Floating in the void in the center of Yulong City, the last small light spot, as beautiful as a firefly, finally goes out.

Instead, some dark blue, more blurred, more ethereal light groups, gathered into a dark blue Tianhe, like the bright moonlight in the general flow.

Although human beings have got rid of planets and stepped into the sea of stars for a long time, even people who have lived on starships all their lives are used to using "day" as the time unit and using artificial environment to simulate "day" and "night".

——Also used to, in the "dark night" comes, ability those can't see light, but want to see blood activities.

The moon is dark, the wind is high and the fire is on.

Yulong city is a Xinghai city built by the strongest of the four new world exile forces.

However, the exiles from four different worlds are not monolithic in themselves. They are full of intrigues and intrigues.

What's more, there are countless fierce criminals who are not afraid of death and want money but not life. They will also go to Yulong city to make trouble with the idea of making a big profit.

Perhaps constrained by unwritten rules, during the day, various forces with evil intentions can barely suppress their desire to kill and destroy.

However, when night falls, Yulong city becomes a paradise for star robbers, thugs, gangs, headhunters, Emperor's Council... All lawless elements.

The once-in-three-year super challenge arena "trump fight for life and death" brings together the strong and powerful guests of dragon and snake star region and the surrounding forces. Astronomical funds flow like a gurgling stream at the gambling table and challenge arena, adding fuel to the chaos!

Three luxury shuttle cars are shuttling silently on the magnetic track.

Yulong city is a 360 degree omni-directional three-dimensional city built inward. There is no distinction between "sky" and "ground". The so-called "airspace" is also very narrow. If there is no effective space control, shuttle cars with speeds up to hundreds of kilometers per hour may collide head-on at any time.

Therefore, the shuttle cars here are attached to magnetic tracks. On the one hand, they can control and guide the traffic, and on the other hand, they can get energy from the magnetic track, which is cleaner, cleaner and pollution-free. It is suitable for the closed environment of Yulong City floating in the sea of stars.

Through the car window, Li Yao watched the explosions and fires in the city, listened to the continuous roar of crystal armor, and pondered his next action.

The Four Saints chamber of commerce is the ruling force of Yulong city. Generally speaking, the armor division of the chamber of commerce can deal with all emergencies.

The night before Li Yao and others came to Yulong City, they often heard explosions and shooting in the first half of the night. However, most of the destruction and looting operations would be cleaned up by the Four Saints' chamber of Commerce. Before the small light spots floating in the air turned into red, which symbolized the dawn, a large number of bodies with eyes removed would be thrown into the cosmic vacuum through garbage pipes, The images recorded in the whole process will be rolled over the whole city through the light screen, so as to tell the outlaws who dare to make trouble in Yulong city what they have to pay.

But today's explosions and fires are very different.

Li Yao gently shrugged his nose, as if he could smell an extremely dangerous breath from the air.

Tang Xiaoxing wriggled his butt and fidgeted around Li Yao for a long time. At last, he couldn't help but put his heart in the horizontal and asked carefully: "master Lin, with your skill, you must be a famous person in the circle of weapon refiners in the Xingyao Federation?"

Li Yao looked out of the window and didn't look back: "it's not true. I'm a low-key person."

Tang Xiaoxing went up and down in a lot of Li Yao's clothes and muttered a few words in his heart. Seeing that Li Yao didn't mean to be furious, he became more and more courageous and said, "but I don't know what master Lin is doing in the dragon and snake star region. We firefly also have some small influence here. If master Lin is useful, just give us orders!"

"Not for the time being."

Li Yao said faintly that he had not yet figured out how to cut into the firefly. He had heard a lot of rumors these days. It seems that the situation on the firefly is very complicated.

Eleven ambiguous Yuanying and Huashen are enough headache. Another firefly, isn't it more chaos?

Tang Xiaoxing hit a soft nail and said: "I understand that master Lin only needs materials, so it's right to find us. We have a lot of rare materials on board from the center of Xinghai. Even if they have been stored for a thousand years, they are still in excellent quality, which can't be found on the edge of Xinghai! What materials do you need? I'm willing to give them to you as much as I can, no money! "

"Who wants your hands?"

Finally, Li Yao turned his head and frowned, "money is not a problem for me. They all said that I like to keep a low profile, and I am indifferent to fame and wealth. I regard money as dirt. Do you think I am the kind of person who can please me with a little money?"

"I'm reckless. I'm wrong!"

