Every capillary in Li Yao's body seems to have become a hollow ice cone. However, the hottest magma runs through it. His face turns blue and red, and he uses all his strength to lower his voice: "is there any more?"

"And there are a lot of details in this alert."

Honghuang linguist Wang Laodao said, "first of all, the alarm tells the Nuwa people outside the world that this" Pangu spy "must not be allowed to come into contact with crystal stones, natural materials and treasures with ultra-high energy, because when this" protoplasm "was just born, it was still in a very weak" embryo "state. It may not remember many things, and it may not be able to master too powerful supernatural powers, That's the best time to kill her!

"However, if she is exposed to astronomical energy and resources, her growth rate is extremely amazing. She will break through the critical point at any time and become an extremely terrible" perfect body ". At that time, even the whole planet's Garrison may not be able to stop her!"

Li Yao swallowed hard: "er..."

"Second, the alarm tells the Nuwa people outside that this" Pangu spy "must not be allowed to come into contact with the super crystal brain with super computing power."

Wang Lao, an expert in Honghuang linguistics, continued, "because her evolution seems to involve some very complex computational problems. She needs the help of super crystal brain to cross the most critical threshold and completely unlock the infinite power in her body and the memory of hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Li Yao scratched his cheek hard. His face was as gloomy as he wanted to be: "anything else?"

"Finally, the most important thing is that she must not be allowed to contact the Nuwa people and human beings outside, let alone the network... Er, there is a symbol here, which should be similar to our meaning of" Lingwang ". Er, she must not be allowed to contact the network."

Honghuang linguist Wang Lao finally said, "because she obviously came with a certain mission of Pangu nationality, it is very likely that she would seal all the Nuwa and human beings she came into contact with, deprive them of their emotion, desire and will, and even turn the whole world into a dead grave through the Internet.

"So, at the end of this warning, I strongly warn the guards of the Nuwa nationality outside that this Pangu spy is extremely, extremely, extremely dangerous. Once you find her trace, don't hesitate, don't hesitate, do whatever it takes, or even raze the whole planet to the ground. You must completely eliminate her!

"President Li, it's serious. We thought that it was only" the seal of Pangu laboratory was broken "that triggered the automatic alarm transmission system of the Nvwa warship. We didn't expect that when the seal of Pangu laboratory was broken a hundred years ago, a force of Pangu escaped and polluted the" protoplasm "of the Nvwa people!

"In other words, as early as 100 years ago, it is very likely that there was a Pangu spy in the form of Nuwa who had been dormant and growing up in the ancient holy world for a whole 100 years, but we knew nothing about it, and we foolishly built a bridge between the Federation and the ancient holy world! This, this -- "

Old Wang Hong Huang coughed loudly.

For a moment, Lee was sweating. The tendons on his temples were like a raging earthworm. Just as he was about to inform all the starships, all the defense lines and every armored division to be on the highest alert, a new communication request was sent. It was long Yangjun.

Li Yao's pupils contracted to the limit and jumped up.

Barely control shaking hands, agreed to each other's communication request, long Yangjun's smiling face, immediately appeared on the light screen.

However, the background is silvery white, and she seems to be curled up in a huge egg shaped seat, unable to see where it is.

"Why are you sweating like you've just been fished out of a pond?"

Long Yangjun got closer to the light curtain, and his face became bigger and bigger. He looked at Li Yao carefully and said, "I'm sorry, I have something on hand just now. I'm busy until now. Do you mind if I have time to chat with you?"

"No, I don't mind."

Li Yao wiped his cold sweat with his sleeve. His voice was dry and astringent. "I'll ask you a few" little questions ". What's that? First, have you ever come into contact with the crystal stone containing ultra-high energy, the most precious natural resources and treasures, and so on?"

"Of course there are!"

Long Yangjun nodded, "since we saved the Xingyao Federation together, the whole Federation treats us as heroes. They have everything they want, including crystal stones, natural materials and local treasures. Most of them are supplied by your Yaoshi group. I say that's enough. You can't use so much in daily practice, so you have to give them to me, When it comes to Yaoshi group, don't mention it. Just like at home, you can take whatever you want and use it. I'm very embarrassed. Have you forgotten? "

Li Yao: "it seems that it is true. Have you ever come into contact with the super crystal brain with extremely high computing power?"

