
Li Yao and Zhang Daniu understood the meaning of the red polar star at the same time. Sweat oozed from their foreheads and their faces were pale. They pointed to the tip of their nose and said, "so, we are all" rice "and" fruit trees "in the farm. Our emotion and imagination are the" fruit "needed by the will of the earth?"

"I guess so, otherwise the earth will put us in this damned prison of reincarnation. What does the earth do after countless reincarnations?"

Red Star pointed to his temple and said, "its purpose is to stimulate our spirits to a certain extent, so that we can continuously produce the emotion and imagination that it can never secrete.

"Those seemingly strange, bizarre and even absurd legends, those works that will be denounced as nonsense and obscenity, those fantastic fantasy world, those most bold and ignorant yearning for the end of the Starry Sea - these constitute the solid core of a great civilization, which the will of the earth itself does not have, If it ever had blood, it must have cooled and coagulated hundreds of millions of years ago. Even if it had a dream, it must have become mottled pieces and completely annihilated!

"Even at the level of the big universe, it is an invincible super monster with excellent computing power and huge military power. It is a powerful existence of magic progression, which can perfectly control everything in the big universe and calculate perfect answers to all problems. But at the level of" life "and" civilization ", the so-called" perfection "does not exist at all, When the moon is full, it will lose. After the peak is the abyss. The end of perfection is destruction.

"In a word, the will of the earth has no emotion or dream, and it doesn't even have the ability to make mistakes. The ability to make mistakes is a crucial factor in the evolution of life. Only by making mistakes constantly, making mistakes again and again, and making those fantastic and absurd mistakes, can we have the chance to survive and develop in the ever-changing universe, There is even an explosion of possibilities.

"A civilization that has no imagination and can't make mistakes can't find the slightest possibility, or even the meaning of its existence. It is destined to hit its limit soon after climbing the peak, and it can't break its limit. Therefore, it has to rely on external forces - some kind of emotion, dream and imagination, The race that keeps making mistakes to find infinite possibilities is us.

"We human beings are not as good as we boast. We are not even worthy of the name of" the spirit of all things ". We are really a kind of very bad carbon based intelligent life. We have rich and colorful emotions, but we are often impulsive because of emotions and fall into the dark mud of human nature to hurt ourselves; We have the ambition to keep forging ahead, but this ambition often turns into ambition. We lose everything for the ambition that we can't support; We are naive, romantic and full of dreams, but this makes us often suffer from our own dissatisfaction. No matter how much we get, we will be tired in three or five seconds at most. We are eager to find more things ten or 100 times to fill our inner emptiness.

"But it is these defects that shape us and make us have the most powerful power in the sea of stars. When our ancestors looked up at the starry sky for the first time a long time ago and sighed, our race was destined to embark on a path of supremacy. Only in this way can we become the" heart "of the will of the earth, "Brain" or "engine"! "

Li Yao and Zhang Daniu were shocked again, and their eyes on the red polar star became very different.

"Originally, is the whole reincarnation prison the" engine "of the earth's will?"

Zhang Daniu murmured.

"Yes, I like the word" engine "more than" brain "or" farm. "

"Because the" engine hypothesis "can well explain why the earth's will does not dare to give up everything and force to restart in an instant - because doing so will not only bring serious damage to the" engine "itself, but also interrupt the continuity of its power output and affect its combat effectiveness in the field of the universe."

When Li Yao and Zhang Daniu think about it a little bit, they both feel that their words are reasonable.

Think of the will of the earth as a chariot in a fierce battle with the enemy. Naturally, its engine can't be restarted casually. If the engine is damaged for three or five minutes, it will be enough for the will of the earth to be shot into a hornet's nest by the enemy.

"There's something in your guess, but I still don't understand."

Zhang Daniu frowned and said, "even if reincarnation prison is really a farm with infinite circulation and a super high speed engine, why is it now, from the 1970s and 1980s to the 1930s and 1940s of the 21st century?"

