At night, the top 32 players stay in the hotel.

Kongshan's discussion on sword is not only a competition, but also an important exchange meeting in the circle of weapon refiners. It also aims to promote weapon refining among ordinary people, so it pays special attention to the communication between players and audience.

In this luxury hotel, there are also many ordinary guests, and a large number of magic lovers gathered in the garden outside the hotel, with the names of the players.

Many players will also leave the room and go to the garden to hold some small meetings with magic lovers to expand their popularity.

Some players, who are the spokesmen of a magic weapon brand, or own some magic weapon related industries, are even more desperate to increase exposure and expand influence.

Li Yao is in the room, listening to the sound outside the window.

Most of the whistling is dedicated to Mo Tianshui and Huangfu Xiaoya.

In the middle, however, his name was scattered: "Li Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao

Open Lingwang, his news is everywhere, including the video of his crazy weapon refining in the game. Most of the media have rendered him as a "genius of miraculous rise", juxtaposed with Mo Tianshui and Huangfu Xiaoya as the headlines.

Opposite Li Yao, the second runner up of last year's Kongshan sword debate, the new refiner of the red line liujingjia refining center, biluoling, looks at him with a smile.

"Li Daoyou, you have become famous in the first World War. Now the whole circle of weapon refiners know that you are the number one person, especially in the aspect of sword refining. Many of the older generation of sword refining experts are very interested in you."

"We have a lot of red lines in the circle. Naturally, the terms of this contract are quite generous. After all, you are only in the top 32, but you are not in the top 8. I don't think anyone will come up with a second contract like this."

"You've read all the clauses. I can explain what's not clear. You can also mention any other requirements. Let's sit down and study them slowly."

Li Yao lowered his eyelids, pushed a jade slip from the tea table back to the front of biluoling, and said calmly, "I refuse."

Two new moons were completed in the eyebrows of bilolin, a little surprised: "why?"

Li Yaodao: "because this is not the top contract. According to this contract, I can only enter the second level team of hongxianliu, and I can't participate in the most core projects. Moreover, I can only access 80% of hongxianliu's Classics and materials, and 20% of hongxianliu's core classics and materials, but I can't access and cultivate them."

With a dry cough, biluoling frowned and said, "Li Daoyou, let me explain. It's not as simple as you think that the three crystal armor refining centers recruit new people."

"Yes, your strength is really strong, but you are only in the top 32 after all. If you meet Mo Tianshui tomorrow, you are likely to lose."

"What's more, your inheritance is very mysterious and does not belong to the main schools."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to explore your origin, but if I don't know your inheritance, I can't make the most accurate assessment of your strength, and I don't know whether your play is stable, and I don't know how well you cooperate with others."

"Refining a super magic platform like" crystal armor "is a team work after all. There are many factors to consider. It's not just a pair of hands that are as fast as ghosts."

"At present, hongxianliu is refining the top crystal armor. Because of design reasons, it has no plan to equip the sword."

"But in the next level of crystal armor project, there is a crystal armor that is prepared to use swords as the main weapon."

"It's just because we're interested in your status as a" knife refining expert "that we'll issue a contract in advance and invite you to join us!"

"This contract, from salary to salary, to your room for further promotion, is really sincere. You can inquire about it in the circle. Young craftsmen who are less than 30 years old can enter the red line stream, second only to the second level team of the core project. How rare it is!"

"What's more, there are a lot of competitions within the red line every year. The exchanges among the three crystal armor centers are also very frequent. If you really believe in your own strength, you can prove yourself in three or five years and become the most core top team!"

"Polishing for three or five years will not do any harm to a young man like you."

Li Yao thought seriously for half a minute, still shook his head: "thank you for your kindness, I refuse."

"Tomorrow, I will defeat Mo Tianshui."

"After that, if Huangfu Xiaoya stands in front of me, I will defeat her as well."

"Apart from the top teams of the three crystal armor centers, I will not make a second choice."

"If you come up with the top contract now, I can sign with you right away."

"If you can't, please come back. I have to practice. Everything can be discussed after tomorrow's war."

"However, at that time, I did not guarantee that your red line flow would be the first force to come up with the contract."

After shaking his eyelashes, he still kept the most perfect smile and nodded: "OK, then I wish Li Daoyou every success and invincible!"

After he left, Li Yao set up a sound insulation array and a guard magic weapon on the door and the surrounding walls.

At the same time, the sound of mountains and tsunamis outside will be completely isolated.

His duel with Mo Tianshui will start at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.

In addition to an hour of deep sleep, an hour of physical reserves, and half an hour of chores, there are still 10 hours, 32 minutes and 57 seconds for cultivation.


Li Yao dims the light and stimulates dozens of crystal light curtains from the micro crystal brain to circle and rotate in the dim room.

Mottled fragments of light and shadow, interweaved into a pair of three-dimensional dynamic picture.

