"Tongtian tower? Archaic relics? The ultimate test? Wipe out the carbon based intelligent life of the whole Pangu universe? "

Ding lingdang, long Yangjun, Bai eldest brother, Li Jialing... Many strong people, their faces changed dramatically.

"There's no time to explain. In short, I need your help. I can't find all the directions to pass the test by myself."

Li Yao continued, "next, I will enter the" Tongtian tower ", but before that, I will clear the obstacles and guide you. You must catch up in time!

"Remember, don't belittle yourself, don't think you are humble and insignificant. Although Pangu civilization is much stronger than us, we are all equal in this" ultimate test. ".

"There were dozens of ancient civilizations that were more powerful than Pangu civilization, but they all failed to pass the same test. It can be seen that the strength of combat effectiveness and the depth of wisdom are not the necessary conditions for passing the test.

"Perhaps, the ultimate test is not the degree of civilization development and absolute combat effectiveness, but our trust in each other, our calm and contempt for death, our hope for the future, our will never change under any circumstances... And so on, which are used to define a civilization and contain the infinite potential of civilization.

"Or maybe a hundred ancient civilizations have gone all the normal logical ways, so we have to pass the test in a strange, crazy, extremely obscene way.

"In a word, we can't predict what kind of challenges we will face in the unknown darkness, but we can clearly know and firmly adhere to what kind of people we are. We can cultivate our own truth and face everything we don't know with our truest self. Even if we are destroyed and completely obliterated, we can live in this vast sea of stars, Leave our most distinctive mark.

"This, perhaps, is the answer.

"Now, open your eyes and look carefully at every ripple in front of you."

Li Yao finished his last sentence.

People's eyes are also wide to the limit.

All of a sudden, the flying golden flames shrank and whirled back the left arm of the "solar catastrophe". Then, like a ready flood, they pounded out and swept the whole world.

Everyone's vision was instantly submerged by the golden sea.

The barrage, which is more fierce than the rough sea, sweeps over the heads of countless fierce beasts in a posture of destroying and destroying thousands of troops, making the heads of these fierce beasts burn up, clearing a bloody channel between Li Yao and Ding lingdang.

After the golden flame covering every inch of space passes by, the originally invisible "spatial discontinuities" are also exposed clearly, just like huge whirlpools in essence, which are distributed around the "Tongtian tower", forming a complex three-dimensional labyrinth.

With the excellent computing power of Ding lingdang, long Yangjun, Bai Laoda and boxing champion, as long as this space labyrinth is completely revealed, no matter how complicated and twisted the route is, the winding exit can always be found.

"Li Yao..."

Bathed in the golden flame, Ding lingdang could hardly open his eyes. His eyes were filled with the hot torrent. He clenched his fists and murmured, "don't worry, we will catch up with you!"


Next to "Tongtian tower".

After releasing the endless golden flame, the whole left arm of "solar holocaust" almost melted and turned into a dazzling orange.

"Wheeze, wheeze, wheeze!"

Li Yao gasped, gazing at the golden ocean he made, and countless fierce beasts who were scared to death by him, exposed their fear instincts, and didn't dare to move on the ground. "That's about it, Ding lingdang. They should be able to explore it slowly. I... Believe her.

"Now, let's take the lead and open up a new direction for Ding lingdang and human civilization."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Although most of the fierce beasts were awed by the flames of Li Yao's battle, this kind of blatant exposure of the target still attracted several high-level fierce beasts of the same level as "Tyrannosaurus Rex". They roared furiously, flapped their huge wings and bumped into Li Yao.

"Well come!"

With a smile, Li Yaowei once again grasped the chopping knife hidden deep behind the shield.

He just tested it.

The ugly black spots on the lower part of the "Tongtian tower" are like special one-way channels. They also have their own gene detection function. Only creatures carrying the gene of ferocious animals can get in smoothly. Li Yao's bullets and flying swords aimed at the black spots are blocked.

Therefore, he still needs a "shell" to cover up the all metal structure of the "solar holocaust" and successfully pass through the black spot to enter the "Tongtian tower".

The first beast came up.

It is like a malformed mixture of lions, vultures and scorpions. It has an unfathomable big mouth and three sharp sickle like tails. Its body size is no less than that of the "Tyrannosaurus Rex". When the big mouth opens to the limit, even the "solar catastrophe" can be swallowed in one bite.

