With the murmur of almost somniloquy, the mist on the cloud sea heart face of "black dream" slowly melts and flows down, just like two turbid streams, crisscrossing on his constantly shaking face.

And his eyes, which were always hidden behind the black fog, were finally in front of Li Yao and Chu Zhixiao.

Neither Li Yao nor Chu Zhixiao had ever seen such clear, affectionate and painful eyes.

Even if we just think about it, the spirit behind these eyes, how much suffering they are suffering, makes them sour.

"The only reason for me to struggle to this day in hell is that my family can spend the rest of my life in a dream."

But now, the eternal light has become like this, and all the dreams of the family have been disillusioned. They may think of everything in the past, they may become vicious beasts, they may be killed by the guards when they hit the bridge, they may be blown to pieces in the self explosion of the eternal light.

"Ha ha, ha ha, in that case, what's the significance of what I've done? Why should I continue to grovel to the supreme good master and beg for mercy like a dog? "

He came step by step towards the dawn of Chu.

"Calm down, dark dream."

Chu Zhixiao was very reluctant to be the enemy of this difficult teammate, and said in a hurry, "you don't think we caused all this, do you?"

"Don't worry, I won't be angry with others. I know it has nothing to do with you. You are just a poor tool."

Yunhaixin's steps stopped a little, and the sadness between his eyes and eyebrows became more and more intense. "However, the puppet king promised me that as long as I obey his orders and help him complete a small task - that is, to delay you, help him break your spiritual barrier, and open your brain completely, he will save my wife and children, and let them continue to live an ignorant and happy life."

"How could it be?"

Chu Zhixiao screamed, "how can you believe such a bad lie? The eternal light has collapsed. Even the supreme good master may not be able to duplicate a new "eternal light" at such a critical moment by using the resources of the whole holy alliance. With the puppet king, the public enemy of the universe, how can he guarantee the safety of your wife and children and give them illusory happiness? It's impossible. He can't control such a large-scale experimental ship as the eternal light, and he doesn't have enough resources to maintain an illusory paradise! Such a simple truth, you will not think, wake up, dark dream

Cloud sea heart smile, smile to show teeth, smile silent, smile than Jiuyou huangquan fierce ghost wail even ugly.

"Yes, I can think of such a simple truth, but the puppet king still convinced me."

Yunhaixin pointed to his temple, "the puppet king pointed out the blind area of our thinking - who said that a dream paradise like" eternal light "must be built in the real world? Since it's a dreamland, wouldn't it be better to build it directly in a dream?

"Yes, compared with the resources of the whole Holy Alliance controlled by the Supreme Master, the puppet king has very few resources. It is impossible to maintain such a huge" eternal light project ". But it is still possible to hijack a small and medium-sized star ship, carry enough resources to last for hundreds of years, and roam in the depths of the sea of stars, where no one can find it?

"There is a vast sea of stars. Looking for just one star ship is like looking for a needle in a haystack. In the old days, the human Empire spent a lot of troops to search for the last star ship of the Republic of stars, the firefly, for thousands of years, and it was in vain.

"The star ship controlled by the puppet king is highly automated and does not need many crew members to control it. It carries a special cargo - human brain."

"The human brain?"

Chu Zhixiao couldn't believe, "what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, the puppet king can't save my wife and children's flesh and blood. These things are too resource consuming and unnecessary."

Yun Haixin explained, "but he can at least save the brains of my wife and children, put their brains into a special biochemical storehouse, inject high-energy nutrient solution and neural interaction fluid, and then connect various crystal lines to give different stimulation. Thus, the spirits of my wife and children can be" uploaded "to a virtual world, which the puppet king calls the" spiritual world. ".

"The spirit world is like a colorful, beautiful and luxurious virtual game. It doesn't cost much resources at all. As long as it consumes a little computing power, it will be enough to maintain their happiness, which is ten times more than that on the eternal light!

"The puppet king can even scan my brain structure, simulate my spiritual characteristics with computational power, recreate me in the virtual world, let this virtual me and my wife meet and fall in love, and the whole family live happily together."

"This --"

Chu Zhixiao's face turned pale and could not speak for a long time.

Li Yao also felt numb. Lu Qingchen, the puppet king, did not change his mind. He had to realize his "virtual spirit plan" wherever he went!

"Why make such a fuss? You should know that this kind of" brain in a VAT "technology is quite mature in shengmeng."