Master Lin is angry, and the consequences are very serious. Tang Xiaoxing is terrified and apologizes like a frightened rabbit.


Li Yao thought about it seriously and said, "it's a coincidence that money is not a problem for me. The problem is that I don't have money now. If you can let me go on credit for a batch of materials, I won't refuse."

Tang Xiaoxing

Li Yao: "Er, in addition, if you can lend me a sum of money to turn around, it would be more appropriate!"

Tang Xiaoxing: "don't Lin and his predecessors regard money like dirt?"


Li Yaoli naturally said, "it's just because money is like dirt that you don't have money. Who would take the dirt with you?"

Tang Xiaoxing

Li Yao's heart moved, and the frequency of the tip of his nose stirred faster and faster. He lowered the window down to a gap, listened to the murmur of demons in the wind, and watched the darkness in the crack of the window, the flames shining, and the shuttle cars shuttling around them like ghost shadows.

"Ask a question, have you ever offended anyone in Yulong city?"

Li Yao suddenly asked.

Tang Xiaoxing's father-in-law and the second monk couldn't figure it out: "no, I just arrived at Yulong city yesterday. In addition to getting supplies here, I went to magic treasure Mall for a while, said hello to Uncle Chu, and happened to adjust a crystal armor. That's all."

"Then --"

Li Yao's mind turned, "from past experience, all forces in Yulong City, including the desperado of the whole dragon and snake star region, will attack the Xinghai friars who came down from the firefly? It's killing people and robbing the treasure. "

"How could it be?"

Tang Xiaoxing sneered, "although we have been in exile for thousands of years, the overall quality of the armor division is at least three grades higher than the mob here. Moreover, most people here rely directly and indirectly on the trade between the firefly and the Xingyao Federation. They dare not move us, nor can they move us!"

Li Yao: "so, the" firefly "logo is clearly printed on the shells of your three shuttle cars, so that everyone knows clearly that they are the shuttle cars of the" orthodox government of Xinghai Republic ", right?"


Tang Xiaoxing didn't know, "in places like Yulong City, it's still very important to play the flag to avoid unnecessary trouble. What's the problem?"

"That's a big problem. Let your people switch driving routes immediately and go back the same way!"

Li Yao knocked hard on the sound insulation panel between the passenger cabin and the cockpit, "let the driver sit next to him. I'll take it instead."

Before the words were heard, Li Yao infused his psionic power. With the reconstructed ear canal, he received a subtle sound in the air. His pupils suddenly contracted and gave up the plan to get into the cockpit. Instead, he turned back and rushed to Tang Xiaoxing and opened his psionic shield!

"Be careful!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, there was a loud bang. It was like they were hit head-on by another heavy shuttle car with a speed of more than 800 km / h, and they were thrown off the magnetic track in a whirl!

The explosive power of the stormy waves is pounding the narrow carriage.

"Bang bang!"

The airbags hidden in the car shell burst one after another, but they all burst under the constant impact of the external smart energy source!

Even Li Yao was so shocked that his seven orifices were bleeding. His appearance was shocking. His brain was buzzing. For a moment, he had the feeling of energy stagnation!

"Are you kidding me? Even the old baby monster can cause such a heavy damage? What the hell is that

From the appearance, the luxury shuttle car completely turned into a group of smoking scrap metal, spinning rapidly in mid air, attracted by artificial gravity, and fell toward the nearest "ground".

Li Yao's thoughts were released in all directions like smoke. He felt two powerful power waves coming from a high building in the northeast corner and a crystal track train in the southwest. They hit the two bodyguard cars in front of and behind them.

"Boom! Boom

After two loud noises, the two bodyguard cars turned into two big flaming fireballs. The firefly inside turned into ashes and red fireballs, illuminating the dark blue night sky before the elite armored division could even scream!

"Click, click!"

The magnetic track where they were just located was also blown off, and dozens of shuttle cars running on the magnetic track suddenly lost control, flying around in mid air, crashing into bright fireworks.

Li Yao's pupil suddenly contracted to the size of the needle tip, and then expanded to cover the whole eyeball.

"It's the main gun that should be installed on a small attack ship to analyze the psionic afterwave escaping from the muzzle!"

"Is it wrong to dismantle the main gun of the Starship and secretly transport it to the urban area of Yulong city to attack individual targets with shells that can penetrate the shield and armor of enemy starships? It's no wonder that even the original baby and the old monster will have nosebleed! "

"That's exaggeration. Who is responsible for such a big battle! And how did they lock us in? That's right