Several boxes of crystal stones, magic weapons and magic weapons piled up together, like a shining treasure mountain, under the light of the torch with the thickness of arms, it showed the dazzling brilliance of thorns crystal.

It's such a big mountain. Two hundred wuman monks share equally. If they can win several games in the Baisheng challenge, there will be more rewards!

Li Yao has heard a lot of wuman friars drooling.

Although they are good at playing snakes and ghosts, breathing in smoke and miasma, and dominating in the poor mountains and rivers, these magnificent treasures and pure crystal stones from the Heavenly Kingdom have never been seen or heard of.

Li Yao looked on coldly. Even the two old youths, Meng duo and Gu Si duo, couldn't help but turn their eyes and breathe. Red lines climbed up from their necks to their ears. Obviously, they were shaken by money and silk.

If it wasn't for the xuanhu Iron Guard in front of Baoshan, who was full of spirit, guarding with a sword, and Ling LAN, the female sword practitioner of the golden elixir, was looking at them coldly, Li Yao estimated that many wuman friars would have jumped on them directly.

At present, the wuman friars are all brave, and everyone is in the lead. They all clap their chests to the sound of mountains. The giant scorpion, poisonous snake and all kinds of strange animals are all waving their teeth and claws, crying and howling. They can be heard in the army tent more than ten miles away.

Many wuman friars are scrambling to join the ranks of the 200 warriors.

Ling Shoujing, however, laughed and motioned to the public to be calm: "the envoy has just arrived, but he has not yet learned the means of the southwest heroes. No matter who he chooses, it is unfair to everyone!"

"From tomorrow, there are still three days left for us to compete in the army. We will show our skills in full view of the public. No one will be able to say anything. Do you think so?"

"Come on, today we don't talk about swords and soldiers. We just drink wine. We all brought" Lingxiao drunk "from God. It's a gift from the emperor. It's a favor from the imperial court. We can't get drunk without returning!"

In the heavy cries, many xuanhu strongmen carried out barrels of fragrant wine.

It was poured into the unique oxhorn wine bottle of Wunan, but it was as thick as honey.

Especially when a bucket of wine is about to be poured out, the last trace of it is hanging on the wall. It seems that it will never be poured out. Many barbarians are about to jump out of their eyes and take a good bath in the wine bottle.

All the people were just like a whale sucking water, shouting and drinking.

Not for a moment, he was as drunk as mud and snored.

Li Yao also swallowed "Lingxiao drunk".

A faint warning in the depth of his brain made him carefully analyze the composition of the liquor.

"Sure enough, there are very strong anesthetic ingredients in the wine, otherwise these wuman monks would not have been drunk so soon."

"However, although the anesthetic effect is violent, it is quite mild in nature. It will not cause any damage to the human body. You can wake up early tomorrow morning."

"It's not easy for Ling Shoujing, the Wunan Wulu recruitment and control envoy."

Li Yao didn't feel any malice from Ling Shoujing.

What's more, these wuman friars are on the side of the imperial court. Unless Ling Shoujing wants to change to the GUI Qin camp, he can't do any harm to these wuman friars!

Li yaogancui also pretends to be very drunk, like a pool of mud on the ground, watching Ling Shoujing coldly.

The banquet lasted for two or three hours without stopping.

Li Yao noticed that when a large number of wuman friars were drunk, many ordinary wuman soldiers under huowuji came to replace them and continued to drink and make noise.

Many of the wuman friars, including him, were carried to the depth of the barracks by xuanhu Tiewei, in an ordinary looking cowhide tent.

Someone opened his mouth and fed him some smelly, sour and hard to swallow hot liquid.

Li Yao absorbed trace elements with the base of his tongue. After careful analysis, he found that it was a drug that stimulated the nerve excitability and made people wake up quickly from anesthesia.

At the moment, he coughed a few times, "you turn to wake up" and looked around in confusion.

The atmosphere of the drunken banquet disappeared. It was a cold tent full of blood.

Even the flaming torches around the tent gave off a cold blue light.

Everywhere the blue light went, everyone's faces were as green and white as corpses.

Just now, Ling Shoujing, who was kind-hearted and even dissolute, was wearing a suit of red tiger swallowing gold armor. Two octagonal magic maces were crossed behind him. He was sitting in the middle of the tent with a big golden sword. His face was as expressionless as iron casting and copper pouring, staring at them coldly.

All around are twenty or thirty fierce xuanhu iron guards, all of them are pioneers and team leaders in the army. Their swords come out of their scabbard, and they can't breathe.

