With the roar of his voice, Li Yao seemed to see groups of strange Yuanshi people tearing up the shame and funny disguise on the strange stars. All kinds of war machines made of crystal and metal emerged from the deep sea, out of the valley, and leaped up from the depths of the chaotic debris belt.

The bugle of war is blowing. People pray to their ancestors and gods in all kinds of languages that once spread on the earth 10000 years ago, and pray that they will bring victory in the war. No, it is unnecessary to pray for the gods, because they launched the war against the gods.

The Yuanshi people, on behalf of the blue planet that was destroyed as early as 20000 years ago, will declare war on all powerful races in the universe.

"The vast sea of stars is the journey of our family. After our family, there will be no gods and demons!"

No race or civilization is the rival of Yuanshi.

Even if the void hunter can destroy ten Yuanshi warships in a rage, even if the rolling of mountain cancer can tear the crust of the whole planet and devour dozens of infantry regiments, the military bases and incubation centers of Yuanshi clandestinely set up around Xinghai can continuously export brand-new star warships and troops, even if they suffer setbacks in local battlefield, However, ten times more steel troops will soon submerge the whole battlefield, the whole planet and the whole star field. This is the great power of great industrialization. This is the power of psionic power and technology. Such a supreme power is the stupid creatures and low civilization who indulge in the warmth of psionic power and enjoy peace for hundreds of millions of years, which can never be understood!

Just as the voice said, the process of the Yuanshi people conquering the universe is a replica of the human race going out of Africa and conquering the earth.

The reasons for their extinction are similar to those of mammoths and Saber Toothed tigers.

As top predators, they have lost the determination and courage to evolve. Without natural enemies, there is no need to change. Abundant psionic powers give them a long life, and even the inheritance of their genes is not so urgent. The word "life" is so flighty and fragile by the aura that it becomes a brand new, more fierce, more tenacious, more enterprising When explorers and ambitious races appear, they have no power to fight back. It's too late for them to change!

What's more, the Yuanshi people, who developed from human beings on earth, have been influenced by innumerable intrigues. In order to eliminate their own kind, they can launch three world wars. After ten thousand years of dormancy and ten thousand years of forbearance, their cruelty and meanness are beyond the imagination of the alien people in the starry sky. They will not be stupid and reckless!

"The Golden Horn blows, hundreds of millions of star ships and chariots rush to the stars, and countless Yuanshi people cast the glory of civilization with their own blood and corpses", which is just a rhetorical exaggeration.

Most of the time, the war goes on in a more secretive and dark way.

The sharpest weapons of Saber Toothed tigers and mammoths are their claws and tusks, but the sharpest weapons of the Yuanshi clan are not cannons, but brains and hearts.

They use dreams full of black venom to erode the nerve clusters of the void hunters, arouse their greed and hatred for the giant alien stars such as mountain cancer, and gather dozens of void hunters to sweep the planet of mountain cancer.

Or steal a fast-growing, specially gnawing plant eggs, after genetic modulation, large-scale release to the primeval jungle of dongtianfu, fundamentally destroy the ecosystem there, forcing the top predators living there to migrate to other dongtianfu, causing conflicts between the top predators, while Yuanshi people reap profits.

The intrigues and intrigues from the Yuanshi clan ignite the war in the whole universe. Compared with the resourceful Yuanshi clan, most of the alien stars are as naive as children in kindergartens. Even if these children are in control of powerful forces, how can they not be fooled by adults?

In the end, only those who are relatively weak and develop complex social system and low civilization can resist the march of Yuanshi.

Just as the voice once told Li Yao, the rarer the aura of a vast world, the more complex the local social formation, the higher the civilization, the stronger the combat effectiveness, and a certain degree of intrigue may be carried out.

But by this time, the original civilization had conquered a large number of blessed places, domesticated thousands of alien stars, had millions of fully automated military bases and star docks, and almost every second dozens of brand-new warships were refined and rushed to the front line. The resistance of these lower civilizations was meaningless except for slightly delaying their destruction.

As part of the test, Lee Yao, as the supreme commander, controlled all the fleets of the original civilization and swept the whole sea of the universe.

Compared with the struggle of spores and reptiles in ancient times, the desperation in the face of catastrophe before the destruction of the earth, and the long groping in the dark for 10000 years before, the glorious battle of conquest in front of us is not as easy as words.

