However, Fang Chengzhi, the "green willow boy", was dragged into the temporary "century glory exhibition hall of Xingyao Federation" by his father faintly. It seemed that he had moved from one dream to another deeper dream. The light around him was suddenly dim. He could not help but shrink in his heart, wondering whether it was a trap again.

However, thinking that Xue Longhu, the powerful elixir of the golden elixir, was sent to the iron cage and "crackled" into coke, and his father, who had always been resourceful, looked like he was crazy. Let it go, master Fang sighed in his heart. If you come, you'll be at ease. If you want to kill or cut, do as you please!

In the exhibition hall, no one came to kill him or cut him. Maybe it's because it hasn't been officially opened, and there are few federal friars.

In the corner, Mr. Fang saw a lot of famous experts, respected predecessors and powerful people. Like his father, each of them was wearing a nine star dragon war emblem on his chest and a red hoop on his arm. There were not only "management committee", but also "economic and Trade Commission", what "development bureau", what "procuratorial department, road and Bridge Department, information bureau" and so on, There are many different kinds of Yamen in the new court.

One of the rarest red hoops is four big characters - "iron tower company".

What does the "iron tower company" really do? Mr. Fang really can't figure it out. He probably doesn't even know who is wearing the red hoop.

Because Mr. Fang clearly remembers that this tall man with a huge back and a height of two Zhang has a nickname in Xiuzhen world, which is called "tuotian iron tower".

Nine times out of ten, I chose this yamen because of my nickname.

They are all trapped in the rage Valley, but the atmosphere here is quite different from that outside.

The ancient saints and friars who are still screening and censoring on several star ships outside are all worried and worried, like dogs who have lost their families.

The ancient saints and friars here are like rats who came ashore ahead of time and got into the granary. They are all smooth and fat, with mysterious smiles on their faces, and sometimes throw some tacit eyes at each other, which is a happy scene.

Seeing Fang's father and son come in, many people throw envious and envious eyes at them one after another, but there is not much malice in the eyes. It seems that everyone has been fed up and slack, and they can't fight for a little petty profit.

The headmaster Fang Da lowered his voice and said with a smile: "see, so many Taoist friends and predecessors, many people's accomplishments are higher than that of our father, and the strength of the sect is much stronger than that of our Qingyun sword sect. But just because the brain doesn't work fast enough, we let our father take the lead. On the several ten assembly lines connected to the console, all kinds of mechanical arms driven by psionic powers make extremely clever movements, A chain saw sword, a concussion saber and a thermal Tomahawk are just a little rudimentary, gradually sharp and fresh!

As the picture gradually enlarges, we can see that at the end of each manipulator, there are dozens of thin needle like probes stretching out, beating "Shua Shua Shua Shua" at a speed that can not be recognized by the naked eye, inlaying each microchip and component into the depth of the magic weapon, making these melee magic weapons more energy-saving, smarter and more stable.

"This --" Mr. Fang's eyes bulged and he didn't believe it at all.

In less than three years, hundreds of swords have come out? Well, not to mention the weapons used by the ancient saints, even the ordinary swords used by the mortal army are not so fast!

He still remembers that his father had worked hard to make a "green lotus heart breaking sword". It took several years before and after, but at the last moment something went wrong. The furnace could not bear the impact of the spirit flame and burst a gap. Years of hard work was wasted!

In fairyland, if you yawn, you can make hundreds of magic weapons. How can you fight with fairyland!

Mr. Fang was deeply impressed by the speed with which fairyland refined its magic weapons. He was not even so shocked by the "step-by-step polymer scanning", "Mustard series ultramicro engraving", "super stable trans Galaxy high-speed spiritual network channel" and so on, because he didn't know what these embroidery like efforts were doing, a propaganda by the federal government, There's a suspicion that he's flattering the blind.

However, in the third part, "live and work in peace and contentment", Mr. Fang's brain, which had just cooled down, began to boil again.

High rise buildings, row upon row, brilliant lights, unprecedented bustling city!

Developed transportation, comfortable residence, countless delicacies, endless silk!

Even the most humble ordinary people can sit in a clean classroom, learn the history of the whole civilization, explore the future of Xingyao Federation, get the inheritance of basic magic power for free, and even have a nutritious lunch containing weak power, which is provided to children for free!

Mr. Fang was completely confused.

If we say that "great power's heavy weapons" and "uncanny Craftsmanship" are just the magic power of the immortal family, and they are still within the scope of his understanding, then the scene that ordinary people and practitioners live and work together in harmony and contentment will really, really, really overturn all his cognition and rules.

"Even the common people in fairyland are so fat, tall, respectable and confident?

"How can these people in the fairyland control the fairyland armor, the huge fairyland boats, and even become officials in the court?

"How possible, how possible! Why do the immortals in the fairyland want to make the people live such a comfortable life? Is there any reason for the immortals to be ethical? Are they all suffering from heart failure? "

Master Fang swallowed his saliva and felt his legs trembling unconsciously.

He's scared. He's scared. He's creepy.

In the smiling faces of the "fairyland people" and between the white and neat teeth, he sensed a new and unknown force, which was more powerful and unstoppable than the heavy weapons and uncanny workmanship of the great powers just now.

In the face of this force, he is like an ant in the face of a raging tide. All complaints, hatred, anger and hostility become ridiculous and insignificant.

Act four, defending the country.

The material is just intercepted from the battle of Xinghai three years ago, in which the Xingyao Federation and the Heifeng fleet fought against each other, and dozens of giant magic soldiers stirred up the most dazzling sparks in the Xinghai.

Master Fang is immersed in the illusion of Taixu, just like wandering in the sea of weightless stars. Ten thousand dead lights run through the space around him, and countless suns are rising around him.

Mr. Fang could not help murmuring, just like a wild dog between two groups of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The war in the fairyland is really terrible. Compared with such a war, the so-called "competition among the heroes" in the ancient holy world is just a trick of children.

Only then did he realize that a month ago "vulture Lee Yao" really kept the utmost restraint - if the hundreds of star sea warships really roared, it would be more than enough to blow the whole angry mountain to 10000 meters underground!