Li Yao thought about it, frowned and asked, "what's wrong with a world without disease?"

"What's the problem?"

Su Changfa sneered, "the biggest problem is that the practitioners go against the sky, breaking the laws of nature, and completely breaking the balance between the human body and nature!"

"Human beings are the spirit of all things. They are the super perfect evolutionary body of all carbon based life after billions of years of evolution! Even in the hundreds of thousands of years since the birth of mankind, we have produced an effective immune system in the struggle against nature, bacteria, viruses and diseases! "

"Even if we don't rely on any drugs or medical means, we can defeat most bacteria and viruses by relying on the immune mechanism of the human body alone. In this process, we can make the human body more powerful, and this power will even be deeply imprinted in the genes and passed down from generation to generation!"

"That's evolution!"

Li Yao said: "no, if you are ill and don't see a doctor in time, there is still a great chance that you will die!"

Su Chang snorted coldly: "disease itself is the screening mechanism given by nature to human beings. It can screen out all inferior gene carriers and ensure the development of the whole ethnic group in the right direction!"

"As a whole, human civilization must ensure a certain degree of" elimination rate "and screen out all those who are not suitable for survival, so as to achieve the optimal allocation of resources."

"For individuals, death is of course a tragedy; But for a civilization, it would be a great tragedy if it didn't die and wasted resources all the time! "

Li Yaoshi could not help but put on a sudden expression: "I see. I see. In other words, there is no such place as" hospital "in the real Empire?"

Su Chang laughed and said: "of course there are hospitals, but they mainly focus on the treatment of trauma! If it's a virus infection, cancer or other disease, we will inject some "immune system activators" into the patients to stimulate their own life potential to fight against the disease

"That is to say, in our hospital, we mainly rely on the patient's own immune system and resistance to fight bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Doctors only play the role of" awakening "and" increasing "

"Is this effective?" he said

"Of course it works."

Su Changfa said, "although it can't compare with the 100% cure rate boasted by the medicine fork civilization, ordinary cancer cells and virus infections can still be killed by the patient's own vitality!"

"If we really can't kill him, we seldom use external intervention to treat him, because the fire of his life is so weak that he is not qualified to live!"

Li Yao was speechless, so he continued to listen.

"But the way of thinking of the practitioners of the medicine fork civilization is quite different from that of our immortals."

Su Changfa said contemptuously, "they think that human civilization is a whole, and all human beings are brothers and sisters, no matter men and women, old and young, rich and poor, noble and humble, ordinary people or practitioners, no matter how many genetic defects, no matter how low immunity, are worth saving at all costs!"

"As a result, they spared no expense to transform the whole star, and established a fragile ecosystem without lethal bacteria and viruses. They injected a large amount of hormones, antibiotics and chemicals into each fork, and established an" unbreakable "artificial immune system."

"At that time, when they were still in their mother's womb, they had to inject all kinds of drugs. Since they were born, they have been soaking in medicine jars. Only in this way can they have a seemingly healthy and long life!"

"Unfortunately, this superficial" health and longevity "is built on the extremely fragile man-made foundation. It's just like the practitioners have worked hard to build a glass greenhouse for all ordinary people to protect them from the outside wind and rain."

"In the short term, it works."

"But the side effect is that everyone, including the practitioners themselves, has become the flowers in the greenhouse!"

"Just as the saying goes," if you go out, there will be no enemy or foreign invasion, and the country will perish forever, "it is the same truth when it comes to one person

"Without the attack of diseases, bacteria and viruses, there will be no chance of" actual combat exercises ". It's just like relying on foreign mercenaries to defend our country. How can we do it?"

"In this way, people like to grow up in a huge" aseptic room ". Generation after generation, their immune system becomes weaker and weaker, and eventually they lose the ability to survive in nature on their own."

"When we historians of the human Empire studied the history of the medicine fork civilization, we named the symptoms of the medicine fork people as" acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ", which means that their immune system collapsed completely because of their" clean "external environment and overloaded intervening drug defense methods, and they were even genetically changed!"

"Their immune system, just like our appendix and tail, has become a useless organ and gradually degenerated or even disappeared!"

