The words of the bloody demons made Li Yao fall into a momentary absence.

But the next second, he screwed up his eyebrows and said coldly, "don't do this! It's disturbing my mind again! Even if what you said is true, the "original owner of the castle" did not leave voluntarily, but was driven away after the "slave uprising"

"In any case, the universe is now in our hands. Our ancestors fought side by side with the Nuwa people and captured the universe with fists, swords and blood. If Pangu civilization wants to make a comeback, it is ready to pay ten times more fists, swords and blood than us!"

"Hum, since we can suppress the Pangu people once in the battle of God, now we can suppress them again, or even eliminate them completely!"

"If you look at Wu suiyun's and Meng Chixin's personal experience, you can see that no matter how secretive the Pangu civilization's inheritance plan is, it can't be 100% successful. Even two practitioners in the" ancient cultivation era "can't control it, let alone so many new people who accept the modern cultivation civilization."

Li Yao is full of respect and admiration for Wu suiyun and Meng Chixin, the two forefathers of the realm of deification.

It has nothing to do with region, identity, camp, era, good and evil.

As a human being, I am deeply moved by the strongest courage and sacrifice of this race!

In order to make up for their own mistakes and prevent the demons of ancient times from wreaking havoc on the world again, the two monks made a choice in an instant, and died together in this rare place without anyone knowing!

It's hard for Li Yaoshi to imagine their psychological state at that time, and he doesn't know how he would choose if he was in the position of Wu suiyun and Meng Chixin.

No matter how different these two "ancient gods" are from the modern practitioners in concept, they are still worthy of the name of "practitioners" and can not be compared with those of the six schools.

Li Yao also deliberated whether their words were true or false.

Will it be a new trap? For example, they have been controlled by the Pangu civilization and are deliberately trying to lure people here.

But if you think about it, it's very unlikely.

Because if they were really controlled by Pangu civilization, there would be no need to tell people so much top secret information.

They are all capable of controlling the giant magic soldiers. As long as they can control the black skeleton giant magic soldiers to come here, break the prohibition and connect the "shock teeth" of the Nvwa warship with the underground laboratory again, they can naturally release a large number of "activated animals".

In the case of ignorance and the interference of the two gods, many yuan babies will be attacked by the "activation beast" and transformed into new Pangu people!

This is the simplest, most direct and most reliable plan, which has been repeatedly deduced by Li Yao, and the success rate is almost 100%.

Now that they are doing this, they are adding to the cake!

So Lee chose to believe them.

Then, new problems arise again.

What kind of choices will the two super powers in the realm of deification make when they know part of the "truth" of the world and the "threat" of their homeland?

"Master Wu, master Meng, have you been staying in this... Warship for a hundred years?"

Li Yao asked respectfully.

"Yes, we can't stay here if we don't want to!"

Wu suiyun said, "when Meng Chixin and I attacked each other, we both felt that our spirits were being eroded by the mysterious power, and there was an extremely dangerous mutation, so we were ruthless, and almost annihilated each other's spirits!"

"When we kill each other and die, there are only a few wisps of ghost fragments floating in the warship, which can't condense half consciousness."

"If we were outside, we would be completely destroyed if we were only slightly illuminated by the fierce sunlight.

"However, the shell of this Xianzu warship is extremely strong, and the interior is filled with very stable and comfortable gas. It is like a man-made paradise, which can resist all external interference."

"Besides many warehouses and corpses, we can also find some crystal stones that are not exhausted. For the ghost, they are like inexhaustible food."

"Our souls have been floating inside the warship for about ten or twenty years, slowly sucking the power in these crystal stones, constantly nourishing and repairing, and finally gathering consciousness again and restoring the memory of the past."

"However, at this time, we are still very weak, not to mention the restoration of the realm of God, even worse than ordinary ghosts!"

"Beyond the warship, there is the ice and snow in the Yongye ice field, full of violent wind and snowstorm everywhere. With our ghost strength, as long as we step out of the warship, we will be completely torn by the wind, completely frozen by ice and snow, and lose all activity!"

"My soul and I are completely sealed inside this fairy warship!"

