It took Fitch three hours to tell all he knew, especially the information about dragon and snake.

At this time, many ancient sages found that dragon and snake star field was the best place for them to sneak in. This time, the star sea jump was very appropriate.

Dragon and snake star field, as its name suggests, is a place where fish and Dragons mingle, where there is a miasma and lawlessness.

In the past hundred years, Xingyao Federation has developed rapidly and expanded vigorously. In addition to the original three worlds, it has merged four new worlds at one go.

For the new world, this earth shaking change is warmly welcomed by the vast majority of people, but it is bound to damage or even completely deprive the interests of a small number of people.

In this turbulent era, when the Federation is expanding rapidly, not only in the four new worlds of Tianhuan, Shuhai, Youming and crystal, a group of people who are extremely dissatisfied with the Federation have emerged; Even in the three core worlds, a small number of people can't keep up with the pace of the times and have different thoughts.

Xingyao Federation stresses "freedom of coming and going", and does not force anyone to become its citizen, let alone any dog and cat can become its citizen unconditionally.

For those who firmly resist the Federation and do not want to stay on the territory of the Federation, but do not violate the law and discipline and hostile acts, the dragon and snake star domain is the new homeland specially prepared by the Federation for them.

Depending on the relatively stable red giant star in the center of dragon and snake star field, although it is impossible to continue the past days of extravagance and extravagance, it can barely survive.

It's better than wandering aimlessly in the depths of the sea of stars with a tattered starship and a few supplies.

As a result, a large number of exiles migrated to the dragon and snake star region in the four new worlds.

Most of these people are the upper class people in the original world. They have accumulated some wealth, treasures and secret heritage on hand. Through various ways, they have brought some more or less out. For a time, the small dragon and snake star region suddenly expanded and prospered abnormally.

However, dragon and snake star does not have a unified government and effective management system, and the exiles do not see any hope or way out. In addition to the consistent hatred and disgust towards the Federation, they are not monolithic. It's not uncommon to see things like intrigue, fratricidal, killing and looting.

In addition, the "headhunters" from the Xingyao Federation are often the most vicious and dangerous elements in the Federation itself. In many cases, they may not really want to "uphold justice". They are most likely interested in the secret treasures brought by these exiles from their hometown. The damage they do by all means makes the public security situation in the dragon and snake star region worse.

All kinds of factors have caused today's Dragon and snake star region, which is a place full of miasma, grotesque scenery and demons.

Even the "star robbers" who have long disappeared in the Xingyao Federation are resurgent here.

But nine times out of ten, they are not professional star thieves, but local forces in dragon and snake star domain.

Anyway, today you rob me, tomorrow I rob him, today you are drunk, today you are drunk, in the dream of life and death you recall the glory of the past... Basically, that's the same thing.

"Dragon and snake star field is the most chaotic place near Xingyao Federation. For us, nature is the best place to start!"

After the interrogation of Fitch, the twelve strong ancient saints gathered together to discuss the next step.

Long Yangjun said, "first of all, people who exile or flee to dragon and snake star often owe blood debts in their hometown, just like the" doctor. "; Even those who have no grudges often carry valuable treasures with them, so many people choose to remain anonymous, change their face and become another person completely. "

"In the dragon and snake world, identity is never a problem. Most people prepare three or five false identities for themselves. They are also used to never asking about other people's history. If they ask more questions, they will be regarded as" headhunters "from the Federation, and they will be attacked by a group of people."

"There are at least hundreds of millions of people in the whole dragon and snake star region, which is a rough estimate. At least, it is impossible to make accurate population statistics here. Many black families secretly control the star ships and flee here. As long as they bring enough resources from their hometown, no one can compare who they are."

"Hundreds of millions, even a billion, are sneaky people. How can the federal investigate their identities one by one?"

"We take the dragon and snake star field as the springboard, and first adapt to this lawless and chaotic place for a period of time, and learn the rules of modern cultivation civilization. It's like twelve leaves hidden in the forest, which will never be found!"

"In addition, Feiqi said, there is a very wonderful business in dragon and snake star domain. There are some people who can help others get the legal identity of Xingyao Federation."

"This is because the people who fled to the dragon and snake star may not be the diehards who, like Fitch, have to fight the Federation to the end."

