The two figures suddenly split into hundreds of blue and red meteors, smashed into thousands of fragments in mid air!

Their bodies, however, fought for hundreds of times in an instant. The two swords crossed, and the tail flames of torrents burst out behind both sides. Several power runes burst out almost at the same time. They fell out together and got involved in the power whirlpool. It took them a long time to stabilize their bodies!

Li Yao's blood moon dragon chasing sword, which is composed of thousands of metal wings, can hardly cohere and is about to collapse.

On Zhou Hengdao's brand-new five tiger prison breaking sword, there were dozens of cracks and cobweb like cracks, which spread rapidly on the blade.

Two remnant knives, pointing at the opponent from a distance, roar and illuminate the dark earth like ink!

As soon as they met each other, they raised their psionic power to the peak, and there was no room for them to leave their hands!

What happens at the same time as the battle of Swords is the psionic confrontation between the two people who pour their infinite will, ideas and spirits! Every second, they release a large number of thoughts in their brain area, entangled in the psionic power, like a flying sword out of the air, stabbing the opponent's eyebrows!

The struggle of Tao is not only a simple struggle of power, but also a thorough analysis, refutation and collision of each other's Tao mind!

"Li Yao, don't be stubborn! As a federal hero, why do you have to protect the blood demon world? "

Zhou Hengdao's will suddenly exploded, and this idea directly exploded into Li Yao's brain!

This is not a simple voice, but contains Zhou Hengdao's strongest emotion, the strongest determination, and even contains endless pictures, colors and even smell of thinking crystallization!

"I want to know why, too!"

Li Yao also blasted an idea, "Tieshuai, you clearly have no immediate family members who died in the hands of the demon clan. Why are you blinded by hatred, deluded by LV Zui, and joined the Patriot organization?"? Why on earth


Zhou Hengdao roars and pours on it again. The five tiger prison breaking sword is raised high, and its aura is all around, luring the thunder. Hundreds of lightning strikes the blade tip, which is inhaled by the five tiger prison breaking sword. The five spirit tiger on the blade turns into five thunderclouds, and really flies out to destroy the withered and decayed spirit, devouring everything. It splits Li Yao's head!

"It's because I don't have a deep hatred with the demons that I joined the Patriots! As a soldier, all my decisions come from the most rational thinking and the most calm mind! I was neither blinded by hatred nor bewitched by LV Zui! My main road is based on repeated calculations and careful deduction, which is absolutely correct! "

It took only 0.1 seconds for this idea to explode in Li Yao's brain, and the five tiger prison knife with thunder, tiger and leopard's power also followed!

There was no way for Li Yao to hide, so he could only fight back with his sword. With a loud "click", XueYue chasing dragon sword was smashed into the air and almost broke off. All the way back, the back of the sword was embedded in his shoulder blade!

Zhou Hengdao's battle intention explodes, and the five tiger prison breaking sword is pressing Li Yao's blood moon to chase the dragon sword, and the flood like sword is rushing towards Li Yao's carotid artery!

Li Yao gritted his teeth, black wing sword once again bloomed the most stubborn wings, output a strong driving force, the iron Shuai even people with a knife pushed back!

His brain seemed to collide with Zhou Hengdao's and roared: "is the killing of tens of thousands of innocent compatriots a result of repeated calculation and careful deduction?"


Zhou Heng Dao was swung away by him and flew out for tens of meters. On the Xuanwu God of war armor, several runes burst at the same time. The five tiger prison breaking Dao was hidden deep behind him and trembled gently in the miserable wind and rain.

"The original plan was not like this! The death of tens of thousands of innocent people is not in my calculation! When it's over, I'll give everyone an explanation! "

Zhou Hengdao roared, "even if the means are wrong, it doesn't mean our road is wrong! Anyway, the blood demon world has been in the weakest moment for thousands of years, and we have hundreds of "sons of the nether world", the "demon God virus", the Liaoyuan and thousands of star sea warships in the whole flying star world, and hundreds of thousands of Taixu soldiers, which is the most powerful moment for thousands of years! "

"Answer me, Li Yao, do you think you can lose such a battle? Why do you have so little faith in the Federation? Answer me

He didn't put out a knife, but this problem, with his mind, condensed into a sharp sword, and attacked Li Yao heavily!


The invisible blade was more than ten meters away from Li Yao and smashed on his psionic shield. A stream of light curved around Li Yao, swept back and disappeared in the depth of the rainstorm.

"Of course I have faith in the Federation!"

