"Swallow you up?"

Professor Mo Xuan widened his eyes and seemed to be insulted. The fire burning the village behind him became more and more violent. He waved heavily and said, "this is my world. If I really have any malice against you, I would have done my best to swallow you up. Why should I tell you everything and win your trust?"

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, do you really think I'm so easy to cheat? If you can swallow me up without any effort, will you not?"

The bloody devil gave a strange smile. "You have to start a conspiracy, calculate the Federation and the black wind fleet, control the whole spiritual net, and construct countless spiritual worlds to erode so many ancient saints and friars - have you reached the limit? Perhaps our fierce fight will be the last straw to crush camel and make your overall plan bankrupt. That's why you have put me in a good position for the time being? "

Li Yao gritted his teeth, struggled to wave his arm and said: "you! No matter what plot you have, I won't let you succeed! "

"Shut up

The bloody devil said with a grim smile, "this is a high-end business negotiation between us. How can you be talkative? Wash your neck honestly and wait for death, idiot!"

With his grim smile, Li Yao grew more blood colored thorns around his body, entangled his right half of his body, made him roar bitterly, and his body trembled more and more severely.

"Hum, to tell you the truth, it doesn't matter. It's true that I've been dormant in this idiot's body. On the one hand, I've been holding back, waiting for the opportunity, trying to find the time when the success rate is the highest and the cost is the lowest, and devouring all his souls in one fell swoop!"

The bloody devil's whole body blooms out wisps of blood lines, shaking like a group of snakes, ferocious to the extreme, it said triumphantly, "but on the other hand, this idiot's luck is good enough, and his position in Xingyao Federation is high enough, which makes my life quite comfortable!

"Our blood tattoo clan is different from you, a new type of demon based on the Internet. We are mainly parasitic in the flesh and blood of intelligent life, relying on strong emotional fluctuations, especially various negative emotions in the war as the energy source!

"Hum, the Xingyao Federation is going to march towards the Xinghai center, and there will be countless battles to fight next. It doesn't matter whether I devour the soul of this idiot or not. I can get everything I want with the identity of Li Yao!

So what is as if it were raining flowers in the traditional field like me? Why do you have to work with your strange network magic? Even if you blow this what... The whole human network plan, it's just a pile of bubbles.

"The Internet is the future of human civilization, not a bubble!"

Perhaps "it" is still Professor Mo Xuan, maybe the devil also has his own heart, and hears the spirit net being denounced as foam by the other side. Professor Mo Xuan suddenly raised his voice and hoarse. "Next, it is doomed to be the era of" Internet of things ". No force can stop it!


The bloody devil chuckled, narrowed his eyes and said, "what can an ancient demon like me, who takes flesh and blood as the carrier, do in the age of interconnection of all things?"

"Listen to me

Professor Mo Xuan gradually calmed down, and his silver white eyes glowed eagerly and sincerely. "I really didn't cheat you. I've been looking for you - the most advanced king of the blood tattoo clan!

"I believe that human civilization will be fully networked, but your concerns are also reasonable. In order not to let more innocent people die miserably, and in order to bring a new world of absolute peace as soon as possible, I really... Went a little too fast.

"Now, we still don't have the most advanced super crystal brain ready for all mankind as the carrier of their spirits. Even if you see those under the deep blue Super Brain Hospital, they can be scanned and printed in bionics and molecular progression three-dimensional, which can simulate 99.99% of the human brain. The price is expensive and the refining cost is very high. Not to mention, compared with the real human brain, After all, there are some differences and side effects.

"Even if our plan is successful, for a long time in the future, human flesh and blood will still be the essential" shell "of the spirit clan, at least the brain!

"So, I've been studying how to strengthen the human brain and make it more adaptable to the endless spiritual network life.

"You know, the human brain is very fragile now, and it can't adapt to staying in the network world for a long time. The higher the fidelity and the slower the virtual time elapses, the heavier the burden on the human brain will be. Every few hours, we have to exit and cool the brain for a longer time before we can re-enter!

"This is because the human brain is too primitive. It was originally born for the purpose of collecting and hunting in the wild world. The evolution of just 100000 years is not enough to make it enter a new era of interconnection of all things!

