1st year Max Level Manager chapter 93

- Volume 4 Episode 18

93. Aftermath 1

[ ; Moonlight Falls in the Night Sky ] An average of 13.3% according to TNK, a ratings survey agency, a good start!]

[Bold exposure! Hot action! A new transformation of historical drama shown by ; Moonlight Falling in the Night Sky ! A forerunner of a new Hallyu craze with an all-time start!]

[ ; Blue Sky achieved below expectations with 5.9% based on TNK.]

[The first round of the drama war is

Ran Sky Complete Defeat!]

[Does Joo Young-in sit down like this?]

Joo Young-in, who checked the article, frowned.

"Only 5.9%? what? Really?

Team leader Kang Myung-gil, who came early in the morning, comforted her.

"It's common sense that children's stories don't get ratings. You only came out 10 minutes in the second half, so don't worry about articles like this. From episode 2 onwards, it's a real match."

"The number of opponents is over 13%, what is so casual! It's being applied with a double score! now!

Kang Myung-gil, the team leader, was only somber.

This is because they already know that Joo Young-in is moving to Ace Enter.

I'm doing this because of the CEO's special order to take care of it until the last day I stay with the company.

If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have come at all.

"Read some of the other articles. When I see it in person, I just get annoyed."

"I think it's best to just ignore it when you're annoyed "

"Come on!"

Team leader Kang Myung-gil started reading the article titles and best comments on the top 10 articles in the case of entertainment articles.

"I highly recommend the original. Also, the moonlight in the night sky. Han Su-ho's body casa... "

Joo Young-in frowned at the comment on the opposing drama's praise.

"Who wants to read only the other side? Stay there and read our article."

Team leader Kang Myung-gil sighed and started reading the articles and comments of ; Blue Sky .

"Blue sky lacking stimulation, healthy food without MSG?"


"Joo Young-in's rustic costumes are also perfectly digested "

"Since it was 20 years ago, it's only natural that it's old-fashioned! Isn't it?

uh. uh. Yes.

annoying. really. Why did I start this drama?"

Although only one painting was aired, Joo Young-in's stress began to go to the extreme.

He's never been wrong before.

So, I was forced to do it just because it was selected by a lucky manager named Jung Yunho.

But this time, the anxiety that she was relying on the touch too much was shaking her.

'I have to finish the contract with Ace Enter as soon as possible. Otherwise, the ratings might be even worse.'

A cold sweat ran down my back when I thought that I might have failed for the first time.

"Captain Kang."


"Today's schedule. I will go alone."


Yes. So you can go back to work."

When asked to return as soon as they arrived, Myung-Gil Kang replied that he would know, even though he was puzzled.

Anyway, Joo Young-in's arbitrary behavior

Because I'm used to the East.

"Then shall I go first?"

"Is that so?"

At a high pitched sound, Team Leader Kang Myung-gil walked out the door.

At that moment, Joo Young-in calls Kang Gam-chan directly. He announced that he would transfer to Ace Enter right away.

-I get it. Because I decided to look after your convenience anyway.

Representative Kang Gam-chan also gave permission with a disappointing voice.

and that afternoon.

Joo Young-in signed the contract with Ace Enter.

The atmosphere at the shooting site was gloomy.

Although it is said to be the first episode, ; Blue Sky was 5.9%, while the competing films showed twice that result.

On social media, search terms related to "Moonlight Falls in the Night Sky" are overwhelmingly being discussed.

[Real-time search ranking]

No. 1 moonlight in the night sky

#2 Go Eun-young, Yeoju in the Night Sky

#3 The Night Sky Namju Han Su-ho

#4 The Night Sky Original Novel

10. Blue Sky Joo Young-in

Article comments were full of comments such as 'Shooting the show until the end of the moonlight in the night sky' and 'Water-soaked abs of Han Su-ho'.

The atmosphere on the set did not improve at all, so today's filming ended at 9:30.

While driving the car to Seoul, Jin-Yi Yoo belatedly checked the article.

brother. Isn't this a scam?

"It's a scam. No one thought that Han Su-ho would take off his jacket from the first episode."

; Moonlight Falling in the Night Sky is a lunar eclipse

It is the story of a male protagonist, Myeong-wol, who lives in the present day, who goes back hundreds of years ago and meets Eun-wol, a princess of the royal family.

The power of the original Million Pages could not be ignored, but Han Su-ho, a representative celebrity in the entertainment industry, took off his top.