Li Yao gasped, quickened his power cycle, and tried to make his numb arms regain consciousness. "But our biggest enemy is not the blood demon world, but the human empire! Since the blood demon world has the possibility of surrendering, it can solve the problem without bloodshed. Why do we have to sacrifice more innocent lives! These forces could have been used against the Empire! "

"Surrender? Ha ha ha, it's not my race, it's different! Li Yao, are you still so naive to believe that the enemy will surrender "sincerely"

"If you're afraid that we'll lose too much in this war and that we won't get enough slaves to develop the resource planet, you don't have to!"

"Yes, the blood demon world is in the ravages of" demon God virus ", and a large number of demon families have turned into dead bones. Our large-scale expedition is likely to aggravate the epidemic and make the blood demon world completely barren!"

"But don't forget, we now have the" demon virus "and the antidote made from the blood of the" son of the nether world! "

"We can completely control the plague, let the plague only rampant in the ten thousand demon alliance, but we can control a large number of demon clans, give them vaccination, and then plant prohibition, and then we will become the healthiest and strongest slaves!"

"I've calculated, I've spent ten days and ten nights, and I've deduced hundreds of times! With this method, we have more than 70% chance to conquer more than half of the blood demon world's population! Turning these low-level demons into slaves is enough to exploit the resource planet! "


Li Yao gradually adjusted his breath, and his sword became more and more powerful. "Do you really think that we can control billions or even tens of billions of slaves and honestly mine on the resource planet hundreds of millions of light years away?"

"No way, marshal, slaves will riot! Even if they are suppressed in a hundred years, and there is no large-scale riot, how efficient is the collection? "

"What's more, the humiliation and hatred accumulated for a hundred years will turn into the most violent killing intention at the moment when the real Empire expeditionary army arrives. These slaves will not hesitate to join the real Empire and turn around to fight against the Federation!"

"If we have to talk about a time bomb, this is the biggest time bomb. It will blow the whole Federation to pieces at a critical moment!"


The two men's swords collided with each other again, sparking thousands of wills. Zhou Hengdao roared: "you also know that the demon clan may revolt, and you also know that the demon clan is unreliable? Do you want to bring these guys into the Federation, or even merge with the Terran? "

"Yes, you're right. The demons who put on shackles, plant prohibitions and become slaves may revolt. They may betray us and take refuge in the Empire when the human Empire comes!"

"Well, even if according to your plan, let these demons easily escape the punishment of war and integrate into the Federation, won't they betray?"

"No, people are greedy, they may betray! Without the repression of shackles and prohibitions and going deep into the heart of the union, they will only betray faster and cause more painful harm to the union! "

"In the war, the most important thing is to unite as one. We and the demon clan can't unite at all. Instead of splitting up after a hundred years, it's better to kill this hidden danger thoroughly by the sword of my generation now."

"Tieshuai, you are very wrong!"

Li Yao's whirlwind cut out hundreds of swords. "Since you have imprisoned the ancestors of Youquan, and you even know the mystery of chaos, you should know that the human race and the demon race come from the same source! Forty thousand years ago, we were all human! They have no choice but to be like this! "

Zhou Hengdao took over hundreds of knives. He would rather burst his chest armor than move an inch. Wu Hu prison breaking knife blasted into Li Yao's hands again: "40000 years! You know, that was 40000 years ago! Forty thousand years of blood feud is enough to turn us into two completely different races! Two races that kill each other and never die

Under his fierce chop, Li Yao's blood moon chasing Dragon Sword finally came out. However, he made a circle in mid air, suddenly split into hundreds of streamers, and returned to Li Yao's back.

Taking advantage of the disturbance of XueYue chasing the dragon sword, Li Yao tore open his chest and revealed the "Styx cannon". A ball of supernova like light was already ready to go, roaring out!

"But now, we have found a way to transform them, and we can change them back!"

"Click, click, click!"

Zhou Hengdao's broad shoulder armor and chest armor burst, revealing hundreds of tiny flying swords. They all roared out and stabbed Li Yao's Styx cannon. Hundreds of crystal clear light balls burst out in mid air!

"Just knowing that you will have such childish ideas, that's why we are desperate to start a war!"

"The appearance can be changed, but how can the heart be changed? People are separated from each other, not to mention the hearts of these demons! Don't you understand the truth of raising a tiger for trouble? "

"Li Yao, stop being stubborn! If you do this, you will only satisfy your illusory sense of justice with wishful thinking. In the end, you will destroy the whole union! "

"I won't let you destroy the union. I won't let you die!"