"It's... The champion!"

From the unique identification of the distress signal, it is the "iron fist number" dominated by the champion.

Li Yao's pupils suddenly contracted, "Falcon" firmly locked the "iron fist", and a series of thoughts ripple through, reading more detailed rescue information.

With the continuous use of data and information, the dilemma of "iron fist" and the fragmented structure parameters of the Starship appear in the main control crystal brain of "Falcon".

The champion's luck is really bad.

His starship didn't jump to the rainbow dust belt around the ancient giant star like other starships did. Instead, as Li Yaogang worried, he jumped directly into the newly generated halo, the gravel star belt.

Just the size of sand and dust in the universe is enough to cause a starship that has just jumped out of four-dimensional space to fall apart, not to mention the meteorite the size of nails and fists. It's just 10000 shells, pounding every corner inside the "iron fist".

It would be impossible for any human captain to cope with such a dense hail of bullets. Perhaps the Starship would disintegrate in the air at the moment of jumping out of the four-dimensional space.

Fortunately, the information life of the champion, with his excellent computing power, planned the route and the defense strength of the psionic shield, and personally manipulated the mustard series adhesive repair agent to deal with the damage with super high efficiency. Only then did he barely keep 30% of the power of the "iron fist" and complete the soul stirring "landing".

But just after crossing the gravel belt, new problems emerge.

Their "landing point" is too close to the ancient giant star, and has been captured by the giant planet's strong gravity, falling towards the surface of the planet.

If they have 100% motivation, or even more than 50% motivation, they are likely to escape.

But now only 30% of the power is left, and the structure of the starship is seriously damaged, so it doesn't dare to overload the power unit. It's like a drowning man in a swamp. The more he struggles, the faster he will sink. He can only watch himself sink deeper and deeper, and finally be swallowed by the darkness.

Through the remote monitoring system, Li Yao can see that all parameters of the power units on the "iron fist" have turned into orange, red, crimson and black, and finally pale and dead gray.

He seemed to be able to hear these power units "boom boom" burst and paralyzed sound, as well as the main structure of the starship in the "creak creak" metal fatigue sound of the sound of distortion and fracture.

There is no power to stop the "iron fist" from falling. Their end is not to fall into the sea of methane and hydrogen elements of the ancient giant, which is squeezed from several kilometers long into an iron knot less than 100 meters in diameter; Even if it is swallowed by lightning, the fragile structure and human flesh are completely torn apart - the latter death method is a little more pleasant.


The magnetic interference is too serious. Even if Lee Yao's "Falcon" is the closest to the champion's "iron fist", it's also a waste of nine oxen and two tigers. It's only by means of point-to-point communication that it can barely contact each other. "What's the situation on your side? Is there any hope of escape? Launch the escape capsule quickly, and I'll meet you at the periphery of the gravel star belt!"

"It's no use."

The opposite side of the communication channel was silent for a long time. Only the sound of "rustling" seemed to be going through a super sandstorm. The boxer's voice was intermittent. "The interior of the Starship... Was seriously damaged... Many people were injured and could not reach the escape capsule... The escape area was also pierced by the meteorite rain, and most of the escape capsules were damaged, It's not enough for all the crew to escape... Even if they board the escape capsule, the power and armor of the escape capsule are not enough to get rid of the gravity of the ancient superstar and the storm in the aura... They can't escape. "

"... and you?"

Li Yao's nose and heart brimmed with sour feeling at the same time. He clenched his teeth and hardened his heart. He roared, "you can escape. What are you waiting for? Shoot yourself out. It's too late!"

Unlike ordinary human beings, the essence of boxing champion can be said to be a super large database. It does not have a real body. Even if super crystal brain is needed to maintain the efficient operation of the database, such crystal brain is not only on the "iron fist", but also on other star ships.

In other words, the champion has several separate bodies, which are stored on different star ships. Even if the iron fist is broken, as long as he sends out a large amount of data in time, he can still be reborn. At most, his computing power and logical thinking ability will be reduced in a short time, and he will lose part of his memory data.

However, information life is very strong and weak, and the emission of data depends on the rhythm of spiritual magnetic waves. However, the closer to the atmosphere of ancient superstars, the stronger the spiritual magnetic interference is, and the easier it is to encounter terrible ionizing magnetic storms. If the boxing champion's core database is engulfed by ionizing magnetic storms when it is launched, it will be "doomed".