"Yes, I have. Otherwise, why should I try my best to join the team to investigate the" demons and mysteries "in order to get in touch with the super crystal brains in Baihua city?"

Long Yangjun said boldly, "of course, it seems to be unnecessary after the event, because you Yaoshi group also have advanced super crystal brain. Didn't you grant me the highest level of special permission to use it unrestricted? The calculation power of crystal brain is enough for me to practice!

"Speaking of it, I can go to this step today, from an ignorant Eunuch in the ancient holy world to... I don't know what I've become. In short, it's all your credit. I really should thank you for your strong support and selfless help. Thank you, Li Yao!"

Li Yao: "you're welcome. This is what I should do. Third, have you ever contacted many people or Lingwang... Forget it, I didn't ask this question!"


Long Yangjun said with a smile, "what else do you want to ask? Seize the last chance, I know everything and say everything!"

Li Yao has not yet reflected the meaning of "last chance", but the picture in the light curtain trembles at a high speed, and long Yangjun's smiling face and body shape become blurred, as if to disappear gradually.

At first, Li Yao thought it was a problem of signal transmission. A moment later, he suddenly responded that long Yangjun was in some kind of "escape capsule" and entered the launching state!

Lee yew connected all the surveillance pictures outside with all his hands and feet. However, on the Yongye ice sheet, there was still a vast white land and a gloomy sky. Apart from the Federation's own starship, there was no other aircraft at all!

"Don't waste your time."

Long Yangjun yawned and said, "the shuttle I took is something that the federal technology can't scan, capture and lock, let alone disturb and shoot me down. In addition, this signal was connected to you after 17 or 18 rounds in a special way. At least before I left, I couldn't trace the source of the signal!

"It's better for you to take advantage of the last precious time to sit down and have a good chat with us instead of sweating and rushing in vain, isn't it?"

"It makes sense."

Li Yao watched the picture gradually stabilize. Long Yangjun, who was smiling and nightmarish, tried his best to curb the impulse to go into the light curtain and strangle her. He took a deep breath, and actually sat down cross legged, looking at her with complicated eyes. "What are you, like what the police said, a Pangu spy with the form of Nuwa?"

"So you deciphered that alarm. Unfortunately, the monitoring system of the Nvwa warship didn't understand what happened in my embryo, or that never happened?"

Long Yangjun was slightly stunned, and immediately said with a smile, "Pangu spy, this statement is not accurate. At least in my own feeling, the power of Pangu did not completely suppress the power of Nuwa, but it seems to be equal, coexisting in the depth of my soul, so that I have two forces, two ideas, two roads at the same time. What am I, To be honest, even I want to know! "

Li Yao couldn't believe it: "so it's half Pangu and half Nuwa?"


Long Yangjun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really didn't cheat you. From my point of view, I didn't know what I was at the beginning. I was just a child who grew up in the ancient holy world, had some strange nightmares when I was young, and gradually had some strange powers. Even in order to explore everything, I tried to enter the library of the Imperial Palace and enjoy all the books in the world, I can't find the mystery of my life.

"It wasn't until I met you in the depths of the Nu Wa warship that the vague memory in my brain began to clear up. When we went through battles in the Xingyao Federation, especially after we came into contact with super crystal brain and almost infinite resources, I gradually realized who I was.

"But the more I know, the more confused I am, because I always feel that there are two opposite forces in my soul, one is absolute control, the other is absolute indulgence. They are hostile to each other, they fight, devour and transform each other, which drives me crazy!

"For example, in the battle against extraterritorial demons in Baihua City, there were two strong voices in my soul. One voice made me mercilessly wipe out extraterritorial demons, and even all the people who came into contact with extraterritorial demons, never leaving any hidden danger, even blowing up the whole Baihua city.

"Another voice asked me to join the extraterritorial demons to help them carry out the" human virtualization "plan to the end and see what interesting changes will take place.

"The two voices are equally undeniable, equally full of deterrence and temptation, equally irresistible. If they didn't conflict with each other and offset each other, I really don't know what kind of choice I would have made at that time!"