"Why not?"

The bloody devil asked, "not to mention detonating thousands of habitable planets, even if it destroys 3000 worlds and destroys the entire human civilization, it may not be immoral!"

Li Yao was stunned and stunned for a long time. He said strangely, "how can this be explained?"

"If you want to brainstorm, open your mind a little, and don't let all kinds of narrow rules restrict your imagination."

The bloody devil laughed seriously, "you know that there is a" suicide "behavior in any human society. Even in a society that claims to be bright and moral, such as Xingyao Federation, there is a fairly stable" suicide rate. ".

"Do those who choose to commit suicide not love their own lives? Not really. Most people just can't bear the endless pain in life. Death is not the most terrible thing in the world. Life can be ten thousand times more terrifying than death, which makes people "unable to survive, unable to die.".

"Ignorant people don't understand this truth. What's the use of saying that it's better to live than to die, and mole ants still live secretly? Those who should commit suicide still have to commit suicide. Even if they are weak and lack courage, those who are advised to come back from the line of death will continue to live like mole ants. What's the significance of" letting go "and" living secretly "?

"A wise man can look at this problem from a higher level, at least partly admitting that a sane adult has a certain right to decide how to deal with and even end his life - especially when he encounters extreme pain that he can neither endure nor solve.

"Although euthanasia is still not completely legal in Xingyao Federation, if someone really chooses to end his life, others can understand his practice. In other words, modern people have a more healthy, universal and high-level outlook on life.

"Then, can a person commit suicide, and can a civilization?

"When a civilization foresees that it will suffer far more than its limit in the eternal future, and that it can't live and die, and that there is no way to change it, is it immoral to choose to end its own civilization and" commit suicide "?

"Take the example just now, if the alien species invading the three thousand worlds are as you said, there are tens of thousands of mother brains, which are absolutely irresistible to human civilization, and once conquered by it, human beings will be raised in captivity and become its food and playthings. From now on, for millions of years, human beings will forget the past history and glory, Even the so-called "cultivation" has become how to make yourself more delicate and delicious, so that the owner can eat more comfortable and have a better time.

"If Wu Yingqi at that time foresaw such a future, or if his mother brain showed him such a future and ensured the authenticity and inevitability of such a future, and Wu Yingqi mastered the method of destroying the whole human civilization, and did so, would it be" moral "or" immoral "

Li Yao deeply gazed at the bloody demon, shivered and murmured, "are you really the dark side of my heart? Why do so many strange ideas come out of the dark side of my heart?"

The bloody devil said with a smile: "justice is always similar, but the so-called evil is diverse and colorful. Why, can't you answer this question?"

Li Yao thought it over carefully and said firmly: "I am not qualified to say whether such" Wu Yingqi "is moral or immoral, but if it were me, I would never do it. I would tell the Council the whole thing, and then fight side by side with all human beings to resist this evil" mother brain civilization "!

"Even if we are really destroyed in the end, all of us will die together in a fierce battle. It is not up to one or a small group of people to decide whether to commit suicide on the whole civilization."

"It's a matter of detail whether we are killed in a fierce battle or" killed "in ignorance. In a word, you admit that even if we really destroy human civilization, it may not be evil. So, what's the point of destroying just one earth?"

The bloody devil said with a smile, "imagine such a situation, in a higher dimension above the three-dimensional universe, there is a powerful omnipotent existence. As long as you move your heart, you can destroy 3000 worlds, destroy the whole human civilization, including the earth, of course - but as long as we choose to sacrifice the earth, it will not destroy us, It can even help human civilization become more powerful, and make our civilization move forward for 1000 years, 10000 years.

"You see, either sacrifice the earth to preserve and upgrade the whole human civilization; Or watch the destruction of all human civilization, nature, the earth can not be preserved.

"In this situation, the option of" destroying the earth "is not so hard to accept, is it?"

"This is bullshit."

