As he spoke, the metal lifting platform dragged by the chain had slowly risen to the feet of the people. Before he could stop completely, Wei Longtao jumped up, abruptly raised three or five meters, and rushed to the front of the people. His legs were like two thick nails, smashing into the ground.

Li Yao looked at the commander-in-chief of the starlight organization quietly.

He is a 9-foot-tall, majestic man with beard and beard. The muscles around his body are wrapped with thick scars, as if his body could not hide his infinite energy and tear his skin.

The most eye-catching is his pair of big eyes like the lights of the "Earth Dragon".

Even in the deepest underground world, these eyes are still shining like the sun, making him look like a dreamer, a real dreamer!

"Welcome to the temporary camp of starlight organization, brothers from the evil land. The conditions are a little rough. Let's overcome them!"

Before I could stand still, there was a burst of hearty laughter in the air, which was much hotter than Zuo Jingyun's cold attitude. "People here call me commander Wei. You are not members of starlight organization. Just call me Wei Longtao!"

Wei Longtao stood in front of the boxer and Xia Hou and looked at them with a smile. He compared the momentum of the two strong men.

"I'm sorry."

He arched at the boxer and Xiahou, and said with a smile, "the situation on the ground and under the ground is extremely urgent. We can only use such a simple and crude method to invite you to the ground. I hope you don't blame me."

The summer eye's eyes rolled around and suddenly, "no wonder, if Wei Wei commands all his help, we all have to die in a bloody mouth of the lizard lizard. What else is there to blame?" but you have eyes in the free city, and you can see us all the time?

"Yes, he's watching us."

The boxer's words were not so euphemistic. He directly changed the word "see" into "watch." otherwise, it would never be so timely. When we were about to be annihilated, he ordered the "Dixing dragon" to drill out of the ground to save people. There were not many people who were just right. They were all the strongest among hundreds of thousands of bandits, the elite among the elite

"The boxing champion is right. It's not only Xiaoyao City, but we have hidden eyes in the great Elysian Fields and even many of the gang's gangs."

Wei Longtao did not deny it. He showed his snow-white teeth from his disheveled beard and said with a smile, "how powerful the city of the sky and manjushahua is, the champion and the leader of Xiahou city should all have personal experience. If there were not enough eyes and ears, and the news was not well-informed, our starlight organization would have been wiped out 10000 times, How can we fight for hundreds of years under the earth? "

"So --"

Xia Hou narrowed his eyes and said, "you can't help watching the monsters put in the city of the sky and manjushahua kill us all. Only the last few people are left to save us?"

"I have no choice."

Wei Longtao said frankly that he was upright and upright, without the slightest intention of intrigue. "Indeed, this legend is illogical."

"The city of the sky and manjushahua blocked the sky hundreds of years ago at most. Since this temple was covered with dust thousands of years ago, how could it have the power to destroy the city of the sky and manjushahua?"

"Naturally, we have made a comprehensive analysis of your doubts. We practitioners do not believe in ghosts and gods, nor blindly follow any traditions and legends. Naturally, the so-called" Temple "is not as simple as it is literally."

Wei Longtao, with both hands on his back, said, "just now, on the earth walking dragon, Zuo Jingyun should have introduced to you the truth of the grand trial, or you have known for a long time that it was not a civil war in the world of Wu Ying, but a war between the practitioners of Wu Ying and the practitioners of celestial immortals.

"According to the information we have, before the trial of war, the civilization of Wu Ying had reached its peak. A set of" global automatic defense network "was secretly built. Its core strike force was a super giant automatic navigation flying sword strike system, which was distributed all over the planet and buried deep underground.

"A total of 9981 large-scale super giant flying sword strike platforms, once activated, can automatically carry out devastating attacks on the extraterrestrial invaders such as starships and atmospheric shock pods, which is equivalent to wrapping a dense sword net outside the whole planet!

"If you think about it carefully, if even a high-speed moving star ship can be completely blasted, isn't the" city of the sky, manjusha "fixed above the atmosphere a living target?

"If so, can the control center of the" global sword net "be regarded as a powerful" Temple "?

"Isn't it also reasonable for some former operators in such a large-scale secret control center to go into hibernation with the control center in the way of" artificial hibernation "?

"As long as we can find this control center and activate the" global sword net "again, we will have a chance to blow up the" city of the sky and manjushahua ". What do you think?"

The boxer and Xia Hou were stunned. They looked at each other and fell into meditation.

Even Li Yao's mind is turning. He didn't expect that the so-called "one who has lost thousands of years of cultivation" would be like this, but

"The story is still illogical."

The champion continued, "if there is such a" global sword net ", then why was it not launched when the" trial war "happened and a large number of star warships of immortals came? If it's launched, it will be found out by the immortal practitioners that all weapon launching platforms will be locked and destroyed one by one, right