Yun Haixin said faintly, "in the" magic child project "where you were born, there are also a large number of magic children who have lost their bodies, only their brains are still alive, but they are suffering endlessly, and my wife and children will enjoy eternal happiness, that's all.

"Open your mind a little more. With the popularity of prosthetic limbs and prosthetic bodies, many seriously injured people will replace their body organs. Some severely disabled patients have lost 99% of their flesh and blood, and only their brains are carried by prosthetic bodies. Isn't that normal?"

"But even if a person loses 99% of his flesh and blood, or even his brain, and turns into a ghost cultivation, he has to rely on the spirit and body to travel through the world. At least everything he feels is true!"

Chu Zhixiao gritted his teeth and said, "but you want to turn your wife and children into" brains in a VAT "and live forever in a false world. Do you really have a clear mind and know what you are doing?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Cloud sea heart Leng for a long time, suddenly holding the stomach, extremely crazy to laugh.

Black tears from the corner of his mouth, dripping at his feet, like black blood beads.

"What is truth and what is falsehood? Where is the boundary between truth and falsehood?"

Yunhaixin raised his head in a wild smile, and his eyes were so clear that neither Li Yao nor Chu Zhixiao could look directly at him. "The eternal light is made up of material, and it really exists. But is the life of the people on the eternal light 'real'?

"The holy alliance is also true, but the lies of the supreme good guru can make everyone believe that everything that has been brainwashed is the" truth "that you pursue and defend?

"Oh, in my hometown, the real empire is real, but what's the meaning of the reality of the law of the jungle, intrigue, blood and cruelty? Who is willing to let his family and future generations live in that kind of" reality "forever?

"If there are only two ways to go, illusory heaven and real hell, major, will you tell me how to choose?

"Or, if you teach me not to listen to the puppet king's bewitching, how can I save my wife and children? Can I go to the feet of the Supreme Master again and beg them to arrange my wife and children on another experimental ship? Whether or not the holy alliance has a second "eternal light", even if it does, it's a false dream. What's the difference between it and the puppet king's brain in a VAT?

"How to choose, how to go, how to save, you teach me, you teach me!"


Chu Zhixiao's eyes and heart were a little confused. He reluctantly said, "don't deceive yourself any more. The puppet king just uses you. His purpose is to make us fight against each other and lose each other, so that our spiritual defense wall can break at the same time, so that his power can easily invade our brain and deeply analyze our spirits!

"When he really achieves his goal, who can guarantee that he will keep his promise? Even if he wants to keep his promise, how long can your wife and children stay alone on a star ship in the form of a brain in a VAT? "

"The concept of time in the virtual world is different from that in the real world. In their perception, it should not be a problem if they are carefree and comfortable for hundreds of years? Hundreds of years later, it's not something I can worry about. Maybe the virtual world will collapse in an instant, and they will die painlessly, turning into a wisp of dust among the stars, and meeting me in another dimension, which is already gone. Is there a better arrangement for a husband and father? "

On yunhaixin's face, he squeezed out a stiff smile, "as for self deception, yes, I really can't guarantee that the puppet king can fulfill his promise. It's OK to say that I'm self deception.

"But what about you, major?

"I'm deceiving myself. What are you?

"What is the difference between the lies of the puppet king and those of the Supreme Master? I can't guarantee that the puppet king will fulfill his promise. Can you guarantee that the supreme good guru is telling the truth? Will those damned "gods" really wake up and lead us to the eternal light?

"Fart, it's all bullshit. The gods and Buddhas have already died. Now, I'm the only one left in this vast universe, and we are the fragile, confused, blind, bloodthirsty, crazy, greedy human beings!

"In fact, you know as well as I do that everything that envelops us is a lie. However, in the inferno, as long as there is a glimmer of light in front of us, no matter how far away, no matter how dim, or even knowing that it is a false illusion, we have to go all out to pursue, seize and protect. This is human beings, and this is our sad human beings!

"In the final analysis, whether Yuanying or Huashen, we are all the same. We are all little people, little roles, little tricks. Being cheated and manipulated is our destiny. What's worse?

"Even if I'm deceiving myself, don't expose me, let me keep a glimmer of hope - as long as I can do everything to break your spiritual wall, so that the puppet king can drive straight into the deepest part of your spirit, my family will get three or five hundred years of happiness. This is... The last thing I can do for them!"

The eyes of yunhaixin are covered with black fog again.

In other words, with his pupil as the center of the circle, his whole person turned into a black mist, covering his head towards the dawn of Chu!