"Because this is the golden age of the earth's civilization. In these decades, human beings have reached the peak of carbon based intelligent life on a single planet."

I guess the will of the earth can set the background time of reincarnation prison in the middle ages or even the stone age, but it can't harvest enough emotion and imagination - from the stone age to the middle ages, and even to the recent era when the industrial revolution was just budding, it was a dark age of ignorance, People living in that kind of ignorant and closed environment can't afford to eat, and most of their energy has to be put into the competition for survival. Only a few people can have such "luxury" as emotion and imagination. The backward means of information transmission make their emotion and imagination unable to form a large-scale "resonance" with others.

"Even if a poet living in the Middle Ages wrote immortal poems about the stars and the universe, it may take thirty or fifty years or even one or two hundred years for them to reach the ears of another poet, and most people except these noble poets, I can't understand the subtlety of one in ten thousand of them at all - such information transmission efficiency is too low, how can the emotion and imagination aroused meet the needs of the earth's will?

"Our era, or the era carefully constructed by the will of the earth, is totally different.

"Steam revolution, electric revolution, information revolution!

"World War I, World War II, cold war!

"Turing machine, computer, network, mobile phone, wireless network, all kinds of information terminals!

"Universal education, the entertainment of the whole people nurtured by solid enough material foundation, the online games of millions of people at the same time, the online novels of millions of words, the super high-speed interaction between authors and readers at any time!

"Space technology, cloning technology, nanotechnology, information explosion, technology explosion, everyone can share their dreams and feelings with others anytime and anywhere through mobile terminals, forming a large-scale resonance similar to mass hysteria!

"Don't you think this is the best time if the will of the earth really wants to reap our emotions and dreams?"

Li Yao and Zhang Daniu were stunned for a long time.

Zhang Daniu scratched his hair and said, "so, you mean that all the information terminals we use, including the social environment we live in, are deliberately created by the will of the earth in order to harvest us?"

"It may not be deliberately created - all this is too real to be completely fake. I doubt that there was a" origin earth "a long time ago. Every reincarnation we experienced was based on the real history of" origin earth. "

"But this time period must be carefully chosen by the will of the earth. Only in this golden age can it" cultivate "the strongest emotion and the richest imagination, and carry out the most efficient" harvest. ".

"If that's the case, then Apocalypse has another explanation for its obliteration of observers - perhaps not only for fear that observers will awaken more spirits, but also for harvesting. After all, observers are often those who have the strongest emotions and rich imagination. Harvesting an observer is more useful than harvesting 100 ordinary people."

"That is to say --"

Zhang Daniu thought of a shuddering possibility, "the creation of the observer, the awakening of the awakened, and even the resistance of the prison breaker, all of which are in the plan of the earth's will?"

"It is possible that, after all, in the process of the awakened person discovering the truth and evolving into a prison breaker to resist, there will be endless waves of emotion, will and determination. Maybe the will of the earth needs these things?"

Red polar star smile, "however, I always believe that there is no thing that can control everything perfectly. Maybe the will of the earth in its heyday can control 6 billion souls at will, but this time is different from the past. This time, we are different!"

"I see."

Zhang Daniu thought about it and said, "then why does the earth will set the end time of reincarnation prison to the 1930s and 1940s of the 21st century? The more the information explosion gets, the more people have more and more dreams. Can it harvest more emotion and imagination?"

"No, that would be too much."

Hongjixing said, "the so-called" reaping emotion and imagination "is a double-edged sword. When the spirits continuously output the most intense waves in the spirits, they will certainly constantly awaken and resist. The earth will have to control the resistance of the awakened within a reasonable limit, never beyond the critical point, which will lead to the situation completely out of control.

"Take" engine "as an example. The earth will wants to keep the output power of the engine within a reasonable limit. Of course, it's not good if the output power is too low. But if the output power is too violent for a long time, the engine will overload or even explode, which is even worse, isn't it?"