"Ha, you are not so weak. You just ate three big drumsticks. Now you are knocked down with one punch. Get up and let's go again!"

"It's successful. We've succeeded. The Xuangu battle armor has been refined successfully at last!"

"Goblin, you're going to Dahuang war yard tomorrow, and I'm going to set foot on the road of becoming the strongest barber. In order to commemorate this exciting moment, why don't we - go and make two big red handprint omelets!"

"We are the hungry wolf in the secret star, we are the bronze team!"

These videos were shot by Lee yew in the past few years with a micro crystal brain. They are the most unforgettable memories in his life.

Since he had the heaven and earth ring, he copied one to the jade slips, carried it with him, and accompanied him all the way across the sea of stars to the realm of flying stars.

With the company of these videos, it's like the relatives and friends of tianyuanjie, all around him, laughing and laughing.

Naturally, most of the pictures are full of vitality and dancing Ding Ling Dang.

"Wait, I'll be back soon!"

Li Yao looked at the video with his hands akimbo, no image of laughter, even tonsils almost see Ding lingdang, knowing a smile.

These pictures, these beautiful moments, these fragments of light and shadow from Tianyuan Kingdom, are the biggest driving force of his crazy cultivation.

"Three or five years? How can I have so much time! "

"In full view of the public, fully showing our strength will certainly lead to a lot of doubts and investigations, and maybe even get involved in unnecessary troubles."

"But I have no choice."

"Only when you show your strength, can you enter the core of the circle of weapon refiners in the flying star world in the shortest time, and get in touch with the strongest weapon refiners and the strongest weapon refining skills!"

"Only in this way can we refine a powerful magic weapon to suppress the planet as soon as possible and find the way to return to Tianyuan world."

"Return to Tianyuan world, this is the way I want to go, no one can stop me!"

Li Yao's eyes gradually became hot and crazy, and he carefully observed his hands.

Through the catalysis of fast-growing medicament, the wounds on the hands grow new flesh, but the new blood vessels and nerves have not yet fully matched with the spirit.

"Hurry up and start practicing!"

Li Yao extracted a metal box full of holes and equipped with air circulation system from the Qiankun ring. Inside is an ant nest simulating the natural environment, in which hundreds of purple ring sword ants crawl.

Many purple ring sword ants, however, have undergone subtle changes. In the purple awn around them, there is a strange cyan.

These purple ring sword ants were all fed by Li Yao, a kind of highly toxic natural material and local treasure, Artemisia annua copper.

Artemisia copper can increase the pain of purple ring sword ant by more than five times!

Take a deep breath, put your hands into the nest slowly, and with a slight flash, there are 101 purple ring sword ants that devour the Artemisia annua copper and climb to your hands.

These purple ring sword ants broke away from the warm ant nest, and were firmly bound by Li Yao's spirit silk. They were extremely manic in an instant. Their sharp mouthparts opened and they bit hard!

Every bundle of the most delicate muscle fibers on Li Yao's hands trembled wildly in an instant. The moment before each mouthpiece gnawed, it sank down slightly and dodged dangerously.

In five seconds, the tendons of Li Yao's neck appeared and he was dripping with sweat.

The hands full of purple ring sword ants turn into two clouds of fog, dismantling the most precise detector magic weapon.

All of a sudden——

Li Yao snorted and was bitten!

Five times the increase in pain, even such a monster as him can not endure, mind a confusion, there are seven or eight purple ring sword ants bite up!

The pain was like a series of lightning, like a skin cramp. Li Yao screamed, convulsed violently, foamed at the mouth, and burst into tears.

"Pain! It hurts

Li Yao is like a half cooked shrimp, curled up into a ball, rolling all over the ground.

Separated by a wall, in the garden outside, countless magic weapon lovers are shouting:

"Li Yao!"

"Miracle, the rising power! Genius at the edge of the sea of stars

"Genius! Li Yao! Genius! Li Yao! Genius! Li Yao

The sound of mountains and tsunamis was blocked by the sound insulation array. In the quiet room, there was only the sound of Lee yew crying, as well as the howling of wounded beasts.

Li Yao tears gathered, eyes covered with blood, such as two blood colored diamond.

"Wheeze... Wheeze... Wheeze..."

He gasped, his eyes frozen, staring at a picture in mid air.

Ding lingdang, Mengjiang, Manqiu, Penghai... The relatives and friends of Tianyuan are smiling, looking at him, encouraging him, waiting for him!

Tears crisscross the face, showing a crazy smile, under the stimulation of pain, every cell like an instant explosion, hand speed instant breakthrough limit, into a new realm!

This is the way that Li Yao has been practicing for more than 18 hours a day for one and a half months.

"Mo Tianshui... You are not my opponent."

"Behind you, there's only one millennium sword making family, Mo family."

"Behind me, supporting me all the way, all the thorns and gravel are crushed, but it is - a whole world!"