"Take the stars as the laboratory, and hundreds of millions of mortals as chessmen and experimental objects."

Li Yaodao said, "it's really in line with your identity as the double inheritor of Pangu civilization and Nuwa civilization!"

"Don't take it so seriously. Even the synthesis of a new strengthening agent or the refining of a new crystal armor requires thousands of experiments."

Long Yangjun said, "if there is a way that may affect the future of hundreds of millions of people, doesn't it need a small-scale experiment first? Without experiments, how can we know whether this avenue is "just" or "evil"? Is it because you look hot that you are born right? "

Li Yao pondered for a moment and said: "well, let's not entangle in these details. First, let's talk about how you experiment specifically. Since you are exploring the origin of shengmeng, what's the relationship between shengmeng and the depths of the imperial capital? Shengmeng can't originate from the depths of the Imperial capital, can it?"

"Of course it is impossible, but not necessarily without the same context."

Long Yangjun suddenly put his face up and said mysteriously, "don't you think it's strange that the history books of the real Empire have vague and vague descriptions of the origin of the holy alliance. It seems that with the birth of Wu Yingqi, the black star emperor, a thousand years ago, this strange and wild small country also rose, and at that time," the way of the supreme good. ", Such things as the "three principles of origin" are perfect.

"The problem is, we know that as early as 10000 years ago when the Xinghai empire was established, there was absolutely no" covenant alliance ". In the early 30000 years of the great dark age, there was no" covenant alliance ", and all the worlds were ruled by demons.

"In other words, until the collapse of the Xinghai Empire 10000 years ago, the world that worships Pangu civilization and believes in the three principles of origin is still dominated by" normal people "with seven emotions and six desires and free will.

"The local rulers may be practitioners, or tyrants and dictators with vague ideas of cultivating immortals, but they can never be puppets without feelings and desires, let alone the Pangu people who came back from the dead, right?"

Li Yaowei was stunned, but he never thought about this problem, so he nodded: "it seems... Yes, take the Tianyuan kingdom of Xingyao Federation, which I was born in, for example. Although Tianyuan kingdom is located in the border of Xinghai, we still remember the glory of Xinghai empire. We all regard ourselves as the descendants of the emperor, even today 10000 years later.

"No matter how remote these remote worlds are controlled by the holy alliance, they are the same as the Tianyuan world. Naturally, the strong, the bad and the good, and the normal human beings who have happiness, anger, sadness and happiness are the first to rule there."

"That's right."

Long Yangjun said, "since the people who initially lived in these worlds were all 'normal people', how did they give up their seven emotions and six desires step by step and become cold and merciless puppets?

"Even if they really excavated a lot of Pangu ruins in the flood age, and even some... According to you, the sanctuary used for brainwashing is good. It can" extract its essence and go to its dregs "and only use the technology and magic weapon left by Pangu civilization. There is no need to become a puppet of Pangu civilization.

"Think about it. If you find a large-scale ruins of Pangu civilization, don't you