Chapter 112 - Dinner In Long Family (2)

It had long been known to the public that he was a good man and took after his father. His capability was also off the charts as he allowed the Long Family to continue prosper after he took the company's control from his father. 

Zhou Xi An was Long Shu Ting's wife while Long Ao Jiang was their son. The public knew about them too as they were also public figure.

But if Yu Yan was not wrong, their marriage was a political marriage. Zhou Family was one of the few rich and influential people in this nation, so it was not that weird for Long Family to take one of their descendant as their bride. 

"It's been some time, Long Ying." Zhou Xi An smiled kindly and held her son's hand tighter. "Jiang, greet your uncle."

Long Ao Jiang raised his head and smiled politely. "Third Uncle Long Ying."


Yu Yan didn't pay much attention to Long Family until recently. If she was not wrong, Long Shu Ting was already in his mid-thirties while the second son was approaching thirty. It seemed that Long Ying was actually the third son and also the unlucky one.

Looking at the young boy, who was at most only five years old, Yu Yan felt her heart tightened. The boy's expression was not what a normal child would usually have. It was as if the young boy was already forced to be mature to some extent.

Long Ying nodded. "I brought some gifts for you."

"You don't have to do that all the time." Zhou Xi An showed a helpless smile. "We're family, so you don't have to be so polite."

"It's alright."

Zhou Xi An knew about Long Ying's strained relationship with the other siblings as it was not exactly hidden ever since she entered the family. It was also the first time she realized that the rumor about the third young master of Long Family was actually true.

But unfortunately, the price to know the secret was something that she didn't want to pay. She chose to stay in the dark and only knew some superficial matters as she didn't want to get involved too deeply.

"Is this your wife? She looks as beautiful as the picture." Long Shu Ting moved his gaze to Yu Yan and smiled politely. "Sister in law."

"Hello, my name is Yu Yan." Yu Yan chose to introduce herself.

Long Ying sent a glare to his brother and Long Shu Ting stopped trying to say anything else. He waved his hand and point to the table in the garden. "Father and Mother are going to come out later. Long Shu Xing is going to come later. He's drunk and you know his bad habit."

Yu Yan blinked her eyes. 

The second young master of Long Family, Long Shu Xing, was known to be an incompetent person. Truth to be told, he was also an outstanding person but when he was standing beside someone as perfect as Long Shu Ting, it was clear that he would be overshadowed.

Thanks to the comparing between the two of them, the two brothers were not exactly on good terms. There was news about the two of them having argument publicly and nearly angering his older brother. 

It seemed that the dislike was not faked and instead it was true.

"I know. I'm not missing him either."

"How uncute."

Long Ying merely passed a sidelong glance to the door. He sneered. "The little troublemaker is already here."

"Hmm." Long Shu Ting also raised his head. He didn't seem to be surprised by Long Ying's keen sense as he smiled mirthlessly. The dislike within his eyes were carefully hidden by an indifferent mask.

A sport car stopped by the door and a man walked out. He was dressed in messy clothes while his hair was not combed properly. Compared to the gentlemanly look of Long Shu Ting, Long Shu Xing looked like a sorry figure.

"Oh, you two are already here." Long Shu Xing waved his hand carelessly. His eyes then landed on Yu Yan. "And this must be the rumored wife. Third Brother, you're really getting ahead of yourself for getting married without telling us. If not for Father telling me about this, I'll never know."

Long Ying merely nodded coldly.

Long Shu Xing ignored the death glare from his younger brother and looked at Yu Yan before clicking his tongue. "A crippled man like you actually get married to an ordinary woman. To think that there would be someone who would like a man like you, I really think that the Heaven is unfair. Someone like you don't deserve any happiness at all."

The mocking was something that Long Ying had encountered from time to time to the point that he had long gotten used to it. His existences have always been something unwanted in Long Family and from the moment he was born with silver eyes, he never had the right to call them 'brother' even until the end of his life.


Yu Yan stood before Long Ying and glared at the man before her. She knew that the man was Long Shu Xing, a powerful young master of Long Family. However, she couldn't stand still when she saw Long Ying got bullied by other people.

Long Shu Xing looked at Yu Yan and laughed. "You're asking me to apologize to this cripple? You should be glad that I didn't beat him up and throw him out of my house in the first place. Do you really think that you have the right to step in here if not for my father's mercy?"

"The right to stand here? Do you really think that we want to come here if not because it's important for Ying?" Yu Yan sneered, she glared at Long Shu Xing. "And if you truly dare to kick us out, I would be applauding you instead. Rather than staying in the same place with a trashy young master like you, it would be better to stay outside and enjoy the New Year with the person who's worthy to spend the days with."

"If you truly don't want to be here, feel free walk out."

"Are you sure you can handle the consequences of kicking us out, Trashy Second Young Master of Long Family?" Yu Yan repeated the same question.

She didn't know exactly how Long Ying's family in this place was, but she knew that it was also a place where Long Ying's father held absolute control. Based on how Long Ying obeyed his father's words and how he treated his mother and older brother, this was Yu Yan's conclusion.

Long Shu Xing glared at Yu Yan as he knew that he couldn't disobey his father either. He would experience how it felt to live a hellish life in his current life if he dared to go against his father.


"Stop it, if you think that you're allowed to touch my wife, you're terribly wrong, Long Shu Xing." Long Ying was used to be mocked by his brother. Usually, he would not care in the slightest bit but when his wife was added into the quotation, he would not stay silent. There was no way he would let his wife be put into disadvantage.

Long Shu Xing was about to lash out when there was a voice calling them from the direction of the house.

"Where do you think you are?"

The voice was filled with authority and power. It was only words but it made those who heard it felt like there was nothing they could do to go against the order. The three Long brothers shut their mouth and walked to the table. 

Yu Yan and Zhou Xi An followed quietly while Long Ao Jiang was clutching onto his mother's hand tightly.

An aged man walked out of the mansion. His hair had turned white but his back was still straight. He didn't look like an aged person but more like someone who was still in his middle aged. His dark eyes were looking at his sons without much feeling within.

It felt hard to breathe in the same room as this person.

Yu Yan had seen the picture of Long Family Head in the newspaper a few times. The man in front of her was without a doubt, Long Shao Huai, the current Long Family Head and also Long Ying's father.

Behind him, a woman walked out. She was wearing dark red clothes and looked like a calm and obedient person. It was Wang Yue Er, Long Family Head's wife.

"Sit down."


Long Ying brought Yu Yan to the furthest seat. Looking at the seating arrangement, it looked as if the two of them were outsider in Long Family that was not even worthy to share the same dinner table with them.

Yu Yan clenched her fist but looking at how Long Ying was gripping her hand tighter, she knew that he was warning her to not do anything. She didn't want to put him in difficult position, so she stayed silent.

There were things that she would never be able to understand, such was the relationship of Long Ying with his family members.