GUI's words made the meeting even more silent. Many strong men who had been fighting in the front line since the "old federal era" thought silently. Even Bai Kaixin was silent, and his eyes were staring forward, as if recalling the past, he, Lei continental and everyone in the "big horn armored division" dared to kill the most ferocious enemy for a bag of food, The years to the ends of the earth.

But, this time, that time!

As a practitioner, Bai Kaixin can sacrifice his own life without hesitation, but what about other people's life, the life of hundreds of millions of federates?

"I agree with the view of returning to the old age, and don't forget that now Lee is still trapped on the other side of the sea of stars."

GUI wengshou, who belongs to the demon clan camp, is also the fire ant king of Li Yao's best friend. "A few years ago, Li Yao went to the Empire alone, just to spread the fire of Xiuzhen in the center of Xinghai. At that time, almost no one was optimistic about him. Everyone thought that it was impossible to spread the road of Xiuzhen in the Empire. His trip could collect some intelligence from the center of Xinghai for the Federation, Even if the task is over fulfilled.

"Unexpectedly, in just a few years, Lee Yao has created one miracle after another. In the extremely harsh environment in the middle of the sea of stars, he has created a small world for practitioners. Even in the heart of the real human Empire, the extreme heaven and the underground of the extreme star, many people have become believers of the path of cultivation!

"The good situation is hard to come by, and the fire of Xiuzhen may be extinguished at any time. If we don't follow closely at this time and try every means to make the fire more and more prosperous, how can we be worthy of Li Yao's efforts, and when can we implement the road of Xiuzhen to the four directions of Xinghai?

"What's more, Li Yao's whereabouts are uncertain, and his life and death are uncertain. He must be waiting for us, waiting for the federal compatriots to save him! If we turn a blind eye to him when he needs us most, and watch him fall behind the stars, and this matter spreads, how can we explain it to millions of federal people?

"Today, Li Yao's energy has gone far beyond his personal scope. He has long become a symbol of the Federation and an idol of countless ordinary people. This matter can never be concealed. Sooner or later, it will be revealed. Do we have to stir up public opinion before we act in a hurry?"

When the topic of "Li Yao" is mentioned, the emotions of the strong people here are much more intense.

Of course, there are many people who insist on rescuing Li Yao, but the worry of more people is that Li Yao has always been a man who can't see the end. God knows where he is hiding and what earth shaking things he has done, just like he used to sneak into the flying star world, the blood demon world and the ancient Saint world.

Not to mention that this time he even gave up his flesh and blood, leaving only the ethereal ghost floating around in the sea of stars. It's really impossible to find the great Luo Jinxian, and the federal army will have no way to take him!

There is no way to go back. The rescue operation is on the way, and it has to be launched. Otherwise, it will be a very serious blow to the morale of the army, the people and the people. It can't be such a big union. Li Yao alone will fight in the battle, and others will be hiding behind, waving flags and shouting. What kind of "swords of human civilization" are these people?

For a moment, the group was in a fierce fight, and the noise became more and more loud. No one could persuade anyone. Ding lingdang had to announce a temporary recess, and everyone had a rest, and then deliberated on the details.

"Your opinions are very valuable. It's a matter of great importance. We can't decide in a few words. We'd better take a break and ask the director to release the latest imperial information briefing. We'll discuss it again."

Ding lingdang gave a pause, his eyes flushed slightly, took a deep breath, and said, "but there is one thing - whether it is a quick decision, or a few more years to prepare, to accumulate more strength, whether it is to send a small and excellent expeditionary force, or all the combat power of the whole Federation are pouring out. These are normal strategic discussions. You can speak freely without any worries.

"However, I hope that the starting point of all of you is either based on the national interests or our great road and spirit, instead of going, not going, not considering the personal safety of Li Yao.

"The blood of the strong flows for the weak. This is the belief of the Federation for hundreds of years. Before setting out to explore the center of the Xinghai sea, the strong, such as Lee yew, are ready to sacrifice. He will never hope that we will sacrifice countless lives just to save him.

"What's more, what's more, I believe that Ji Ren has his own way. He will be fine. Just like so many times in the past, this time, he will create new... Miracles."

Ding lingdang can't go on.

She had no blood on her face. She took a deep look at many strong men and was the first to leave the conference room.


When Jin Xinyue and Guo Chunfeng chase out, they find that Ding lingdang does not return to the temporary office of the speaker next to the Kunlun captain's room, but returns to her own lounge.

