"My suggestion is this --"

As he took out the bundles of guns and swords wrapped in tarpaulin from the hole in the cave wall, Li Yao spread them out on the ground and selected his own weapons. He thought about the cableway, "it's not safe for you three flying stars to stay here because it's so chaotic outside. Even I, because of my mysterious origin, can easily be associated with problems."

"Chief Xiong, I want you to take elder sister Sha and Wu Mayan to escape from the secret road together, but when you escape, you need to make some noise to attract the attention of the six departments. It's better for them to send a large number of troops to chase and intercept, so as to help me fight for one or two days. Can you do that?"

Xiong Wuji snorted coldly: "don't say for one or two days, I really want to go. Who can stop me in the six iron original movies? But why? "

Li Yaodao said: "all that has just been said is only my personal inference. The so-called interlocking conspiracy is actually the most vulnerable, because as long as one link breaks, the whole conspiracy will be scrapped."

"For example, although the anger of the six departments of Tieyuan has been aroused, there are not more than 100 practitioners in front of them to kill, so it is impossible to cause irreparable conflicts."

"So, something must have happened in the oasis tribe, which is sure to stir up the conflict between the two sides!"

"I think when the big troops of the six departments of Tieyuan rush to the oasis tribe, it will be" triggered "!"

"If the six departments of Tieyuan want to gather a large force, even if it is just a rapid reaction force composed of elite experts, to go deep into the dark continent, they will need a lot of ammunition and supplies, and they will use real gas chariots to fight all the way. It will take at least five or six days. If you can delay for another day or two, you will have seven days."

"My speed is definitely several times faster than that of the big army. Maybe I can get four or five days to get to oasis tribe before the big army!"

"At that time, it will be clear whether everything is the conspiracy of the immortals or not!"

Xiong Wuji pondered for a moment and said, "I'll fight for three days for you!"

Li Yao nodded: "not only that, is there a pen and paper here? I want you to write more letters. I'll give them to Xiong Zhenzhen and Shi Meng. "

"Since it's an emergency operation, the six departments can only send a small number of elite first. The stormy commando team and the iron bear blasting team will certainly be among them. I hope you can write out the whole inference just now."

"But I don't know how they relate to you?"

Xiong Wuji said, "I brought both of them out of my hand. They are like my father and son, but now --"

"That's enough. At the moment, of course, they are skeptical, but I don't need them to make a choice now. I just want to plant a seed of doubt in their heart," Li said

"You let them pretend to be extremely positive, and make sure to clean up the crazy bear tribe, and bring as many people as possible!"

"This is Feixiong city. It's our territory. If we take Feixiong city as the base, the crazy bear tribe will send the most people, and a lot of supplies and supplies are provided by the crazy bear tribe. We can send more people when we take the opportunity."

"The mad bear tribe's attitude of" atonement "has been seen by others, and there is nothing to say."

"Since there is doubt in their hearts, when I find the real evidence in Oasis tribe, they will believe it."

"In addition, you have to write two letters to the clan heads of Sirius and Yinyue, and the other two letters to the clan heads of Tomahawk and feather snake. These letters can also be handed over to Xiong Zhenzhen and Shi Meng for safekeeping, but you don't have to give them to the clan heads first. It's not too late to take them out at the critical moment!"

"At that time, as long as the five tribes hesitated, they would not be able to turn over any waves by relying on the family of the burning sun tribe alone. On the contrary, they would appear to be so radical that they are suspicious!"

Xiong Wuji nodded: "OK, I'll figure out how to write these letters."

"However, you can mention the existence of" Li Yao ", but don't involve me. I'll be my" sand scorpion. "

Xiong Wuji frowned: "do you underestimate the wisdom of Tieyuan people? When things get to this point, you, the mysterious" sand scorpion ", are likely to be found to be flying star Li Yao. Once you are exposed at the critical moment, like me today, you will be very passive."

With a faint smile, Li Yao suddenly asked a strange question: "Mr. Xiong, if you can pass the test of the information platform today, will others never pursue you or doubt your identity?"

"Of course," said Xiong Wuji! The six departments of Tieyuan attach great importance to faithfulness. It's the biggest insult to let a Tieyuan man go to the heart table. It's tantamount to not believing what this man said. It must be proved by Fabao. "

"If the last magic weapon proves that this person has not lied, it will be a very serious slander, and it is too late for the other party to make an apology. How dare you question it again?"

"In history, there have even been cases where the accuser committed suicide in public after he was proved not to have lied after he went to the information desk!"

