"It's not a problem. I've thought about it a long time ago."

Lu Qingchen said with ease, "we can enrich the shengmeng people into the decadent bureaucracy of the Empire, replace those greedy and stupid cultivators, and restore the local order as soon as possible."

Li Yao's heart is half cold: "what do you say?"

"We still have a lot of saints in our hands, don't you forget?"

Lu Qingchen said faintly, "I admire human's free will as much as you do, so I can't deprive human's emotion and will, even if the other party is an immortal.

"But the brains of these saints have long been empty, and they have become flesh and blood puppets who can only faithfully execute orders. To be honest, I don't know how to treat them. Don't you think it's worthwhile to make good use of them?

"When I played the role of" puppet king ", I learned a lot from Fuxi, including how to implant instructions in the minds of shengmeng people on a large scale. Now I devour so much information, data and rules of Fuxi, further improving the ability to control shengmeng people. We can write some new and special instructions, Let the saints become the most incorruptible officials and the most just arbiters, and then put them on a large scale into the disorderly imperial world. The armed deterrence of the federal expeditionary forces and the effective control of the saints' bureaucratic system can solve all problems in the shortest time.

"On the other hand, when these holy alliance people go deep into the ordinary people with seven emotions and six desires and cultivate immortals, after a long time of contact and penetration, perhaps their lost humanity will slowly recover. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"


Lu Qingchen's startling proposal stunned and silenced Li Yao for a long time. He said with a wry smile, "it's your idea to use the federates to manage the Sheng Meng people, and then the Sheng Meng people to manage the imperial people. In other words, let the Sheng Meng people and the imperial people contain each other, and the federates will be able to gain profits and control everything.

"It's a good plan, but I'd like to know what you're going to do if the imperialists don't like the control of the saints? To kill the disobedient imperialists, to send more saints as managers, to carry out high handed rule? If more saints arouse more discontent and resistance, what should we do? We should send more saints, or the federal army will come down from the sky and directly suppress them by force? In such a vicious circle, until the end, all the people are under the management of the holy alliance people, who are expressionless, hard hearted and emotionless, and form the so-called "order" in an apparent order, while the federates are superior to the management of the holy alliance, another privileged class?

"Lv Qingchen, LV Qingchen, have you really thought about every word you said carefully? Don't you think that this kind of practice will only turn the Xingyao Federation into a copy of the covenant alliance, and you will become another Fuxi, or that your will is still entangled and eroded by Fuxi's logic, and eventually become a slave of Fuxi?"

"After all, you just don't believe me."

Lu Qingchen sighed with great regret and loneliness, and said, "I know that there are thousands of troops and horses bombarding outside. I also take the risk of delaying time and take the initiative to explain everything to you in order to get your trust. I didn't expect that I threw out such a foolproof plan, but you still don't want to believe it.

"I see. It's not a matter of plan, it's a matter of people. You just don't believe me. No matter what I say, it's a matter of casting pearls before swine."

"You are wrong, LV Qingchen. You are really wrong. I really don't believe you. I, I just, I just... Don't believe myself."

Li Yao's whole body is rippling with deep and painful waves. He really wants to reveal the deepest darkness of his soul to LV Qingchen. "In fact, I've thought about all these things that you think of for a long time, including the most extreme, rough, simple, fast and effective methods.

"It's not even now, but a long time ago, at the moment when I took control of the jinjingta, I was almost captured by the ghost of jinjingta and Wu Yingqi 3.0, and became their slave, completely transformed into a dark version of Li Yao.

"At that time, I couldn't help thinking, since the Golden Crystal pagoda can make the whole emperor hear my will with the help of the increase of stars, why can't I" broadcast "the true heart of the practitioners to the whole emperor and even the whole universe, and turn countless immortal practitioners into true practitioners all at once? Isn't this a complete solution to the problem once and for all?

"But I thought for a long time, repeatedly entangled with my own demons, entangled countless days and nights, and finally gave up the idea.

"Believe me, there is no shortcut in this world. Every seemingly free gift is secretly priced. Everything that comes from deception, coercion and violence will be destroyed by a hundred times of deception, coercion and violence.

