, something swelled up in my chest.

In an instant, tears welled up in my eyes.

uh? Uncle are you crying? why?

"Oh, no. smile I have eyes in my eyes, yes. It's all water from melted snow."

,go. like that.

Smile stretched out her right hand and wiped the tears from my eyes.


-T -T

Hehe. It's done."

The moment the water in his eyes disappeared, the smile made a proud expression.

I smiled at that smile.

He defied fate and asked for a smile, but he was not afraid of even the slightest bit of fear.

Even if this changed the fates of Miso and Eugene, unlike before, I was confident that I would do well.

I also have a diary with my future schedule written on it.

ruler~. Then we depart. Princess. Boo-boo-boo-boo!"

"Hey haha. Tomb of Uncle Yuno. hahaha."

The clear laughter of a smile was warmly caressing my heart as if it was about to explode.