This is exactly what Lee needs.

"Solar holocaust" once again showed the speed of lightning and the dexterity of meteorite fragments, which changed into a fuzzy ball of light. First, it flashed through the fatal entanglement of the Griffin's three tails, then contracted into a ball, and took the initiative to bump into the opponent's big mouth of the blood Basin. When the upper body completely submerged into the big mouth of the blood basin, the high-frequency oscillation smashing shield started, Grind the fierce animal's tusks and the ring grinding teeth in its throat into powder. Just when the fierce animal roars in agony, he takes out the chopping knife in no hurry and reaches the fierce animal's viscera along its throat. The golden flames rush out and burn the fierce animal's viscera completely.

The Griffin had no time to struggle, so he died.

"Solar holocaust" took the opportunity to get into the chest and abdomen of the fierce beast, carrying the body of the fierce beast, and stabbed at the nearest black spot.

The feeling of passing through the black spot is quite different from that of using ordinary transmission array or even jumping in the sea of stars.

It's like the "solar holocaust" is sealed in a piece of cowhide sugar, which is about to solidify. It must work hard to move forward slowly

Fortunately, this piece of "brown candy" is not too thick. The suffocating feeling lasted only three seconds. Li Yao felt relaxed all around him, and the resistance disappeared. In a moment, the world around him magnified 10000 times.

The body of the Griffin beast was torn apart and burned completely by the golden flame of the "solar holocaust", which turned into a wisp of blood mist.

Li Yao managed the "solar catastrophe" and successfully broke into the "Tongtian tower".

However, in front of him, the scene inside the "Tongtian tower" was startling and unbelievable.

Li Yao originally thought that since it is called "tower", then the internal space must be extremely limited. At most, it is like a complex three-dimensional labyrinth, creating visual obstacles artificially.

From the appearance of the "Tongtian tower", no matter how large its scale is, its diameter can not exceed ten to twenty kilometers, and the more it shrinks upward, the smaller its diameter should be.

However, what Li Yao is facing now is a vast expanse of heaven and earth. Looking around, there are towering, mirror like cliffs everywhere, like folds cut by ancient gods and demons, forming a crisscross rift valley. From the purple sky, there are hundreds of millions of bright thunder, making a "boom, boom" sound, It's a panic attack.

Yes, the sky. Li Yao saw a brand new sky inside the "Tongtian tower".

It's like he didn't rush into the tower, but was transported to another chaotic, extremely dangerous world of debris, a brand new planet called Thunder Valley.

However, the ferocious beasts and guards scattered in the depths of huge folds, fighting between lightning and thunder, told Li Yao that this is the interior of the "Tongtian tower".

"I understand that" Tongtian tower "is not a real high tower, but a corner of countless worlds gathered around the ancient ruins."

Li Yao's mind turned, and his mind became clear. "Yes, no matter how high the tower is, what materials it is made of, what devices and traps it is set up, the technical force of the above ancient civilization, Pangu civilization and even human civilization can break it down into the most basic bricks, cement, steel bars and screws, What else is "testing"?

"It is not a" tower "in the conventional sense at all, but an aggregate of countless debris worlds. Moreover, from the extremely violent high-energy reaction here, it is different from the stable and peaceful" habitable planets "that are very suitable for human survival outside the Archean relics. The debris worlds that form the" Tongtian tower "are all from extremely violent and dangerous planets.

"Going up the 'Tongtian tower', each fragmented world will only become more and more violent, more and more unstable and more dangerous. This is probably the first test left by the 'black wall maker'?

"Soon, I can't wait. Let's go!"

Li Yao released his mind to the limit, carefully scanning the "Thunder Valley" in front of him, trying to find the exit, or the "staircase" to "a higher level".

He turned his eyes to the sky first.

It's a mysterious place full of purple clouds, changeable and unfathomable. In the collision and surge of purple clouds, the thunder is more and more dense, just like a torrential rain.

It seems that breaking through the thunderous sky, you can reach the upper level of space - this is a natural idea.

There are also many ferocious animals, which are surging their huge wings and flying towards the place where the lightning is most concentrated. Then they are penetrated by the sharp blade formed by the thunder. They are full of holes and split into pieces. They fall down and fall into the endless darkness of the valley.