"The practitioners can not be brainwashed, but can be cultivated by themselves. I can brainwash all the practitioners in the imperial capital into so-called" practitioners "with the Golden Crystal Tower for a while, but I can't guarantee that they will never change, wake up or think of my means, What's more, I can't guarantee that hundreds of immortal practitioners in the world, except the imperial capital, will have any ideas after knowing my means. What I can't guarantee most is whether I will eat the marrow and know the taste after tasting the advantages of the jinjingta, and use the jinjingta to do some more terrible things and instill some more noble ideas into the public, Then there are more noble thoughts, then there are more noble thoughts, and finally all people lose themselves, lose all selfishness, and become my slaves.

"I am neither omniscient nor immortal. I do not believe that I can completely control the power of the jinjingta. After upgrading the power of the jinjingta again and again, I will be completely lost in the deepest darkness of the jinjingta. In the end, there are only two results. Either I am killed by all the heroes who yearn for freedom and unite in the whole star sea, and I am ruined, The end of infamy; Or the "absolute light" maintained by me with the Golden Crystal Tower has lasted for thousands of years, human civilization has completely lost its freedom and vitality, and finally, it will be destroyed with my death.

"No matter what the result is, it's not what I want, so the wisest way is not to touch the tempting but extremely evil power of the Golden Crystal Tower at the beginning, and not to touch the things you know you can't control!

"Really, LV Qingchen, what do I have to say to make you understand that the Federation does not rise for the sake of rising, nor do we seek to cultivate the truth for the sake of seeking hegemony. The reason why Xingyao Federation rises and why we want to spread the glory of Xiuzhen road to the whole sea of stars is that we believe that we hold the most devout faith, We firmly believe that Xingyao Federation has the most just, reasonable and advanced system of human civilization so far. We believe that Federalists and practitioners are the most kind and can best represent the word "justice". We are not only the sharpest sword of human civilization, but also the children of millions of ordinary people. We regard all mankind as compatriots and brothers and sisters, We are not here to kill and destroy, but to help our brothers and sisters and our fellow citizens and bring them peace, happiness and hope!

"At least, that's why I jumped to the center of the Xinghai sea, risking my soul and life, and throwing myself into the most dangerous place to fight again and again. I don't just want to let the Nine Star Dragon flag fly high in the center of the Xinghai sea, but I also want people in the center of the Xinghai sea to know that there is such a star shining Federation, What is the life of the federates? They can be the same as the federates!

"And I believe that not only me, but also Ding lingdang, my disciples, tens of thousands of practitioners and ordinary soldiers of the federal expeditionary army are willing to make a" one shot "decision and gamble on everything just like me, not only for the survival and bright future of the Federation, but also for the survival and bright future of all mankind, Solo expedition, to create the greatest miracle in the history of human civilization!

"You talk about the highest interests of the Federation, but do you understand that the highest interests of the Federation do not lie in filling the whole universe with the Nine Star Dragon flag, but that all people in the whole universe can be as bright, as positive, as able to pursue their own happiness, and as able to believe in the existence of justice as Federalists, Believe that even if there is still lingering darkness, but the dawn of hope is ahead! If you really think so, it doesn't matter what kind of flag is flying over their heads, whether it's the NINE-STAR dragon flag or the three-star lightning flag! "

This time, it was LV Qingchen's turn to be speechless by Li Yao, and his face was uncertain.

"Which is more important, banner or idea?"

Li Yao did not relax, and continued to earnestly say, "the Nine Star Dragon flag is sesame, and the idea of the Federation and the road of Xiuzhen are watermelon. What you do is to pick up sesame, lose watermelon, or" buy a pearl for a pearl. "! If, according to your plan, the federates are treacherous and stab the dying heart at the most vulnerable and chaotic time in the center of the star sea, resulting in the death of hundreds of millions of innocent people, who will believe us? Who still believes that the cultivators represent justice, that the road of cultivation represents hope, and that the federates will become benevolent and better rulers and bring human civilization to a brighter future?

"No, at that time, no one will believe us. Not only will all the surviving immortals and ordinary people in Xinghai center not believe us, they will only hibernate deeply, accumulate more strength and overthrow us at all costs; Even our own people, those who firmly believe that they fight for justice and the soldiers of the expeditionary army, will doubt themselves, become possessed, and the heart of Tao will collapse.

"At that time, not only will our rule over the central part of the Xinghai sea be unsustainable, but even the ruling foundation of the Xingyao Federation in a corner of the Xinghai sea will collapse, because originally we are not a country that relies on violent cohesion and high-pressure rule, but we rely on common ideas to come together, How can the Federation shine its proud light when the idea of countless martyrs and compatriots watering with their lives has been strangled by you? "