"Therefore, as long as I can pass the test of the information platform, everyone will believe that I am not a flying star," Li said

Xiong Wuji narrowed his eyes and said, "Li Yao, I know you are a magic weapon master, but this" heart searching platform "is the oldest ancient treasure on Tieyuan. Some of its core components can even trace back to the era of Xinghai empire! It can judge people's spirits directly. You can't fool it! "

Li Yao blinked and said, "don't worry, chief Xiong. I absolutely believe in the accuracy of the information platform. I'm afraid it's not accurate enough! But if you say that, I can rest assured. "

Xiong Wuji stopped talking and concentrated on writing letters.

"Click, click!"

In the dark room, only Li Yao constantly debugged the sound of guns and swords

Suddenly, Lee's action completely stopped.

What he was holding in his hand was a super heavy gun, which was black in appearance but blue in depth.

At first glance, it looks like six iron pipes thick and thin of an adult's arms, roughly juxtaposed in a circle, hooped together with bone rings made of monster ribs, and rotated by gears and chains.

Every time you pull the trigger, the gear will make a "click" sound, and the chain will drive the barrel to rotate one space.

If you hold on to the trigger, the barrel will spin quickly.

Li Yao squinted and looked close to the barrel of the gun. The bullets used in this "gun" were at least the size of his fist.

"What is this?" Li Yao secretly exclaimed.

Xiong Wuji raised his eyes and was stunned: "what are you doing with this? This magic weapon is a weapon specially made by Lei Hou, the leader of the iron bear blasting team, more than 100 years ago. It combines the characteristics of the gun and the Langya mine launcher, and uses the principle of high-pressure real gas injection to sprinkle the Langya mine like a bullet! It's so powerful that it can't compete with others! "

"But the disadvantages are also very obvious!"

"First of all, the recoil force is too strong. Every bombardment is equivalent to a gas refiner's heavy bombardment on the chest. No matter how strong the warrior is, he won't last long."

"Secondly, the consumption of wolf tooth thunder is too big! You see, in continuous firing mode, this monster can bombard more than 200 wolf tooth mines in one minute! How many wolf tooth mines can an iron bear blaster carry at most? "

"So, only thunder roar, who is born with divine power, can barely use this monster level magic weapon at its peak. When he dies, no one will use it until I find it."

"I appreciate its powerful firepower, and I think that if my identity is exposed one day, I will fight alone. I need such a powerful magic weapon urgently, so I hid it."

"But later, I thought that once my identity was revealed, I would definitely flee. How many wolf tooth mines can I carry in the process of escape? This unique weapon is really a burden! "

"The name of this weapon is thunder roar cannon!"

"I see!"

Li Yaomo stroked "thunder roar" and said, "chief Xiong, I want to take two-thirds of the high-purity crystal stones here and refine them into bullets and crystal bombs. In addition, I also need the detailed structure diagram of the warehouse for storing all the spoils of war and the opening method of the organs in the warehouse. Should you master all of them?"

Xiong Wuji raised his eyebrows: "do you want those booty?"

Li Yao licked his lips and said, "you are ninety-nine in the gas refining period, but now you are injured, and your combat power is barely equal to the peak of building foundation. I am about eighty in the gas refining period, plus my fighting experience in the peak of building foundation, so it's a high level of building foundation."

"If everything is really the plot of the palace of eternal life, there must be a strong man in charge of the overall situation on Tieyuan star. His strength should at least reach jiedan level, and there are a large number of followers."

"Within a few days, our strength can not be rapidly improved, so we can only use the magic tide to devour them!"

"Therefore, I need the best natural materials and local treasures, the highest purity of crystal, and the strongest shell of heaven and earth to refine the most powerful magic weapon!"

"Chief bear, is there any other place nearby besides Feixiong city that has basic refining equipment?"

Xiong Wuji thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll give you the topographic map of the warehouse where the booty is stored, as well as the organization chart and closing method of the seven organs. In addition, among the booty this time, there are several very unstable exotic animal Endosulfans with powerful power, which are stored in the deep of the warehouse by me, In the most confidential vault, I "forgot" the password of the vault just now. Please remember it

"Two hundred and sixty kilometers to the west of Feixiong City, there is a" Red River Mine ". It was abandoned three years ago because of the depletion of ore veins, but there are still a lot of refining equipment left there. I remember that there is a repair workshop to repair Mining magic weapons, and the facilities are quite complete!"

"It's a deserted area. No matter what you do, no one will know."

"Very good!"

Li Yao rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to carry "thunder roar" on his back. He also selected seven or eight powerful genuine Qi guns, followed by all kinds of genuine Qi swords.

Two people speak very fast, Sha Yulan has been listening to be stunned, until now just can't help but low shout: "what do you want to do?"

Li Yao smiles and shakes his arms: "start a war."