Wu suiyun said this melancholy, but Meng Chuxin grinned, and then said: "what's more, we have discovered the amazing secrets of the fairy warship and the demon underground palace. This is such a blessed place for ghosts to nourish. There are so many rare treasures and corpses to study. Even if we are allowed to go, we are reluctant to go!"

All Yuan Ying, including Li Yao, looked at each other and nodded one after another, fully understanding their mind.

As for the two immortals who are unique in the ancient holy world, power, status, money... These vulgar things are all easily available and despised. I'm afraid they have been tired of them for a long time.

Only these things that are related to the "origin" and "future" of the whole world can deeply attract the two gods, and let them pay all the costs to explore and research, and trace the source!

"Although Wu suiyun and I were originally in different camps, and even had to fight to the death for the sake of the good fortune of Daqian and Youyun prairie, after discovering the strange" graveyard "in the depths of the magic palace and being turned into horrible demons by that monster, we both realized that the ancient holy world was facing an unimaginable and difficult threat, It's a real "crisis of annihilation!"

"In the face of the" crisis of annihilation ", the dispute between DA Qian and you Yun is nothing but ridiculous."

"Only by abandoning the past and working hand in hand can we have a chance to help our common world overcome difficulties."

"So, in the next few decades, we stayed in the fairyland warship, sucking the crystal, repairing the ghost, and studying everything here."

"There are several advantages to turning into a ghost. Except for a few key cabins which are forbidden and closed, we can drive into other cabins and study everything inside."

"This research is amazing. We have discovered the shocking truth!"

"That's what we just said about the existence of fairyland!"

Speaking of this, Meng Chixin gave a pause, glanced at the calm, sweaty faces of many children, and said with a smile, "it's not accurate to say 'fairyland'. It should be said that there is an incomparable vast sea of stars outside the ancient holy world, with an endless world!"

"By the way, when it comes to the sea of stars, do you know what the real stars look like?"

"No, it's not the glittering debris around the ancient holy world. At most, those things are just a little dust in the boundless universe. How can they be called stars?"

"The real star is a huge fireball, which emits infinite light and heat and is similar to our sun!"

"Imagine, in the sky above us, far away, there are still hundreds of millions of suns hanging. Next to each sun, there is a world about the size of the ancient holy world, and even far larger and more developed than the ancient holy world!"


Except for Li Yao, all the super yuan babies were deeply shocked by Meng's words.

It's like the fish who originally lived in a small pond suddenly found that outside the pond is an island, and outside the island is the vast sea!

Hundreds of millions of suns, hundreds of millions of worlds!

Rao is a master of Qi Zhongdao and Han baling. Limited by his past experience and the surrounding environment, it is hard to imagine what such a world looks like!

A boundless emptiness, terror and loneliness suddenly hit every yuan baby like a black tide.

When human beings discover for the first time how vast the universe is, and the world they live in is not the center of the universe, but a tiny dust on the edge of the universe, they will find their own insignificance and nothingness at the same time and fall into the abyss of panic!

All the practitioners in the outside world have experienced the same psychological upheaval a long time ago, so that they can evolve from "star nation" to "star sea nation"!

The natives of the ancient holy world are making up this lesson today, a long time later.

Meng Chixin and Wu suiyun quietly observe the expression of ten yuan babies.

Their eyes stayed on Lee's face for the most time, and they seemed to find that the shock that Lee tried to pretend was slightly different from the shock from the heart of the rest of the people.

They looked at each other, and there were some meaningful things in their crystal clear eyes.

"Think about it, of course."

Meng said, "in the flood and famine era, how powerful were the ancient immortals and demons? How could they be trapped by a small ancient holy world?"

"In a word, after decades of study and research, Wu suiyun and I have finally determined that there is a world that is hundreds of millions of times larger than the ancient holy world!"

"We can call this vast sea of stars' fairyland ', but I prefer to call it' Outland '!"

"Since the fairyland or Outland does exist, then we naturally think of a very crucial question: is there any immortal or other people in the deep of the sea of stars, and do these people know the existence of the ancient holy world? Once they know, what kind of attitude will they have towards us?"