As the puppet king said this, he showed more star ship structural drawings and monitoring images among the high-rise buildings.

Through the monitoring screen, we can see that the bridge, the weapons depot, even the crystal warehouse and the power cabin are all under his partial control, cutting off the contact between the staff and crystal brain, refusing the other party's request to extract crystal armor and weapons, and dividing most of the Holy Alliance soldiers into small cabins.

With his assistance, it seems, it is not impossible to attack the bridge from Guangming city and capture the whole starship.

"There may be some unnecessary cruelty, but survival is like this. I know that most of you still need time to adapt slowly, but we still have no time. Whoever awakens the truth of survival first is qualified to live!"

The puppet king continued, "don't try to make up for the number, sneak behind the crowd and pick up bargains. Remember, I control all the monitoring eyes on the eternal light. I can see every move of each of you clearly. I will distribute the little water, food and fuel according to your performance in the" battle of survival. ", Even valuable seats in the escape capsule.

"According to my analysis, only about one in ten people can survive the" war of survival "and grasp the true meaning of the word" human ". Therefore, you must make sure that you are braver than the nine people around you.

"Come, my fellow citizens, my friends, wake up to your true strength and act!

"Why, are you still numb and at a loss? Well, it's not your fault. After all, you've been addicted to this nightmare for too long. Let me help you again and give you a little push!"

As the puppet king said, the annular light curtain on the bulkheads around him flashed again, but a series of heroic and bloody numbers appeared, which was the countdown to the fast jump. There were still 12 hours left.

"See the countdown?"

The puppet king said with a smile, "time is still 12 hours, ah, 11 hours, 59 minutes and 52 seconds. Before time returns to zero, if you have not captured the bridge, I will activate the self explosion system of the eternal light, so that you who are not worthy of being called" human beings "will be annihilated in the sea of stars with your humiliating lives.

"Those who can't resist and don't realize can't continue to tarnish the great name of human beings.

"Believe me, a few days ago, I just found another St. alliance starship and tried to invade and activate the self explosive system. The power is enough.

"So, it's also a death to continue to be numb and gaping. Why don't you burst out the courage of a supernova explosion at the last moment of your life and die like a real soldier?

"Or... No way to act? My heart is beating so hard that my legs are almost unable to walk? Well, well, I know that you are too weak to be the opponents of the garrison, so I started to inject some special nutrients into your food and water a few days ago. When these nutrients are combined with what I am going to release, they will "boom" and detonate every drop of your blood, So that you can release the anger you've repressed for hundreds of years, anger, anger


With the puppet king clenching his fists, a lot of crimson mist gushed out from the ventilation pipes in all directions.

It is said that it is a mist, and it is like a lot of drizzle. It falls on every resident of Guangming City, like a blood drop from the pores, and it is very strange to be absorbed back by the pores.

In the eyes of many citizens, strands of arcing blood suddenly appeared. The blood trembled wildly and finally broke one after another.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The citizens, with their broken blood in their eyes, clung to their heads, with their thick and short fingers deeply embedded in their heads, roared like beasts from the depths of their throats.

In just a few seconds, they were sweating, steaming and smog, and they went straight to the dome like a boiler.

The "fury gas" spewing from their bodies diffuses in the whole city. Even the residents who have not been splashed by the bloodbath are still entangled by the fog, and gradually show their angry eyes and ferocious faces in the fog.

Millions of well fed and fat citizens of Guangming, like in a few minutes, have become wild animals full of rage and primitive instinct in their hearts!

"Yes, that's it. Let go of your anger, your anger of being imprisoned and cheated for three hundred years! If death is inevitable, there will be more than ten times more people buried with you. It's time for those guys to pay the price - no one, no matter the gods and Buddhas or the demons of Jiuyou huangquan, can trample on human dignity without paying the price! Kill them, kill them, kill all who stand in front of you

The puppet king in the blood fog and anger was very happy, but the strange black spot in the middle of his eyebrows turned into a long and narrow sword shape, like to split his head, releasing something... More strange and powerful.