The viewer ratings of the original drama soar as soon as the 'exposure scene' appears.

'From episode 1, how did Han Su-ho win by revealing his upper body and acting?'

Even the battle scenes are in the mid ; Spa

Letacus" came out well.

'After all, it's PD Kim Seong-woon.'

Before the return, ; Moonlight Falls in the Night Sky had a lyrical atmosphere.

However, after PD Kim Seong-woon grabbed the megaphone, the opposite picture emerged.

Episode 1 is action instead of tears.

And thanks to the removal of the top of the popular actor, the ratings have skyrocketed.

It was all because PD Kim Seong-woon knew better than anyone how to raise the ratings.

Eugene with a worried expression

asked again.

"The difference in ratings is too big, is it okay?"

After changing lanes with a left turn blinker, I answered her concerns.

"From today's episode 2, the number of episodes you appear in will increase dramatically, so from then on, the ratings will skyrocket. I'm guessing? Trust me."

Eugene gasped and burst into laughter.

"Ah, brother. What unfounded confidence?"

"You didn't appear in the first episode."

Eugene will appear from episode 2, which will be aired today.

So, I am not responsible for yesterday's ratings.

"Still, the gap widens from the first episode, so I feel a little weak."

"Are you only going to do Joo Young-in? Even though he showed his face in the first half of episode 1, he still looks like this."

It was then.

Writer Sol-ip Kim received a call.

- Can you come over now?

I said yes without saying a word


I don't know what's going on, but it's an unwritten rule to respond immediately to an artist's call.

* * *

April 2.

10 o'clock at night.

; Blue Sky and ; Moonlight in the Night Sky

The time has come for the second confrontation.

SBC main control room.

Unlike yesterday, the director of the drama bureau, let alone an executive, did not come.

manager. The representative won't come today, will you?

"Think about it and live. I saw it yesterday. Would you like to come?"

The employee who questioned the technical team leader's nagging scratched his head.

But at that moment.

The door opens and Jeong Sam-ryong CP appears.

it happened

uh? CP? Didn't you go to the scene?

"If I go to the field, everyone can't ride a long market. now. Everyone, drink some of this and get stronger. It's just the beginning, so why do you want to die here?

At the same time, MBS's ; Moonlight Falls in the Night Sky had a good start, so everyone died.

The fact that Director Lee Ki-do was very annoyed yesterday also had an impact.

Head-scratching crew members were handed a drink and asked a question.

has been thrown

"Didn't PD Kang come with you?"

CP Jeong Sam-ryong laughed at the question from the technical team leader.

"For a while, they didn't even come near the control room. He said he would risk his life on the spot."

"Your opponent is so strong, so tell them to build up your strength. Hee-hee, I don't have anything in particular to say because I only send out "

haha. what kind of talk Who doesn't know that things don't work without you? Eat an energy drink and take a break

If you're going to shout, ask me!

CP Jeong Sam-ryong joked that the drink he bought was 50,000 won per bottle.

Thanks to that, the atmosphere was relaxed a little.

now. As the CP said, let's do our best too!"

Yes. manager.

It was 10 o'clock again.

"Standby. Let's skip the advertisement and start."

The fun screen of the Burger Queen commercial

After leaving, the drama began.

And it's been 5 minutes.

"Dr. Kang. How is the viewer rating per minute going?"

Kang Woo-seong answered the question of Park Sang-geun, the technical team leader.

"Blue Sky, the viewer rating per minute is 4.2%. And the night sky has a rating of 10.5% per minute."

"It's better than yesterday, but a double score is coming out."

This is the moment when your hopes are shattered.

The inside of the main control room began to let out a sigh.

If this goes on, the voices of how much difference it will make today are starting to come out.

However, Jung Sam-ryong CP did not miss one thing.

for a moment. Did you say that the viewer rating per minute was 10.5% over there?"

Yes? Yes. CP."

"I'm sorry, but from now on, call me the viewer ratings per minute for two works every five minutes."


It was annoying, but who would say no to?

Because it was an order from an executive candidate who is the most influential person as the next director and wants more than that.

After a while, 5 minutes later.

"The blue sky is 5.1% and the night sky is 10.4%."

what? Why is the night sky falling?"

The main control room staff looked surprised.

That the night sky fell 0.1% rather than the blue sky rose 0.9%

The sound was getting louder.

CP Jeong Sam-ryong put a smile on his face with an expression that seemed to have noticed something.

wait. It looks like it will be fun today."

