Lingci high speed rail is a kind of public facilities to assist the shuttle car to improve speed and save fuel.

Although the shuttle car can come and go freely, but the fuel consumption is huge, and when the speed reaches the extreme, especially when it breaks through the speed of sound, all kinds of accidents are prone to occur.

Just imagine, hundreds of shuttle cars are speeding at the speed of sound. If two shuttle cars collide, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, in the "high-speed airspace" on the outskirts of the major cities of the human Empire, there are special crystal tracks extending in all directions. Between the crystal tracks, the magnetic driving force is used to absorb the shuttle car on it. Relying on the track, the shuttle car can fly, which saves fuel and greatly improves the safety.

At the moment, a "speed of light bird" brand pure black lengthened luxury shuttle car is running fast on the track leading to the suburban heavy industrial area, followed by four fully armed combat shuttle cars, and even the Vulcan gun and crystal magnetic gun are exposed, making no secret of the highest degree of vigilance.

In the back row of this "lightbird" brand black lengthened luxury shuttle car is the chairman of the Federation of western coast industries of the mainland, the capital of China. He controls the lifeblood of dozens of magic weapon refining groups along the western coast, and is also named Dongfang.

Over the past half a month, a large number of bureaucrats and businessmen have been secretly arrested, which has already aroused the vigilance of Dongfang family. The bodyguard team of the chairman of the Federation of industries has also been upgraded. Not only the senior agents of the demon Hunters Association are sitting around, but also a large number of experts have been recruited from the family, and assassins and killers from the deep underground of the imperial capital have been hired out of their own pocket, The spacious space of the extended luxury shuttle car is full.

It seems that there are only four combat shuttle cars to protect the front and back. In fact, in a larger area, there are dozens of ordinary shuttle cars, including agents, family experts, killers and assassins. Many people have armed their crystal armor to their teeth, and they can tear the shuttle cars in half a second, stirring up the most powerful magic power.

Hundreds of pairs of Falcon like eyes, blooming blade like sharp light, staring coldly in all directions.

Just then——

There is more than one lingci high-speed track. There are dozens of crystal tracks up, down, left and right, just like dozens of lanes, four of which are specially for overweight trucks with a load of more than 50 tons.

At this moment, there are four vans disguised as different painting passing around the luxury team.

The four vans all carry more than 80 tons, and the carriage is extremely long, just like a crystal rail train.

Unconsciously, the four vans and the convoy kept parallel, the speed remained unchanged, and they seemed to be at a standstill.

The well-trained bodyguard group, chairman of the industrial association, smelled the danger and immediately ordered the whole team to speed up.

But the four vans also showed incredible super speed and stability to keep up with them!

The front and rear bodyguard cars wanted to shoot the detection dark light to scan the inside of the van, but it was like shooting on a mirror. The dark light was reflected back and couldn't penetrate into it at all - that's a big problem!


The leader of the bodyguard made a quick decision and issued a firm order without considering the possibility of accidental injury.

But before the bodyguards pull the trigger, the magneto track in front of the motorcade suddenly exploded and broke, and the two bodyguards immediately lost control and flew out high!

The four vans even surged out a dazzling arc, crisscrossing into a complex power grid, in which countless runes and spiritual patterns flashed, which was an extremely ferocious offensive array!

In front of and behind, there are two vans whose upper parts are fully opened, and silver bowls are raised to send strong interference waves to the outside world, blocking the help signals of luxury teams!

"Wow! WOW

The carriages of four heavy vans burst open one after another, and hundreds of demon hunting women belonging to the court of heavenly demons rushed out.

The elite bodyguard group, which had been prepared for a long time, also tore up the shuttle car and shot at the hunting witches.

A fierce super high speed fight, instantly into white hot.

Hanging far beyond the scope of interference, demon hunters who are dedicated to preventing accidents also send out help signals to the branch of demon Hunters Association in Baishi special city for the first time.

Immediately, countless demon hunting masters and the elite of Dongfang family sprang up from the city and rushed to the suburbs, vowing to kill all these bold demon hunting girls!

——All of them are clearly detected by hundreds of invisible detection eyes suspended in the stratosphere.

These hundreds of invisible detection eyes are the result of Li Yao's painstaking efforts. While maintaining the stealth and anti detection capabilities, the scanning range, accuracy and transmission distance are more than five times higher than in the past.

With these hundreds of invisible eyes, plus the heaven and demon tribunal and innovators, lurking in the Whitehead special city's eye liner, Li Yao will be able to fully grasp the whole battlefield.

The pictures from the outskirts are transmitted by encrypted signals and instantly shot at Baishi special city, the busy and crowded central business district.

In the business district, there is a transparent, crystal like building with 36 floors. It looks like an ordinary Trading Group Office.

The small room is flooded by thousands of three-dimensional light screens. Most of the three-dimensional light screens are pictures captured by a large number of monitoring crystal eyes inside and outside Baishi special city at the moment. The crystal brain experts of Tianmo courtroom tried to invade the public security platform of Baishi special city and intercepted all the monitoring pictures.