"What's more, there is the issue of offspring. We really haven't solved the problem of how the spirit clan can give birth in the spirit world - the real offspring. In the real world, at least the human brain and reproductive organs can't give up, but must be strengthened!

"But my research has encountered obstacles.

"As you said, after all, I'm just a psychic network expert, not proficient in biological and genetic technology. What's more, the construction and maintenance of the psychic world alone has exhausted all my efforts. How can I have so much time and energy to open up a second front?"

So you think of me

"Of course!"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "five thousand years ago, when your ancestors or" predecessors "came to Tieyuan, we were neighbors. Although we had no contact with each other, we knew each other's existence in a mysterious way!

"Li Yao's experience on Tieyuan star was told to me exactly later, and when the Yaoshi group was developing the dark continent of Tieyuan star on a large scale, it also met some strange creatures suspected to be infected with the blood tattoo group, and studied them. It was an ancient life between bacteria and viruses, which had the function of activating genes and strengthening flesh and blood!

"When I realized that the human brain and reproductive organs can't be abandoned, I naturally thought of you. I want to strengthen the human brain with the help of the power of the blood tattoo clan, and cultivate a new human brain that is more suitable for the era of spiritual network!"

"That kind of thing between bacteria and viruses is not really a blood tattoo family."

The bloody heart demon explained, "it's an ancient primitive life from billions of years ago. It's the first generation carrier of the blood tattoo clan. Or in your words," the shell "is all. You can think of them as escape pods for long-distance space travel."

This explanation made Professor Mo Xuan more convinced: "sure enough, I should have thought that those things have the ability to infect and strengthen organisms, but they don't show the strength and wisdom of the blood tattoo clan that used to be attached to yanxibei!

"It seems that most of the blood tattoos are still very low-level primitive life, just like most of the extraterritorial demons floating between three-dimensional and four-dimensional space are just low-level and primitive" energy worms ". There are only a few high-level demons such as you and me who are perfectly integrated with intelligent life after all."

The bloody devil snorted coldly: "don't pull away. How do you want me to cooperate?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "I want you to modulate the human brain and create a more powerful human brain with a higher degree of separation from the spirit!

"You have the natural power of the blood tattoo clan, and you have been in the blood demon world, which is good at biochemical technology, for so long. After we completely seize the supreme power of the Xingyao Federation, there will be a lot of resources and talents for you. It should not be a problem to complete this research in hundreds of years?

"At that time, all human brains can be connected together through crystal cable transmission lines or biochemical nerves, and can live in the spiritual network for a long time. It's not only the interconnection of all things, but also the interconnection of all brains!

"As for other parts of the body, in order to save precious resources to the greatest extent, in addition to reproductive organs, they can also be discarded. This also needs your help!

"Look, what I put forward are all very long-term needs, which proves that I am not trying to fool you with my temporary intention, but I sincerely want to cooperate with you from a long time ago!"

The bloody devil tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "wait a minute, sum up your needs, don't you want me to modulate human beings into such a form - he has an extremely huge head, and the brain capacity is likely to be five to seven times as large as it is now, in order to have enough heat dissipation, cooling and buffering space to withstand the long-term super information impact; The brain may be born with some interfaces, which can insert a variety of biochemical nerves and even crystal cables; But limbs and viscera can be extremely atrophic, even there is no need to exist; At most, plus a set of fairly powerful reproductive organs, it can normally produce the seeds that breed offspring, right?

"To put it in a vulgar way, the new human in your imagination is a second child hanging directly under your brain, right?"


Professor Mo Xuan said seriously, "new humans don't need external genitalia. Anyway, the technology of artificial insemination is very mature now. Men's love and women's love can be solved in the spiritual world. In the material world, only a small internal genitalia is needed. This is the most resource-saving and optimal form. What's the problem?"

The bloody devil frowned: "the question is, what's good for me?"

"It's good, of course."

Professor Mo Xuan said, "the evolution of new humans can't do without the help of the blood tattoo clan. By that time, the blood tattoo clan will be born in the super brain of all new humans, and it can absorb strong emotional fluctuations without any effort - isn't this your greatest ideal?"