They looked at each other, but Jin Xinyue knocked on the door, considered the title, and tentatively called: "teacher's wife?"

When they pushed the door in, they found Ding lingdang sitting beside the bed in a daze. His face was whiter than before, his eyes were red and hot, and his hands, which had twisted the monster's throat, were shaking slightly.

"I find that such a high-ranking role as speaker, leader of the patriotic front, and His Majesty the emperor can not be played by ordinary people."

Seeing the concern on their faces, Ding lingdang laughed and murmured, "I know that the whole Federation should care about Lee Yao most, and call on everyone to do whatever it takes to find and save Lee Yao. At least according to my own character, I should put everything down and rush to the center of the sea of stars to find Lee Yao or die with him.

"But I can't.

"Instead of losing all the responsibilities on my shoulders and going to the center of Xinghai to kill myself alone, I can't even show my true feelings in the slightest, so as not to disturb everyone's judgment and let thousands of innocent people die in vain.

"It's really bad. This kind of damned taste is more painful than the most serious injury I've ever suffered in the past."


Jin Xinyue, who is exquisite in every aspect and fluent in every tongue, doesn't know how to comfort Ding lingdang, but says dryly, "as you have said, master has always been lucky and lucky. He must be OK!"

"I hope so."

Ding lingdang clenched his trembling fists and wore a red lotus ring between his fingers that Lee Yao had given her more than 100 years ago. After a pause, he shook his head and said with a smile, "it seems that I am not really a competent speaker. A competent speaker should not have such a chaotic mood, such a sentimentality and dilemma, No one should be allowed to see her mind.

"Tell me, Jin Xinyue, was my concern for Lee yew obvious just now? Can everyone see my confusion and confusion?

"Hehe, maybe you are right. You are more suitable to be the speaker of the Federal Parliament than me. Like Lee, I'd better be a simple and aggressive pawn."

"It's not like that, madam."

Jin Xinyue said seriously, "in the past, I always thought that I was far more suitable to be the speaker of the Federal Parliament than you. However, after the" federal defense war ", I found that many things were better to be fair and aboveboard. Since the federal defense war, you have been doing very well, and you deserve to be the speaker of the Federal Parliament!"

"But the current situation is totally different from the federal defense war."

Ding lingdang sighed softly and said, "during the federal defense war, the black wind fleet was under pressure. We had no choice but to fight to the end. I didn't have to hesitate, be confused or choose anything at all. It's a knife to stretch my head, and it's also a knife to shrink my head. What are we afraid of?

"But now is not the same. Now, it seems that we have two ways to go, and my choice will determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of people. My hesitation or impulse may destroy 600 years of civilization. I, i..."

"Whether to send troops to the Central Committee of Xinghai will be decided by the parliament."

Jin Xinyue said, "the teacher doesn't have to carry all the burden on her shoulders."

"But as speaker, I have more influence on the parliament than anyone else, and once the parliament has made a decision, I will not hesitate to carry it through to the end and bear all the glory and blame."

Ding lingdang took a deep breath and said, "this is the responsibility of the speaker. Otherwise, people will waste so much time, energy and resources. What will a speaker do?

"Forget it, not to mention this... Director Jin, is the communication with the Empire going well? If I remember correctly, there should be several imperial starships hopping near the dragon and snake star field this morning. Did you receive them?"

Ding lingdang poured out his inner confusion and sorrow, changed a person instantly, and restored his usual firmness and self-confidence.

The title of Jin Xinyue has also become "director Jin", indicating that the following conversation has entered a serious work category.

Originally, Jin Xinyue was the president of the "dark moon foundation", a federal foreign intelligence organization, but since the federal defense war, she has given up all her official positions in name and gone to "think behind closed doors".

It was not until the Empire started a dialogue with the Federation that Ding lingdang was re employed as the director of the "special Liaison Bureau" between the two sides. In fact, her staff was still the original staff of the "dark moon foundation", and she was still engaged in the foreign intelligence work of the Federation.

At present, the Federation occupies a relatively favorable position in the communication between the two sides. In order to win over the Xingyao Federation, the innovators have thrown out a lot of technology and advanced magic weapons to show their "sincerity". This morning, the first batch of advanced magic weapons and senior negotiators from the Empire crossed the Xinghai sea and came to the Federation.