This time, without hesitation for half a second, Li Yao shook his head. "A long time ago, when we first heard the bewitching of the immortals, we discussed that no responsible government would negotiate with the kidnappers and terrorists. What's more, if there is such a super three-dimensional universe, which is like a demon, we have no ability to keep its promise.

"Since we don't have the ability to force it to keep its promise, its promise is a fart that doesn't even smell. Today it can threaten us to sacrifice the earth to save the whole universe. When we really sacrifice the earth, tomorrow it can ask us to sacrifice the Heavenly Kingdom to save the rest of the universe. The day after tomorrow is the Flying Star Kingdom, and the day after tomorrow is the blood demon Kingdom... It's like cutting a sausage, Let's cut ourselves piece by piece, hold it to its mouth, and let it devour it without any effort. That's what we call "an inch is hard to fill".

"What's more, if it is really superior to the three-dimensional universe, omniscient, omnipotent, invincible, yawning can destroy the overwhelming existence of human civilization, what is a small earth? Why does it want us to sacrifice the earth? If it really wants to destroy it, it will destroy it by moving its fingers. Why should it borrow my little mortal hand?

"If so, it shows that the earth is of vital significance, and even the key to threatening and destroying it - then it is impossible for me to destroy the earth for no reason.

"In that sentence, if it is just such a situation, I will never destroy the earth. I will only stand with 6 billion people on the earth, and then let 6 billion people on the earth stand with all human beings in the 3000 world. We will fight side by side against this higher level of existence.

"Even though we may be destroyed by it, we will never be defeated by it. Human civilization, including the earth, will never compromise or yield, and will fight to the last breath!"

"Ah ah, it's true that he is about to become a God. His realm is different from that of Kunlun ruins."

The bloody heart devil screamed, and immediately said with a smile, "in this case, we can only change the hypothesis - if the earth itself contains innumerable secrets, extremely dark and evil existence, all the people on the earth are the incarnations of demons, which may threaten the whole human civilization and even the whole universe?

"To destroy the earth is to destroy the grottoes and kill the people on the earth. It's to cut off the demons and demons. Then it won't conflict with your mind?"

Li Yao pondered again, slowly shook his head and said: "in a strange dream, although there are many tyrants and dictators on the earth, it is still a peaceful world from the perspective of the whole universe. Not to mention expeditions to outer regions, even expeditions to the nearest Mars or even the moon do not have such strength. It can be called" harmless to human beings and animals. ", How could it be a threat to the whole universe? "

"Maybe everything you see is false."

The blood demon analyzed it solemnly, "haven't you ever been in a trance to a deserted world where a nun said to you," welcome to the earth? "?

"Haven't you ever seen the earth burning, withering and turning into a rotten apple core?

"Maybe the blue earth in the dream and the calm life are all illusions. The burning, withered and rotten apple core is the real earth!"

"It's quite possible."

Li Yao nodded and said, "if the blue earth really exists, it doesn't seem to be" too dark, too powerful ". I don't know if it's dark or not. But it's not my boast that the earth people can turn the earth's surface into scorched earth, and even the moon can't destroy the nuclear arsenal. Just know where it is, Now the Federation sent an expeditionary army, followed by 30 or 50 yuan babies, and then the whole seven or eight giant magic soldiers, which would be enough to suppress the earth. It's OK!

"Is it necessary to say that this kind of earth is so terrible and exaggerated?"

"That's the concept of" the outside world and the inside world. "

The bloody heart devil said, "there are two earths. The earth on the surface is the blue planet. Countless creatures and six billion people live on it together. They live a peaceful life.

"But in fact, there is a" inner earth ", which is the real earth. It is very likely that there will be an extremely evil, extremely dark and powerful demon nest, which will threaten the whole universe and destroy the whole human civilization.

"So, when some of the people in Li Zhi earth find out the truth, they will work out the vulture plan and destroy it at all costs!"