1st year Max Level Manager chapter 34

- Volume 2 Episode 9

34. Time of Choice 1

-I heard a report that Junwoo Choi has been going to and from Club BLUE every day since the end of last year. So I hid. Now that the prosecution has secured CCTV, everything will come out.

According to Jang Moon-ki, there is a high possibility that Choi Jun-woo will appear in Club BLUE today.

It was then.

Team leader Oh Deok-gu, who greeted the on-site staff, came to me while tying up his clothes.

"Ugh. cold. What are you doing?"

Oh. Writer Lee Ji-yeon's new casting proposal is a concern."

Yes? Can't we just find the reporter who was at the scene and ask for some information about Choi Jun-woo?"

"I didn't give it."

Hey. It could be a rumor. Don't suffer for nothing, just use this writer's script. I read it too, and I really liked this writer's script."

Of course, the script is good.

If I didn't know the circumstances, I would have chosen Lee Ji-yeon's script with ease.

"Oh, Chief. Can Eugene take me to the last party today?"

"Are you going to miss the party?"


After thinking for a while, team leader Oh Deok-gu gave me a piece of advice.

be careful. Don't do anything to get caught. A lot of people look up to you these days."

That's it, no one knows better than me.

As the first year suddenly comes up, there is a saying that the CEO takes care of it himself, but it is natural for the number of people to be jealous and jealous.

Our two-room seniors who trust us without saying a word are unusual.

"Thank you for always caring."

"It's something to be thankful for that I take care of my adjutant."

Team leader Oh Deok-gu, who said it was natural, added a word to the old woman.

"Instead, if we don't receive any special information today, let's follow the will of our superiors, Yunho. You've been doing well so far, but don't go in vain because you're sloppy. Huh?

All right.

Again, it is unreasonable to persuade with words alone without any evidence.

"Kaaaaaa! Well done everyone. It was great. Eunyoung Mr. Eugene."

The filming of Eugene's first drama has finally come to an end.

Thank you.

"Mr. Eugene. great job.

thank you.

After filming, the actors started receiving flowers from the staff.

In the second half of the drama, Yoo Jin-yi, whose acting shines, was treated like a lead role.

Seeing her smiling broadly, my heart swelled and I couldn't do anything.

As soon as she debuted, she was destined to be cut by Writer Lee Ji-yeon, but until the 26th episode, she was the main supporting actor in 6 episodes!

I also got an ad there, and I got an S rank.

Writers Lee Ji-yeon and Kim Sol-ip, who are classified as

Eugene's life, which had almost turned into darkness, was shining brightly.

Yes, I came back to see this.

But from now on, it's real.

Going up is one way, but coming down is one way, because this is the entertainment industry.

So we can never let him get entangled with Choi Jun-woo.

Leaving behind the applause of the staff, Eugene is holding a handful of flowers.

I walked towards Lee.

brother. How was my performance?"

tell me what do you do

it's just light

I took the bouquet instead and gave a thumbs up.

"It was great."

At my compliment, Eugene smiled bashfully.

"Oh, and this is a gift."

,thing? what?

Heart Mo as a commemoration of receiving a bonus

I bought a sheep's pendant.


"Are you a couple?"

Yes. Smile and do one with you. I bought it because I thought it would be okay if we put pictures of each other inside."

Inside the heart-shaped silver pendant, there was a space the size of a thumb for a picture of Jin-yi and Miso.

"It's pretty, but isn't it expensive?"

Nope. it's cheap And I wish you all the best in the future."

Me too.

Eugene smiled brightly and nodded her head.

But tears welled up in the boy's eyes.

I want to cry with everything.

But for nothing, I turned my body around because the tip of my nose wrinkled.

"Okay then, Chief. Please take good care of Eugene."

uh. effort.

Eugene asks what are you talking about.

Where are you going? You said you have a meeting soon?"

"I have some urgent business."

"Then, even if you are late, please come to the party. Korean beef today!"

Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've eaten Korean beef.


I was salivating without realizing it.

Even before returning home, he was lying in the hospital, unable to eat porridge, and survived on sap.