"In fact, later we gradually found out that the alliance of Xingyao took direct means of war in conquering the celestial circle, but it was relatively mild in conquering the other three worlds, such as the netherworld and the crystal world, and even actively asked to join the Federation."

"The people who escaped from these worlds just couldn't accept the Federation as a" giant "from a different world at the beginning."

"After decades of living in the dark and hopeless dragon and snake star realm and gradually deepening their understanding of the Xingyao Federation, they never fail to want to return to their hometown and return to their roots."

"The attitude of the federal government towards these people is rather ambiguous. Generally speaking, as long as they don't have blood debts in their hometown, the people's anger is not big, and all the old grievances are settled, they can still be let go home."

"There's a lot to do."

"For example, Zhang San, who fled from the crystal world to the dragon and snake star, was a good citizen in his hometown. He didn't commit any crimes or run into blood debts. At first, he didn't like some federal policies and was worried that he would lose his wealth in the process of reform. So he refused to join the Federation and moved to the dragon and snake star."

"Such people, if they want to go back to their hometown, have no problem at all."

"But this" Zhang San "was dead when he was in the dragon and snake star realm, leaving only one" identity ". So it's very difficult to find out who came back to the Federation under the identity of" Zhang San. "

"After all, in the vast sea of stars, it's too easy for a person to disappear quietly, but it's too difficult to determine a person's life and death and trace!"

"In dragon and snake star, many people make a living by forging identities for others to enter the Federation legally. Maybe we can forge 12 new identities, which is more secure than the identities we thought out when we set out!"

"What do you think, Taoist friends?"

Many Yuan Ying and Hua Shen are talking about it. In principle, they have no opinions on long Yangjun's proposal. What they want to do next is nothing more than to adapt, learn, observe and choose. It's no harm to put on a new coat over the original disguise.

Only Han baling, the leader of the grassland, knocked on the table to remind the people, "Yulong City, the main city of the dragon and snake star region, is sure to go, but we still need to be vigilant and don't take it too lightly!"

"I've been thinking about the" dragon and snake star realm "just now. It's reasonable to say that after conquering the four new worlds, instead of cutting down the roots, I left such a" exiled land ". Isn't it an act of raising tigers for trouble and asking for trouble?"

"Since Xingyao Federation has such a ruthless leader as Jin Xinyue, I don't think it will do such a soft hearted thing with endless future troubles."

"However, if you think about it carefully, the Xingyao Federation originally had only three big worlds. In just a hundred years, it has absorbed four new territories. The expansion speed is really too fast!"

"As the saying goes," if you want to be quick, you can't reach it. "If you swallow four greasy pieces of fat in one breath, you're afraid that the Xingyao Federation is now very strong. Even if you want to find out all the world's resisters and suppress them, you can't do it."

"Since it is impossible to find out all the resisters and kill them, it is better for them to show" magnanimity "and prepare a new home for them than to let them hide their mind and wait for the opportunity in their hometown, so as to gather them all and put them on the surface for the convenience of federal monitoring and control."

"I'm afraid that's the biggest purpose of the Federation of star shining to set up the" dragon snake star realm. "

"If Jin Xinyue had come up with this idea, then this" snake and scorpion Fairy "would be a bit of a weight, which should not be underestimated!"

"I mean, despite the fact that the dragon and snake star field is self-contained on the surface and can hop around the feet of the Federation, the dragon and snake star field must be under the high monitoring of the Federation, full of hawks, dogs, ears and eyes of the Federation."

"If we only prepare a few false identities, maybe the Federation will not bother to entangle with us" insignificant "little characters. But if we really do something extraordinary in Yulong City, but still think that the Federation will be indifferent, it would be naive!"

"What Han Daoyou said is true."

Qi Zhongdao said in a deep voice, "listen to Feiqi's confession just now, Ding lingdang, the" red flame Dragon King "and Jin Xinyue, the" snake and scorpion demon girl ", are not easy to match! If we choose Empire, these two women are our most dangerous enemies; Even if we choose the Federation, it's very difficult to bargain with these two women and take advantage of them! "

"Ding lingdang and Jin Xinyue are both outstanding figures in Xingyao Federation, and they are the targets we must pay attention to in the next period of time. However, I am more worried about another person, another person... Maybe more terrible than these two women combined."

One of the two gods, the wolf God, uttered a dull voice in the iron shell and said, "that's vulture Li Yao!"