"Ha ha, because" acquired immune deficiency syndrome "is a disease originated from the" selfless love "of practitioners for all" human compatriots ", so we also call it" love death disease "!"

"It's only on the one hand that the whole people get the disease of loving death. What's more terrible is that many of them carry inferior genes and are not suitable for survival. At least those who are not suitable for leaving offspring are rescued by them. They get married and have children like normal people and leave more inferior offspring."

"They can suppress the dominant symptoms of these inferior gene carriers by their superb medical skills and incredible drugs, but it is extremely difficult to solve this problem from the source of the deepest gene chain."

"As a result, a large number of inferior genes are spreading, sneaking and dormant among the people, just like a dormant volcano that will wake up at any time, still expanding!"

"In order to suppress the symptoms of inferior genes, we have to increase the dosage of drugs. Increasing the dosage of drugs will lead to more and more serious" love death disease "... There is no power to stop this vicious circle!"

"Although the medicine fork civilization has come to the brink of destruction, on the surface, their civilization is still prosperous and brilliant!"

"They are not as stupid as the Panlong people. They have developed quite advanced star sea navigation technology in hundreds of years, and they can jump across the world!"

"At that time, it was the peak of the golden age of fork civilization. When staring at the vast sea of stars, all fork people were full of confidence that they could conquer all enemies including nature!"

"But they didn't think of one thing."

"As their immune system deteriorates, their most dangerous rivals, bacteria or viruses, are constantly mutating, or... Evolving!"

"All kinds of drugs and interferon refined by the medicine fork man can kill 9999 of 10000 kinds of viruses, but it will stimulate the last one, making it produce amazing variation, becoming more insidious, secretive and fatal!"

"Ha ha, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, this is the law of the universe, under the leadership of the practitioners of medicine fork civilization, extremely arrogant trample on this law, but the bacteria and viruses on the medicine fork star, but always follow this" rule of heaven ", and under the stimulation of drugs and interferon, with the speed of the past 100 times, constantly struggling, mutating, evolving!"

"The medicine fork person also discovered that the bacterial resistance is stronger and stronger, the virus mutation speed is faster and faster, a kind of newly discovered virus often does not take three or five months, can mutate dozens of subspecies."

"But they still don't wake up. Instead, they make more drugs, vaccines, antibiotics and interferon. It's like facing a flood with nowhere to vent, they just want to keep raising the dam to get the present stability, but ignore the future collapse!"

"For a while, the strategy seemed to work."

"They've studied all the bacteria and viruses on the land, and they've developed vaccines and interferons for everyone."

"But they ignored the sea."

"Just as the first star sea fleet of the medicine fork civilization was about to set out to explore the star sea, a submarine volcano, which had been sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years, suddenly erupted in the west sea of medicine fork, ejecting a large amount of submarine material into the air."

"This includes an ancient virus that has been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years in the sulfur mud near the submarine volcano."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, this virus has never appeared on the star of medicine fork. The civilization of medicine fork knows nothing about it and has no targeted drugs."

"This kind of virus swept the whole planet like a hurricane, and mixed with the bacteria and viruses that had not been killed by hundreds of generations of antibiotics and interferon, it has evolved into an apocalyptic plague!"

"The" glass greenhouse "that practitioners have spent nearly a thousand years building for the civilization of medicine fork has finally been mercilessly destroyed. These" flowers "with a large number of inferior genes and no immune system have been dormant in their bodies, and they are pitifully exposed to the storm!"

"In just three months, the medicine fork civilization lost one fifth of its population, the social order was on the verge of collapse, and it fell from the sky to the yellow spring of Jiuyou!"

"In fact, there are still ways to save the whole civilization at this time."

Su Changfa's face was cold. He used his palm to describe the action of chopping. He said, "kill, kill, kill! Set up a large number of isolation areas, the more resistant practitioners gather together, maintain the basic order, kill all the patients and suspected patients, and thoroughly clean the whole medicine fork star! "

"What does it matter to lose even half or even three-quarters of the population? The cultivator is there, the civilization is there! Then slowly repair the collapsed immune system and rebuild civilization! "