LV Zui was like a gambler who gambled all his wealth and lost everything. All his emotions except depression and despair were drained, leaving only an empty body here, mechanically answering Guo Chunfeng's question.

However, behind the frustration and despair, Li Yaoyin felt a touch of calm.

It's not the calm of being disheartened and giving up completely.

But before the storm is coming, waiting for what calm!

"There's a problem."

"Lv Zui is too calm, too desperate, too depressed. As a Yuanying laoguai, he has a strong mind. Is it so easy for him to give up?"

"He has just suffered a disastrous defeat. In his eyes, the Federation should be hopeless - in the face of such a result, he doesn't even struggle? Is that all you have to say? Just watch the "Patriot organization" completely collapse? "

Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng look at each other: "I want to see him."

When they stepped into the cell, LV Zui, who had been banned and locked, was sitting cross legged in the corner, looking at a faint yellow lighting array on the ceiling.

On the lighting array, several flying insects kept pounding, making a sound of "pa pa", breaking their heads and bleeding, and never regretting their death.

LV Zui's interests are all concentrated on these insects. He doesn't even look at Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng.

Now, it's time for LV Zui. Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng can't afford it. Guo Chunfeng can't help but ask, "director, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the future."

LV Zui's voice was low and slow, as if it was floating from the depths of the swamp. Every word was dripping with mud, "the future after a hundred years."

"In recent decades, the demons have surrendered, the Terrans have won a great victory, the strength of the Federation has expanded rapidly in a short period of time, and all people have been addicted to the dream of peace and prosperity. Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng, the two practitioners who have personally contributed to everything, have become the great heroes of the world."

"At the beginning of surrender, the demon clan lurked its claws, restrained its fierce flame, disguised as pure lambs and hardworking mules and horses, mixed into the Federation with the lowest and docile attitude, and undertook the most hard and dirty work."

"With the joint efforts of each other, the Federation is thriving, and everything seems to be moving in the best direction."

"But it doesn't last long."

"Gradually, the number of demon clans increased. By taking advantage of their stronger survival ability, the demon clans spread to all the resource planets of Tianyuan Kingdom and Feixing Kingdom, and even to the wider world."

"And the Terran, because of its weak constitution, is extremely difficult to penetrate into the blood demon world."

"As a result, the number of demons is increasing, occupying more and more of the world, and gradually climbing up the key posts of the new Federation."

"The war of the past has been gradually forgotten. The deeper the integration between the two sides, the louder the voice of the demon clan for various rights. In order to stabilize the Federation and resist the Empire, the demon clan, as a vulnerable race, has received various preferential policies. Countless rules, morals and even laws that have been in use for hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of years will be nailed with the word" discrimination "and smashed, Even "demons and ghosts" will be banned on the ground that they are "politically incorrect."

"Perhaps, at that time, the demon clan was not called the demon clan, but the" physical supernormal people "and the" blood demon federate "

"Even so, the demon clan will not be satisfied. They will advance in all aspects, replace our rules with their rules, invade our culture with their culture, and distort our history with their history! The heroes who died in the battle against the demons will no longer be regarded as real heroes, but all kinds of dramas and illusions with the strong demons as the protagonist will be performed in a dignified manner! "

"Until the end, every human child has lost his vigilance against the demon race, forgotten the martyrs who have fought for hundreds of years, and even shamed of his inherent vigilance!"

"This kind of change will not happen overnight, but will take place in a subtle and piecemeal way in the long decades under the banner of" love, peace and integration. "

"No one will realize that this is another kind of aggression. Stupid people will only be brainwashed by the media and consortia. Smart politicians think they can use this power. Only a few sober people can see the danger in it. But they can't speak out on their own. Even if they speak out, they will soon be labeled as" patriots organizing the disabled party "and charged with" undermining integration. ", To become a street mouse that everyone despises. "

"Finally, when the stinking demons occupy our streets and alleys, take away our jobs, take away our women and tarnish our flag, maybe some people will wake up and repent."

"But at that time, it was too late. It was like a patient with cancer spreading all over the body. There was no strength to reverse everything."

"At that time, maybe the patient will regret that he didn't follow the doctor's advice and cut off all the cancerous organs with a sharp scalpel, no matter how important they are!"

"This is what I see. Director Guo, oh, no, you should be called" director Guo ". Is the new director of the secret sword Bureau interested in coming to see it with me?"

When Li Yao and Guo Chunfeng look at each other, they feel a little tricky.

Guo Chunfeng sighed: "director, do you know who this is?"

"Of course."