One second later, there will be more risks. Li Yao doesn't know what the champion is waiting for. In a hurry, he can't repair the "iron fist". He's just wasting his precious computing power and survival hope!

"I can't go yet."

In the strong interference of "Shasha", the boxer's low voice came, "I'm trying to stabilize the" iron fist "as much as possible. Before the fuel runs out, I can resist the gravity of the ancient giant, so that the" iron fist "can stay above the atmosphere of the ancient giant for a long time."


Li Yao was puzzled and worried. "Judging from the damage data of the" iron fist ", you can't repair it. What's the point of using its own power to escape from the stalemate above the ancient giant's methane atmosphere?"


The champion said calmly, "our situation is very bad. Many experts and scholars on the ship have died, and the people who are still alive know that they will not die long, but they don't want to die meaninglessly. These people, especially the astronomers, begged me to keep the stability of the" iron fist "as far as possible, and buy them more time to scan and study the data inside the ancient superstar.

"You know, this super large, extremely unstable giant planet, in the past, humans rarely had the opportunity to get so close to it, let alone to observe and study its series of data in depth.

"The astronomers on the iron fist would like to take this precious opportunity to collect more data and send them to your falcon. These data will fill the gap in the study of giant planets by human beings, and give you more hope of success in your next exploration. At least, the more you know about the ancient giant stars, the more likely you are to deal with the unexpected and escape from the sky, isn't it?

"I think what these scholars say is very reasonable, so what should we say in human terms‘ I'll spend my life with a gentleman. "That's right, that's it.

"Li Yao, don't worry about me. I will seize the last opportunity to launch my own core database. Now you just need to make sure that the receiving units of Falcon are running normally and take over all the data from Tiequan. All the experts and scholars here are gritting their teeth to ensure that the heart of Tao is firm and the spirit is clear, Collect as much data as you can before they're completely torn up by the giant planet and send it

Lee was moved.

I didn't expect the answer to be like this.

At different times, the data about ancient giant stars -- the composition of the atmosphere, the frequency and intensity of ionizing thunderstorms, the different density and gravity of the planet, all kinds of data, such as flooding, penetrating the gravel belt, continuously pouring into falcon.

Li Yao's eyes are a little red.

He seems to be able to see the scene on the "iron fist". Those experts and scholars, astronomers, psychics, meteorologists and authorities of various basic disciplines who have no strength and are seriously injured, already know that they can't escape from the sky and are about to usher in the most tragic fall, but they don't waste even a second to sigh and mourn. They open their eyes and bite their lips, Firm will, in front of the most terrible enemy - the ancient superstar, to show their only weapons, determination and pride.

Man can be destroyed, but he can never be defeated.

Even if there is only one second left in life, they have to find out one more minute about the mystery of the universe.

This is the Taoist heart of scholars.

Whether the federation or the Empire, whether the practitioners or the immortals, scholars, especially the top scholars of basic subjects, are often the most special and pure group of people.

The reason is very simple. Even in the Yuan Dynasty, an immortal who is obsessed with astronomy can't be like those fighting immortal practitioners, fighting for power and profit and killing each other.

It's naive, stupid and boring for these astronomers to look back and indulge in the petty profits of hairless monkeys when they are used to seeing the vast galaxy of stars and the changes of the universe on a time scale of hundreds of millions of years.

At the last moment of life, the scholars of the Federation and Empire all released the most magnificent fire of life and became the eyes of all mankind, striving to see more clearly the magnificence and mystery of the universe, which is the meaning of their existence.

"Iron fist" released a dazzling light, the downward momentum finally stopped.

However, due to the pull of the gravity of the ancient giant star and the driving force of the Starship itself, the metal fatigue degree of the main structure of the Starship suddenly increased. Everyone can see that the champion won't last long.

The tears under Li Yao's eyes almost turned into magma.

The parameters of the ancient superstar collide with those of the "iron fist", and the only possibility is found out from the numerous doomed impossibilities.


Li Yao roared, "hold on, I'll save you, I'll save you!"

"... don't come here."

Boxer always calm voice, finally break the ice, appear surprised mood, "here meteorite and ionizing magnetic storm are too strong, a little careless will fall into the ancient giant star gravity vortex, you can't take 'Falcon' everyone's life joke, we have a plan, in this case, can only give up the desperate star ship!"

"I know."

Li Yao grinned and showed his snow-white teeth. "So, it's not falcon, it's just me to save you!"