"C.P. Don't laugh alone, can you talk to me?"

At the words of the technical team leader, CP Jeong Sam-ryong shook his head.

"Let's talk after the results come out."

That's about 10 minutes passed.

"The blue sky soared to 7.6%! The night sky is 11.8%. It is narrowing!!"

As the ratings skyrocketed, the staff of the main control room became busier.

Really? Didn't I see it wrong?

no. I've checked it two or three times. look.

Assistant Manager Kang Woo-sung pointed to the graph showing the viewer ratings per minute.

There was a graph curve that suddenly soared.

really Yes?

Again after 10 minutes.

"Blue sky 8.5%, night sky

12.1%? what. this "

In an instant, CP Jeong Sam-ryong smiled brightly.

haha! what did i say Did you say we'll watch it?

The upward trend of the blue sky did not stop and began to rise.

10 minutes left.

Jung Sam-ryong CP was only regretting that the third episode was scheduled for next week.

right after the drama ended.

CP Jeong Sam-ryong urgently called the intercom.


Yes. CEO. We just finished counting the ratings!"

After hearing about the final ratings, Kim Gap-soo's mouth began to burst into laughter.

- Guess I got the wrong day to go, yes. uh huh

* * *

I turned the car to Kim Sol-ip's phone call and headed to her house.

It was 11pm when we arrived due to traffic jam.

Ding Dong.

Writer Sol-ip Kim opened the door of the officetel and came out.

She is wearing a sweatshirt with her head raised and chopsticks dipped in ramen broth.

Looking at his attire, he seems to have been out of print for a few days.

"Come on.

I greeted him lightly and headed inside.

Writer Sol-ip Kim began to clean the sofa.

"Writer. it's okay.

"There's a cushion here, so we'll just sit on the floor."

Writer Sol-ip Kim scratched his head as he was cleaning out the sofa full of printed manuscripts.

"Yeah, will you?"

Writer Sol-ip Kim sighed and leaned back on the chaise longue.

"I asked you to come late, so

I don't."

no. Writer."

Writer Kim Sol-ipp had more than doubled the difference in ratings, so he was half mentally out of it.

"After watching the first episode's ratings, I don't want to be alone for nothing. But when I called, I felt like I called for nothing. Ah, the more I say it, the more sorry I am."

Seeing the thick-bodied writer Sol-ip Kim, gibberish, seems uneasy.

no. writer. If you call me at any time, I have to run to you."

As Eugene held her hand tightly and met their eyes, a long sigh flowed out of Kim Sol-ipip's mouth.

Maybe he didn't know he was going to be a writer himself.

for a moment. Oh, I'm crazy. Eugene Mr. A smile would be waiting for you at home... Ah, come to think of it, I'm a really crazy X. The two of you, I'll pay for the car, so let's go.

I have my car, what is the cost of the car?

Writer Sol-ip Kim began to rummage through his wallet.

It was like this and that

Authors' writing anxiety manifests in a strange way.

Still, this is pretty good.

At least to say I'm sorry.

"Writer. Smile goes to dreamland at 10 o'clock. Don't worry too much, I got a call saying I was already asleep.

okay? I'm glad. Then would you like something to eat? But I don't know where my phone is.

Writer Sol-ip Kim struggled to find his phone.

When I was about to say I'm going to do it, the door opened automatically with a tickling sound.

pine needles. What are you doing? what? Eugene? yu no? Were there two?"

Writer Lee Ji-yeon appeared with something in her hands.

In an envelope that read 'Roasted 3 Seconds Pork Belly', in the other hand were three large barrels of draft beer.

"It was a good thing I bought enough."

Writer Kim Sol-ipb responded bluntly to the words of writer Lee Ji-yeon.

"What are you doing? Are you busy?"

"I came to see if you were doing that. Come on take this I'm going to drop my arm.

Before Kim Sol-ipp got up, I ran first and got pork belly and beer.

"Since when did Yu-no come to see the truth?"

At the word of the truth, writer Kim Sol-ipp was furious, saying that there was never such a thing.

"We just arrived."

Writer Lee Ji-yeon, who took off her shoes

He headed back to the living room and asked.

just now? Then did you hear the ratings for episode 2?"

"No, I haven't checked the social media reaction yet."


Writer Lee Ji-yeon said with a smirk and a smile.

"The ratings for episode 2 of Blue Sky are "