They didn't cover up their aura. The aura surged and filled a thick cowhide army tent like a balloon.

Li Yao turned his head and looked around him. There were sixty or seventy wuman friars, who also woke up from a hangover with a confused face. He blinked his ignorant eyes and didn't understand what was going on.

Some wizard friars with a little quick mind thought that Master Wang was going to attack them, but they didn't know what to do. They were so scared that they shivered.

Although there are a large number of them, they are gathered from various villages and caves. They are not familiar with each other. Many of them even have small conflicts. They are just a mob. Naturally, they can't be as united as Master Wang.

"Don't be impatient. I didn't mean any harm, but there are so many people outside. I have to use this way to invite you to have a talk!"

The tone of Ling Shoujing's speech is different from that of the banquet just now. It is full of the sharp and tough, even more murderous than that of the daytime.

He coughed gently, and several xuanhu Tiewei carried the "Baoshan" which had just been piled up outside to the army tent again.

At the moment, those magic weapons, crystal stones and weapons are all mixed together, which makes people more dazzled and dizzying.

"Now, there are 68 Wunan heroes in the envoy's account. You will share all these treasures equally!"

Ling Shoujing's words made all the confused monks jump three feet.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears. They were so greedy that their tongues were going to droop.

Just now, I said that it would take three days to compete and compare. Only those with the strongest strength can be entitled to one 200% of these treasures?

Although they have never studied modern mathematics, they also know that 68 people share a treasure mountain, and 200 people share a treasure mountain. Compared with each other, each of them takes a lot more advantage!

Only when Li Yao understood Ling Shoujing's plan, he couldn't help cheering for his resourcefulness and determination.

The 67 wuman friars around Li Yao are not the most experienced and powerful, but the most stupid and loyal to the imperial court.

The monks who rushed out to fight with each other in the daytime were all called here, no matter how they behaved at that time, even if they were defeated.

On the contrary, even the long-standing sorcerer monks who are generally acknowledged to be outstanding in strength, as long as they are two faced, wavering in their positions and making up their minds, they just wave the flag and shout, such as "mendo" and "ancient priest", none of them appear!

In this way, what does Ling Shoujing want to do?

Xuanhu Tiewei's action is extremely fast, dividing the crystal stone, magic weapon and blade into 200 points.

Later, they carried out more than a dozen large brass boxes and smashed them open one after another.

In the first box, there are cold shining swords and flying swords. The swords are covered with spiritual lines, and the aura is overflowing. When they are still in the box, they emit bursts of dragon chanting and tiger roaring, which makes many wizard friars can't help stepping back.

These swords are more advanced than the magic weapons that were brought out in public just now!

In the second box, it was wrapped with straw, cotton wadding and silk. Iron bumps the size of fists were also covered with mysterious and complex spiritual patterns. All the spiritual patterns were interwoven to form the five words "Taiyi zhuxinlei".

In the back of the boxes, there are exquisite work, inlaid with talisman armor, as well as cover aura, hiding the shape of the night cloak.

The last box was full of golden scrolls.

Several xuanhu iron guards unfolded the scroll for many wuman friars to watch one by one.

Many wuman friars were illiterate, and only after listening to other people's explanation did they know that it was the official position granted by the Da Qian Dynasty.

On the scroll, all of them are the important positions of Wunan fifth road. The seal of Wunan fifth road's recruiting system is still under the scroll, but the column of name is empty and has not been filled in.

"The styles of swords and flying swords are different. You can choose your favorite weapons. Taiyi zhuxinlei has four pieces for each, Qingyun Lingjia has one set for each, and nocturnal shadowless clothes has one piece for each. As for the name on this document..."

Ling Shoujing smiles, but the smile shows a strong killing: "it depends on your performance later!"

Many wuman friars looked at each other.

The atmosphere is so strange and the reward is so rich that even the dullest savages can feel it wrong.

A fat head and big ears wuman friar, with courage and trembling, asked: "dare to ask you, later... What's the performance?"

Ling Shoujing sneered and said, "an hour later, before dawn, we will attack the army tent on the opposite side and kill the people of the Qin Dynasty! During the fierce battle in the daytime, you all performed very well, showing your loyalty to the imperial court. I'm quite satisfied with that! "

"You are the real heroes of Wunan. What else do you want to compare?"

"Before this night attack, we prepared such excellent equipment for you. It must be more powerful. I hope you will continue to perform well. Don't let me, the imperial court and the emperor down!"