Lu Zui didn't even look at Li Yao. He said faintly, "a fool who thinks he's smart, an idiot who thinks he's not infected by the blood devil. In fact, he's already fallen into the devil's way and doesn't know it."


Guo Chunfeng raised his voice. "At this time, don't you have any regret for what you have done? Li Yao saves the union again and again. He is a worthy hero of the union. In order to achieve his own goal, you can slander him in such a despicable way, and even involve Ding lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan and so on. More people! "

"I didn't stigmatize him."

LV Zui said very calmly, "the credit of the past can not be used to compensate the fault of today. Until now, I still keep my own point of view. The real Lee Yao has died in the blood demon world, and what is still alive now is just a demon with Lee Yao's body, and this demon will eventually destroy the Federation!"

"I tried to stop this demon, but it was too cunning, too powerful, too good at taking advantage of human weakness, so I finally failed."

"Sad? Of course

"But regret? Ha ha, I have a clear conscience and will never repent

Li Yao narrowed his eyes and confronted LV Zui for the first time: "you are unrepentant, but you give up a large number of nests of the Patriot organization, leading to the disintegration of the organization and the arrest of a large number of" patriots "

"As I said, if you win, you're willing to accept defeat."

Lu Zui said lazily, "I haven't killed Chunfeng on the hidden star, because our organization doesn't do all this for personal grievances, but for justice and the strength of the union!"

"Killing Guo Chunfeng is just a vent of anger, but it will make the country lose an excellent director of secret sword. This goes against my moral heart, so I didn't do it."

"In the same way, now that we have lost and there is no possibility of turning over, what is the need to struggle to the death and consume the national strength of the Federation in vain?"

"If you lose, you'll lose more happily. It's also a way to give yourself some final dignity."

Li Yao scratched his head. He was not an expert on torture. LV Zui's words were accurate, but he couldn't find any flaws.

It's just a question in my heart. Why is it getting bigger and bigger?

"You didn't give up!"

Li Yao suddenly widened his eyes, the fundus of his eyes was full of fine light, a red light and a black light stabbed LV Zui's eyes, "you still have the possibility of turning over! What you're doing now, just like what Guo Chunfeng did on the hidden star, is to delay time and create opportunities for... Another person! "

Lu Zui's eyes are empty, and he can't feel the fluctuation of his mood. He smiles and continues to look up to study moths to the fire.

"No! incorrect! No

Li Yao's mind turns and his brain explodes. He once again extracts all the Patriot organizations that LV Zui has told him, and finally finds out where his uneasiness comes from.

"Lv Zui, in the past 12 hours, you have confessed 37 nests, but 31 of them are located in the south of the Federation and above the East China Sea!"

"In particular, the most important refining bases of demon virus, those with expert guards, are in the southernmost tip of the Federation and deep in the ocean!"

"What do you mean, you patriots still engage in regional discrimination, not southerners!"

Lu Zui simply closed his eyes and said nothing, but a sarcastic smile began to appear in the corner of his mouth.

Guo Chunfeng is a first-class expert in torture. He was originally in the mountains and couldn't extricate himself. When Li Yao reminded him, he immediately responded: "do you mean he is transferring the tiger from the mountain?"

"All the 37 nests he told us were of vital importance. A large number of elite patriot generals were gathered!"

"In order to destroy these nests and wipe out all the members of the organization, not only the local practitioners but also a large number of experts in the north and central parts of the Federation took the crystal warships and rushed to the south!"

"At present, most of the golden elixirs and old monsters of the Federation are concentrated in the southern rainforest and deep ocean to deal with the Patriot organization. In a moment and a half, they can't be transferred back!"

"Li Yao, you don't want to say that behind LV Zui there is a person, another leader of the Patriot organization who is higher than him, or at least equal to him. What LV Zui has done, just like what I have done for you, is to buy him time and launch a" backup plan "

With a dignified look, Li Yao nodded slowly: "isn't it strange to have a big brother? If you think about it carefully, in order to frame me, LV Zui used a lot of manpower and material resources from the military, political and cultivation circles. In his capacity as "director of secret sword", did he involve too many resources? "

"What's more, this victory is too easy, isn't it? The Patriot organization has been elaborately planning for so long and has calculated all aspects. Is it not ready for a "No. 2 plan" or something? Is it really like this, and you'll die if you poke it? "

Guo Chunfeng's sweat bristled and his eyes widened: "another leader of Patriot? Who do you doubt? "

"Tear away all the illusions, there is only one truth!"

Li Yao held down his temple, the deep light of his eyes seemed to be refracted by ice crystals for 100000 years, unspeakably sharp and mysterious, and said: "federal speaker, the river and the sea are flowing!"