After returning home, the only meat he ate was a can of Jangjorim and beef soup rice that Eugene ate at home.

But he forced himself to turn around and Choi Jun-woo

Headed to Club BLUE where may appear.


This resentment for not eating Korean beef must be resolved by Choi Jun-woo instead.

* * *

In front of BLUE Club in the basement of Le Cor Hotel in Gangnam.

Oh really. Don't push."

"Are you sure that ZIZAK oppas are coming today?"

"You said you already came and booked a room? Singsingi oppa sent me a picture. look.

A group of young women in miniskirts and long coats is an expression reminded of the story of an idol group called ZIZAK.

Another group of young men were excited about having a birthday party.

"Don't you think it's time to buy some style today?"

"That's not true."

"Hey, be careful with the way you talk! Do you wear military tea?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry. Sgt. Choi, no, my brother."

But, I'm sorry.

Judging from his sports hair and tone of voice, he is a soldier just by looking at him, but he will probably be cut off at the entrance.

I moved my car to the alley near the entrance to the Le Cor Hotel parking lot, not to the entrance of Club BLUE, which was crowded with people.

If it's Junwoo Choi, I'll take the VIP elevator in the hotel and go down to the club.


I turned off the engine at the entrance to the hotel parking lot and waited for Jun-woo Choi to come.

It was an hour and two hours had passed.

snuggle up.

Choi Jun-woo's blue Lamborghini was seen coming into the parking lot of Le Cor Hotel.


I was worried about what would happen if he didn't come, but it must have been nothing.


First, I took a picture.

I wanted to go inside the club, but I changed my mind.

Because there was someone who was good at solving this case.

* * *

Oh. Mr. X. Do you know that the scoop comes out when you scratch it?"


After being called to the editor-in-chief's office, reporter Jang Moon-ki threw the diary on the desk, unable to contain his anger.

"Reporter Jang. Why again?"

Reporter Yang Joo-seong, who was a classmate, pulled out the chair and asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Mr. . He asks if you don't bring a scoop, but if you're frustrated

Did he run on his feet? After having the editor-in-chief, it is published once every three days."

"It is said that the company is in the red these days. hey, you're better I'm peeing every day."

Although we are in a difficult situation together, Jang Mun-gi is relieved for some reason when he hears that his motive is suffering even more.

"Reporter Yang. Do you have any sauce?"

Reporter Yang Joo-seong said as if he remembered it.

"These days, it seems that Park Eun-bin, a TK enter, is very skeptical about not being able to act.

Why don't you rob it and get some pocket money? Doesn't TK throw a lot of money here and there? Go and get some food."

Hey. what kind of special is that You get paid to write articles."

"Huh. A scoop is a scoop if you add a single word to it. Is the special special? Just write go."

"You write wild knights as much as you do, man."

Jang Moon-gi sighed and looked at Yang Joo-seong with a pitiful expression.

"Reporter Yang. Why don't we go get some soju instead? How are you feeling today?"

it's okay. Don't you think I'm like a bachelor like you?

"Great. Yang Zhu-seong is all dead. Is your wife that scary?"

"You should get married too, ma'am."

Old bachelor Jang Moon-gi grumbled again, saying he was full.

"I should buy a beer at the convenience store by myself. I go first."

It was when Jang Mun-gi got up from his seat because he was at home.


Ringing on the public telephone of the reporter

it rang

After receiving the call, Manager Park Bong-doo called Lee Hae-ga Jang Moon-gi.

"Hey, reporter Jang. Lee's informant with a perverted voice is looking for you. Come on and get it."


"It's a big case. You never told me what it was."

"Stop, don't stop!"

Reporter Jang Moon-gi picked up the intercom in his seat.

- Honey? Jang Mun-gi gijanga?

It was said that it sounded like a pervert, but the man was making a loud noise with his nose blocked.

There is a high possibility that it was a prank call, but the reporter's sense today was saying that it was not.

Seeing that he was forcibly hiding his voice, there was a possibility that he was a whistleblower with a desire to hide his identity.

After receiving the intercom, Jang Moon-gi signaled to Manager Park Bong-doo to hang up while holding the handset.