He blinked, the words changed, and suddenly said, "by the way, now Guangming City, right next to you, just lurks some enemy's pawns - these guys, castrate your spirit and fighting spirit, and make you look like you are now. Don't you want to kill them first?"

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!

In several high-rise buildings, including the annular light curtain on the bulkhead of the city boundary, the real-time coordinates of one arrest team after another, as well as the information of the team members, including their clear heads, appeared.

Even the yakha team was not spared. The omni-directional three-dimensional photos of Chu Zhixiao, Yun Haixin, Yuan Kou and Guan Qixing, as well as their funny appearance that they thought they were hiding outside the Yangfan academy, were all controlled by the puppet king and transmitted to the light curtain, giving millions of angry citizens a panoramic view.

Even hundreds of highly directional and powerful spotlights were reactivated by the puppet king, hitting the light beam on the top of each capture team, leaving them nowhere to hide and exposed to the public.

"Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop

All the crystal brains of the members of the capture team all gave out a harsh beep, which was particularly harsh in the low roar.

The boiling brain of Guangming citizens seems to have a special response to such a beep. Perhaps a "kill switch" deep in the brain is activated by the special frequency of the beep, and the roar suddenly becomes loud and intense.

However, when the "purifier" and "sweeper" and the special forces of the God's salvation army were in a hurry to close the crystal brain, they found that they could not close it. On the crystal brain light screen, only the puppet king's malicious smile and the constantly distorted black spot appeared.

"The puppet king has already intruded into our tactical network, stolen our encrypted data, and even hijacked our portable brain!"

Many members of the arrest team woke up, but it was too late.

"Now, you know where these hawks are hiding."

The puppet king said coldly, "kill them, as long as you kill all the eagles and dogs, I will open the channel from Guangming city to the bridge, power cabin and weapons depot, and you will become the real masters of this small world.

"In that sentence, the hope of survival depends on our own capture. I will give the most resources to whoever is the bravest in the battle, guide him all the way, set foot on a new road, and become the master of this sea of stars!

"Let's fight like our ancestors did hundreds of thousands of years ago. Let's fight happily."

The head of the puppet king gradually faded out of the picture.

But the dazzling blood countdown, but more and more bright, there are flames and lightning shrouded in the flashing countdown, remind people - do not give up everything to fight, their lives are only half a day!

"Damn it, the puppet king has already discovered our existence!"

Chu Zhixiao snapped, "he wants to stir up the chaos of the eternal light. In the process of launching numerous escape pods to the outside world, he tries to fish in troubled waters and escape!

"Red pig, seven stars, what's the situation of the bridge now? Can you break the information blockade of the puppet king?"

"It's hard, I need time!"

For the first time, Guan Qixing's voice broke away from the extreme calmness of the technical experts and showed a trace of confusion. "The puppet king blocked all the data outlets and hijacked the network system of the whole starship. This is not a temporary intention. He must have planned for a long time!"

"People, people can't help it!"

Li Yao wanted to swear in his original tone, but he had to pretend to be disgraced, rubbing his forelimb like a fly, "not to mention the bridge and the assault ship outside, and the smart magnetic jammer, even the other capture teams are not in contact. Even if we are beyond a certain distance, the network interference is very serious, and we will lose contact at any time! The puppet king is so insidious, this villain

Chu Zhixiao spat hard, turned into a streamer, and rushed into the crystal brain center of Yangfan college.

Li Yao rushed in after him and spread his perception to every corner of the college. He didn't even let go of the women's toilet. Of course, he got nothing.

The center of crystal brain is empty, and there is no human hair.

There is only a huge three-dimensional light curtain floating in the sky above the center of the crystal brain, in which there is a line of rigid characters.

"The dream of eternal light awakes. What about your dream?"

Chu Zhixiao deeply gazed at the words that were obviously written for her. His eyes were confused, and the corners of his eyes and mouth twitched together. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Outside the roar of frenzy, but a wave higher than a wave, a large number of bright citizens bewitched by the puppet king, rushed towards them!