"The strength of these people is very strong!"

Under the perception of Li Yao's spirit, all prisoners turned into colorful spiritual flame and life magnetic field.

With the flames burning and jumping, Lee has a rough assessment of their strength.

These prisoners are extremely dangerous. On average, they have high-level, peak and even jiedan accomplishments in the foundation period. In the center of the magnetic field of many people's lives, there is a special compact and burning existence like a small sun, which slowly rotates - that is, their gaze at the motionless figures filled with hoses and crystal lines in the black fog, There was a cold ripple in Li Yao's spirit.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

At this time, a faint roar came from the bottom of the beehive prison, which attracted the attention of Li Yao and blood demons.

It was an extremely large cell, or testing ground, in which two ferocious creatures were fighting to the death.

A living body is like a mixture of spiders, scorpions and crocodiles. It is four or five meters long and covered with sharp spines and scales. It is like a sword jungle growing between flesh and blood.

On the other hand, the "living body" is a strange man like a nightfork.

It - he should be a person, or a deformed gorilla, covered with needle like green hair, a pair of big bulging eyes on both sides of the head, burning a spirit flame more violent than a tsunami.

Although the size of the other side is twice as big as him, his momentum completely suppresses the other side.

When Li Yao saw the fight, this strange man, like a green hair nightfork, was sitting on the crocodile monster, regardless of the sharp scales and bone spines on his opponent's body, abruptly broke off his opponent's big mouth and tore his whole head in two!


With a burst of noise and a spray of blood mist, the green hairy night fork was not satisfied. His fingers were sharper than the chainsaw sword. He inserted them into the crocodile monster's back, groped for a moment, and took out his heart!

The crocodile monster with strong vitality is still dying, but the green hair night fork shows a satisfied smile, holding the blood red heart in both hands and swallowing it.

Outside the test room, more than a dozen immortal practitioners in airtight clothes pointed out and recorded the test data.

"This guy is so strong!"

Even Li Yao was a little frightened. "There is almost no half drop of psionic power spilling out of the body. It is used to nourish every cell of the body and release the most powerful combat power. This is the cultivation and combat concept of the original warrior. This green hair night fork should be a" original Warrior "who practices or transforms to the extreme!"

At this time, the researchers seemed to have received some orders, whispered for a while, and then quickly operated on the crystal brain.

Suddenly, dozens of little red spots appeared on green hair yecha's body, and then dozens of light red liquid were shot into his body like water arrows.

At first, Li Yao thought that the immortals were going to destroy the "experimental body", but after jumping up and down for a while, the green hair nocturnal fork staggered, staggered and fell to the ground like drunk.

Li Yao realized that what had just been injected into his body should have been an ultra-high intensity and dose of anesthetic.

After he was sure that he was in a state of deep anesthesia, several immortal practitioners in crystal armor came in, tied him up, carried him into a huge metal bag, and then sent him a floating saucer to slowly descend.

This is the most effective "experimental body" that Lee has seen so far.

Since it is the most effective, it means the most advanced strengthening and transformation technology, the most core laboratory, and the "city of the sky, manjushahua" bigwigs.

Li Yaoxin read: "follow up and have a look. Where are they going to transport him?"