"No --"

Zhang Daniu straightened his eyes and asked, "what do you mean, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much. I just want to explain how unique and crucial you are, and how important you are to the whole earth and even the whole universe!"

Red polar star broke his finger and said, "I didn't know why those people in the big universe battlefield chose you as the" intermediary ". But after the event, I thought about it carefully. This choice is absolutely, really amazing!

"First of all, as I said just now, the writing style, overall structure control ability and character description ability of this" intermediate medium "must not be too strong, because the stories that happened in Xiusi universe are too rich, too wonderful, too thrilling and soul stirring, so we can casually find a writer above the standard to write them, It's very easy to write a well-known work of thousands of crazy teenagers, and then it'll be on the hot list of major search engines soon. Apocalypse and earth will "when you started to write this novel a long time ago, apocalypse and earth will certainly scanned you, but you successfully cheated them, Your output of so much redundant information must make them dizzy, and make them regard your works as one of the innumerable same type works, which are monotonous and boring. After reading one chapter, they will know the routine of the next 100 chapters. There must be some kind of screening system and logic judgment program. After precise calculation, they come to a conclusion, It's not worth putting more computing power and monitoring resources on you and your works. We should pay more attention to such truly imaginative and original works as blood and sand, colonizer and star ring world. This is the opportunity, the loophole, and the key to this amazing information war!

"After four or five hundred chapters of strategic fraud, people on the battlefield of the universe can continuously project the really important information to your brain, and then release it with your hands. Even at this time, your creative style and your own strength still play an important role, and you cover up the wonderful brain holes with your poor writing style, You use routine upgrade to fight monsters and show off to drown out countless twists and turns of bizarre plots. You use pale character description to cover up the bright brilliance of those heroes in the Starry Sea to the greatest extent, turning them from fireflies in the night into floating dust in the sun, putting on a camouflage suit for them, so that they can "sneak into the night with the wind.", Quietly sneak into the target reader's brain and soul, with your own efforts, delay the Apocalypse organization and the earth will discover the whole thing!

"Look at the time when you wrote this novel. Up to now, nearly two years, you have written two thousand chapters. The general situation and main line of the whole Xiusi universe have all come out. The heroes of Xinghai and their Daoism have also come to the surface. The struggle between the Pangu people and the Nuwa people, and even many civilizations above the Pangu civilization... Everything has been vaguely reflected, It can be said that 80% of the key information has completed the output and diffusion! The Apocalypse organization and the will of the earth didn't feel right until this time. They started at you. This is a very serious omission, even a fatal mistake!

"It's too late. They found it too late. The information has been exported, the virus has spread, the cancer cells have expanded to infinity, and all the preparations for the decisive battle have been completed. Even the will of the earth can't change the final result. In the endless reincarnation, only you can successfully cheat it. Isn't it worth your pride?"

"I --"

Zhang Daniu didn't know what kind of expression to put on. His facial muscles wriggled for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm so damn proud!"

"As for our target readers, that is Ding lingdang on the battlefield of the universe, the people they want to wake up are naturally the heroes embedded with" the fragments of Li Yao's spirit "in the deep brain, or the people who are not embedded with the fragments of Li Yao's spirit, but also have eternal blood and dreams in the deep heart."

Hongjixing said, "these people don't care that your words are tasteless, the characters are shriveled, and the plots are old-fashioned. They also like to use many idioms on purpose and repeat them eight times, because they can feel the" blood "," soul "and" free will "hidden in the information flow of Ding lingdang and others. They will be deeply moved and resonate with these things, Entering a state similar to self hypnosis, no matter what you write, they will keep on reading and go after the story of Li Yao, the story of infinite stars and infinite universe, which is also their own story

"Yes, I am."

Li yaoruo thought, "although I also think that Mr. Niu's work, er, I don't mean that it's poor, that is to say, it's not good enough to win the literature prize, but it's really full of incredible magic, which makes people refuse, but my eyes and hands just can't stop. It's just like smelling like stinky tofu, It's delicious

"Because you have" the soul of Li Yao "in your body, you have boiling blood, immortal dream, yearning for freedom and will never give in to any force. You are the spirit that Xiuzhen 40000 years is looking for, and naturally can resonate with this work."

"It's like watching other people's movies and telling other people's stories. Naturally, you will be picky about the plot, mirror movement, character modeling and so on. But if you are watching family videos shot by relatives, recording your own stories and happy moments with your family, do you still care about the lens, light and shadow or plot? No, that's the moment of your life, recording your laughter and unforgettable experience, which belongs to you completely. You don't care about the details, do you? "

Li Yao suddenly realized and nodded.

"In addition, if a real art creator, those" type one observers "often have a very stubborn creative mind, have their own set of creative techniques and things they want to talk about. They are very determined and their brains are fortified. They certainly want to tell their own stories, and they can't accept the projection of external information stream at will."

Hongjixing continued, "but Mr. Niu doesn't have this problem at all. In a sense, his brain is very clean, his spirit is very friendly, his thinking is simple, and whenever foreign information interferes with him, he immediately happily accepts it, and even doesn't doubt why he wrote such a work.

"What's more, Mr. Niu lives on his own, doesn't he? He has no friends or girlfriends at ordinary times, doesn't he? He is also unknown on the Internet, and no one knows, does he? That is to say, no matter what strange phenomenon happens when you write, no one will care about it, right? With such comprehensive personal conditions, you may not be able to find one for hundreds of reincarnations, It's perfect for the mission of information transmission and strategic fraud! "