In addition to the secret monitoring crystal eyes of Li Yao and the court of heavenly demons, the whole city seems to be naked in front of Li Yao.

Li Yaoshu is comfortably lying on the ergonomics office chair, adjusted to the rest mode, with his hands resting behind his head, his feet tilted and his eyes narrowed slightly, as if sleeping is not sleeping.

In the depth of the brain, it is time and again to deduce what happened next, to ensure that every link is perfect, any defects are eliminated in advance, and every detail is accurate to 0.1 seconds!

The raid on the outskirts of the country seems to be about to fail.

The scale of the bodyguard group is far beyond their expectation, and the reinforcement speed from the urban area is also very fast. There is no "surprise attack" or "secret" in this arrest.

But deep in his eyes, Li Yao was still calm and calm, as if he was more interested in the sugar beans refined from the natural resources and local treasures.

Most of the surveillance images in all directions are not focused on the fierce fighting in the suburbs, but on the panoramic view of a luxury hotel not far from here.

Today, there is a meeting personally presided over by the mayor of Baishi special city, which is held in this luxury hotel.

It's true that the "secret arrest" of the chairman of the Federation of industries in the suburbs is just a stratagem. Their real target today is the mayor of Baishi special city!

Baishi is one of the top ten megacities in the world. Heavy industry, especially crystal armor manufacturing, is well-known throughout the Empire. More than ten crystal armor R & D centers have their headquarters and the most important refining bases here.

It is conceivable that Baishi is the mayor of the city.

If such a heavyweight is caught, it will certainly cause a great blow to the Dongfang family, and make the Yun family, the Song family and the other swaying aristocrats have deeper doubts about the strength of the Dongfang family.

Now, a large number of senior agents from the Baishi branch of the demon Hunters Association have gone to the suburbs, and the real secret arrest team of the demon court is also located around the luxury hotel. In another half a minute, it can start the operation.

Everything seems to be under control.

Twenty five seconds.

Li Yao suddenly sat up, staring at the seemingly calm monitoring light curtain, holding a sugar bean in his hand and not swallowing it for a long time.

Twenty seconds to go.

"Falcon team ready!"

"Hawkeye is ready!"

"Mole team ready!"

"The tigers are ready!"

The communication chip built in the eardrum transmits the voice of each witch hunting combat team.

Li Yao's eyes turned wildly, and a cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Fifteen seconds to go.

"President of the month."

Li Yao gently pressed his earlobe and said, "although I'm only here to help you control the monitoring magic weapon, I'm not an expert in arresting people, but I strongly recommend that you stop all operations immediately and retreat as soon as possible!

"No, I didn't find any clues, but there was something wrong with my intuition. Believe me, my title of" vulture Li Yao "as the first escape expert of the empire is not a false name!

"Don't move, retreat immediately. Repeat, don't move, retreat immediately. No matter what you say, I'll get out of the way first!"

With that, without waiting for the matchless response, Li Yao cleanly took out the communication chip in his ear and all the magic weapons on his body that would release the spiritual magnetic signal, crushed them all, and then activated the timing crystal bomb detonating device in the office. Then he put his hands in his mouth pocket and whistled out.

He didn't take the psionic platform. Anyway, with his skill, he took the stairs of the emergency passage at the same speed as the psionic platform.

When he left the building, he had become an elite business man with white temples, fashionable clothes, calm look, and a black leather briefcase in his hand. In three or two steps, he joined the bustling crowd.


Li Yao felt that the business district was completely open, and the bustling business district was completely static and decomposed before his eyes. Every expression and movement of thousands of people was captured by him.

Sure enough, he found seven sneaky guys in the crowd.

It's as easy as recognizing seven colored figures in a black-and-white photograph.

With a slight smile, Li Yaowei casually pushed through the seven people. His posture, gait and micro expression on his face all looked like a financial man who was absorbed in his work.

He even sidled by with a demon hunter, but the other side didn't feel anything different.

"The difficulty is too low. It's not challenging at all. It's better to go home and sleep."

Li Yao recalled the stimulation of being chased and intercepted by the spring breeze in his hometown by the secret sword Bureau. That's the real life. Therefore, it's also a kind of distress to be too strong. The master is lonely. Who can understand the loneliness in his heart!

Then he saw the Oriental moon.

Dongfang Mingyue is sitting at the door of a sweet shop surrounded by flowers and plants on the street. She is very lazy, fiddling with the ice on the juice with a straw. There is no one on the opposite seat, just a little cat lying on her stomach.

She seems to be so hot that she has lost her passion for work. She even doesn't want to change her dress. She lets her long black hair flutter in the hot wind, just like high-heeled sandals with jade feet.

It wasn't until Li Yao appeared that she picked herself up a little, yawned a little, held a straw like a lady's tobacco, and laughed at him.