No matter how he chooses, he is right. Even if he is frustrated in a battlefield, there will soon be three or five times more reinforcements. There is no star alien race that can't be solved by the roar of 10000 warships at the same time. If it really exists, then the combat power will be increased by ten times, and there will be 100000 warships at a time!

Li Yao thought of a sentence: as long as you learn how to operate the Yuanshi clan, everything else is not a problem, just sweep all the way to the past.

Although the vast sea of the universe is countless times larger than the earth, it took only a few million years for the Yuanshi clan to become the rightful overlord.

The bloody epic has been cast and engraved on hundreds of millions of shining stars. Looking at the whole sea of the universe, there is no power to erase it!

In the long history of conquest, they have absorbed the advantages of all the alien and lower civilizations in the starry sky, and the technical level and individual ability of the original civilization have also improved by leaps and bounds. The emperor is right. They have embedded the most powerful genes of countless alien races in their own gene chain, continuously evolved, evolved, and possessed the power of breathing and breathing, and called wind and rain, The ability to create and even tear up four-dimensional space!

While deducing the process of Yuan Dynasty civilization, Li Yao lamented the strength of these archaic people, but he was also secretly strange at the bottom of his heart.

Judging from the conquest history of millions of years, the Yuanshi clan has explored hundreds of spiritual realms in this cosmic sea, and found many lower civilizations and alien groups in the starry sky, but never found the trace of "Hongchao".

At least when the Yuanshi civilization rose, the flood tide did not exist at all. So where did the ultimate destructive force that made the Yuanshi civilization dread come from?

Li Yao even felt that the actions of the Yuanshi people in millions of years, conquering and destroying countless intelligent lives and low civilization, were more like a "flood tide" to the letter!

He was shocked, worshipped and scared by such ancestors.

At the time of full doubt, the progress of the test has been deduced to the point when the original civilization conquered most of the enemies and almost spread to the whole sea of the universe. All the options in front of us suddenly solidified, and then one by one turned gray and disappeared, leaving only one option that had just been ignored by Li Yao, glowing with blood.

This is a policy option. It's called the order of mass extinction.

The content is

"To completely eliminate all carbon based intelligent life except Yuanshi clan?"

Lee yew was startled. "Even those who have surrendered and been domesticated will not let go. Will they be completely and completely extinct in every star field and on every planet

"You just made the second mistake, which is very likely to lead to the extinction of the whole original civilization."

"Now, correct your mistake in time and implement the order of mass extinction," he said


Li Yao stammered, "the original civilization has conquered so many rich and spirited worlds and completely destroyed all enemies. Even the most ferocious alien species in the past have been domesticated and become the absolute overlord of the whole universe. Is it not enough to do this? We have to destroy all carbon based intelligent life except ourselves, Is it necessary to destroy the diversity of life forms and the infinite possibility of evolution? "

"Of course, it's necessary. Can you imagine that there are two kinds of intelligent life on the ancient earth, living in harmony and developing together?"

The voice said faintly, "the ancestors of our Yuanshi tribe were Homo sapiens, but they did not let go of their own kind, the Neanderthals. Only by eating them alive, did they seize the dominance of the earth."

"But the sea of the universe is billions of times larger than the earth!"

Li Yao said, "can't such a vast sea of stars hold two kinds of intelligent life?"

"No matter how big the sea of stars is, there are limits, but our ambition is unlimited."

The voice said, "it's hard to accommodate two tigers in one mountain. It's necessary to cut grass to get rid of the roots. People on the ancient earth knew this simple truth. Can't you understand it?"

"But they are... Intelligent life!"

Li Yaodao said, "some of them have established their own civilization. Even the lower civilization, they have their own emotions, arts and countless things higher than instinct, right? Is everything going to be completely wiped out? "

"You got to the point."

The voice calmed down, "if you are really ignorant beasts, you might as well keep them alive under strict control, so as to maintain the species diversity of the original civilization. However, each intelligent life, especially the intelligent life evolved from civilization, has immeasurable potential and threat, and each one may deeply remember the deep hatred of national subjugation, It's like a time bomb to imprint this hatred against the Yuanshi people in the depths of gene and spirit forever. Maybe it will explode at any time, destroying our hard won star sea hegemony and the whole Yuanshi civilization.

"Don't put such a splendid and great civilization in unnecessary danger just because you are soft hearted."