Li Yao as like as two peas in the race, though he had already made a preliminary camouflage, Jin Zhenyi worked for half a year in the blood monster's eye.

As like as two peas, Li Yao must make the muscle fibers shrink or expand further, add a few more tiny wrinkles to make himself exactly the same as Jin Zhen Yi.

While adjusting the muscles and bones, he released a hollow metal ball around him and "dribbled" around in mid air.

This small ball is a magic weapon similar to a "vacuum cleaner". It can absorb all the residual breath, ashes and waves in the "Fengbo tower". It is the best auxiliary magic weapon for killing people, robbing goods and destroying corpses.

"Whew, whew, whew!"

The "vacuum ball" spins rapidly, as if forming a huge whirlpool, which cleans up all the clues. Li Yao takes back all the magic weapons and clothes he takes off.

Just immersed in biochemical agents, bodyguards came out of the toilet.

At the moment, the wrinkles on Li Yao's face have not yet been camouflaged, so he turned over in the biochemical medical cabin, turned his back to the bodyguard, and covered his changing figure with his broad wings.

The bodyguard glanced casually and sat down on the chair.

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and pretended to fall into a deep sleep. However, he was thinking quickly in his brain about the underlying architecture, the stability system, the most likely structures, and the problems that the real Jin Zhenyi might face.

"Based on the study of the blood demon world on the theory of Rune array and spirit tattoo, and the scale of the blood demon's eye, there are not many options for their overall psionic configuration."

"Jin Zhenyi has three representative monographs: tracing back to the origin of demon patterns, the study of the early stage of Jinpeng Dynasty and the principle of three-phase stable array. From these three monographs, I can preliminarily extract his style of making symbols, modeling ideas, and hundreds of arrays that he loves to use."

"He is a senior expert, and his academic style has taken shape over the past few decades. It is impossible for him to make earth shaking changes in a short time."

"Then, when he is faced with a super large magic weapon such as the eye of the blood demon, all the methods he can adopt to solve the problem of its stability and compatibility can be predicted."

Li Yao replaced himself with Jin Zhenyi. Assuming that he was Jin Zhenyi, what kind of way would he use to reinforce the underlying architecture?

Lee has to figure that out.

Because it involves, what kind of way does he want to destroy the stability of the whole system!

It's not difficult to destroy the system. What's difficult is that he must let the "blood demon's eye" completely collapse in a few seconds. He must not leave the other party time to switch to the standby system!

At the same time, he is also quietly sensing the reaction of the bodyguard.

He released a bunch of invisible psionic filaments to monitor the heartbeat and blood flow of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard is one of the people who know Jin Zhenyi best. If he sees any flaws, his heart rate and blood flow rate will be abnormal for a moment.

Then Li Yao will have to think of another way.

Fortunately, the bodyguard did not see the clue.

The bodyguard didn't expect that he was just going to the toilet. He protected or monitored the target, so he was cheated!

Two and a half hours later.

"From the heart rate, pulse and pupil changes, you have completely recovered."

After the initial examination, the doctor said with a smile, "however, for the sake of insurance, I suggest you have a comprehensive examination."

"No more."

Li Yao put on his clothes with some impatience, shaking the artificial wings of metal skeleton, pulling the crystal line with latissimus dorsi, manipulating the feathers, expressing a slightly anxious signal, "I feel very good now, I don't have time to linger here, I have to work immediately!"

"Pass, let's go!"

Naturally, Lee Yao is not willing to accept a comprehensive inspection, which is very easy to show his flaws.

"Yes, Mr. king.

The bodyguard took a sealed ice box from the doctor, which contained three pieces of emergency medicine. In case the cerebrovascular burst again, it could be treated in time.

Most of the experts of blood demon's eye are workaholics who race against the clock. If they are slightly obsessed with the devil, they are not willing to go to the hospital at all. They often meditate for a while, inject one or two medical drugs, and then work hard.

By contrast, Lee's reaction was not unusual, and the doctor just let them leave after a few words of advice.

After leaving the hospital, Li Yao pretended that he was still weak. He deliberately lagged behind and let his bodyguard lead the way.

Jin Zhenyi was originally a gloomy and taciturn character. Apart from his work, he didn't like to communicate with others. This is one of the reasons why Li Yao chose him as his goal.

Along the way, they were silent. The bodyguard did not doubt him, and soon brought Lee to a lift platform on the edge of the living area.

This is the only access from the living area to the working area, which is also the