However, Manager Park Bong-doo ignored Jang Moon-gi's hand signal.

"Informant. Wait. May I record it?"

- That's a bit difficult, isn't it?

"Then I will prepare something to write."

Moon-gi Jang put his hand on the transmitter and began to stare at Manager Bong-doo Park with a stern eye.

"Chief. Are you going to put down the intercom?"

Manager Park Bong-doo coughed and said.

Hey. it's special Let's share some."

It's not possible. You have to save money to get married."

"Ji". A new bastard without a woman. Let your stomach burst by yourself, and eat it."

Yes. I want to do that."


When Manager Bong-Doo Park put down the intercom, Moon-Gi Jang cleared his breath and answered the phone again.

Please speak.

After a while.

Contrary to expectations, the man with the sound of the nose is really giving a large scoop.

there was.

'Amazing, Great!'

Jang Mun-gi's heart was pounding like crazy.

But at the same time, suspicions as a reporter were also raised.

I heard that Gentleman Choi Jun-woo is someone who doesn't drink and doesn't go to clubs, but if there's any evidence...

-I'm sending you a picture now, so please check it.


A photo was found on Jang Moon-gi's phone.

has been sent

A photo of Jun-woo Choi going up through the underground elevator at the club Gangnam BLUE.

Jang Moon-gi, who was aware of the bad rumors circulating in the club Gangnam BLUE these days, wanted a more detailed source.

much more direct and blatant evidence

"You are right, Choi Jun-woo. However, this is not enough. Maybe you're just going out with friends. It is difficult to investigate with this level of...

- Okay? ok yong~. Then, I'll call reporter Joo Kang-yong of 'Celebrity Big News'.

Jang Mun-gi, who was trying to dig for more information, called out urgently.

for a moment. Wait! Cast steel is not allowed! That child sucks! If you get into his ear, you'll ruin everything! I'm leaving right now. Yes! Sure! Even for the sake of social justice, I will definitely dig it up. That kind of dog XX shouldn't exist on Earth. You can even get rid of the color of your underwear. Oh yes. Yes. But the teacher's respect... Yes? A prophet from the future

still? this crazy... Oh no. I didn't tell the teacher. Hello? honey


The phone is disconnected.

"Ah, what a cube!"

There was also a moment of regret that I touched the whistleblower's feelings.

Jang Mun-gi hurriedly went out with only a few belongings.

He was in a hurry to see if he would contact a reporter other than himself.

If the celebrity is Big News reporter Joo Kang-yong

Because you and I are between Cheolcheon Ji-soo.

time limit 30

If he didn't come during that time, he said he would call Joo Kang-yong right away, so there was no time.

"Reporter Jang. Where?

At the words of Manager Park Bong-doo, Jang Moon-ki said without looking back.

"A scoop!"

I couldn't see anything because I heard that top star Choi Jun-woo was using water mulpong.

If you just take a picture, you get a bonus

is it confirmed

* * *

"This man speaks a lot. And how about a prophet from the future?"

I didn't do direct coverage and tried to dig up more information from me, so I sold the name of reporter Joo Kang-yong of Big News.

Reporter Joo Kang-yong, the end-of-human, is a villain who fights with the swordsman Jang Moon-gi.

Because he was famous for not covering fire for money news.

I reported it to reporter Jang Moon-gi, so now I just have to wait.

Then he will come to the scene and take care of mass production of chirashi and entangle the case.

Although it is the worst opponent for an entertainment company, Moonki Jang was the best expert in this field.

The Jangmungi arrived less than 20 minutes before.

He got out of the car and looked around

I stumbled and turned to the parking lot valet.

He pulls something white out of his pocket and stabs it, then talks.

"That little boy. Didn't they give you a cultural gift certificate again?

However, the more he talked with Agent Valet, the brighter Moon-gi Jang's face became.

"Looks like you found something useful."

You can't get information from the police anyway.

Club BLUE had a police officer behind it.

It was then.


Within 30 minutes of entering, Jun-woo Choi's car was coming out.

But in the seat next to him was a woman who was losing her mind.

what? that child? Are you sure you're taking a drunk woman home?