Bai Xiaolu felt that he was not only running, but also flying.

No one has ever clenched his wrist as hard as the golden tooth, as if he was unwilling to let go even when he died. He even poured his own strength and life into his body, making his heart beat wildly and his adrenaline secreted wildly. The whole person was like stepping on cotton.

He couldn't tell what it was like, but in his heart he kept asking himself, "does he believe me? I believe him? Why


There was a strange noise coming from behind. It seemed that the fighting parts of the mine were bouncing up.

But Bai Xiaolu is not afraid at all. He can hear the firm and powerful breathing of the golden tooth boss, feel his extremely exuberant fire of life, and his ears are still reverberating with his thunderous roar. Yes, they can, they can live!


The golden tooth boss yanked him. At the moment, they were twenty or thirty meters away from the foxhole.


The mines exploded behind them, and the shock wave pushed them out and hit them in the foxhole.

The White Deer felt that his whole back was burning, and the flame soon penetrated into his lungs. The pain was so dark that he could not speak at all.

But the sharp pain told him every bundle of nerve endings - he was still alive!

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!"

Lying in the foxhole gasping for a long time, he gave out a difficult and twisted laughter. The boy breathed the hot air and enjoyed every fresh pain around him.

The gold tooth boss didn't cheat him, they can, they survived!

"Eight seconds six."

Just thinking, the head of the golden tooth boss appeared above his foxhole, the wasteland overlord side spit blood, while grinning, "kid, if you participate in the Olympic Games before the war, you can win the championship."

Bai Xiaolu waved to the golden tooth boss to express his sincere gratitude. However, he faintly felt that something was wrong. He thought about it carefully and said with wide eyes: "eight seconds six? Isn't the boss saying that mines will not explode until at least ten seconds later? "

"Is it?"

Gold tooth elder brother scratched the scorched beard, casually way, "I guess, there is always error?"

"You guess?"

White Deer stunned, "in fact, you do not know when the mine will explode?"


Dali, of course, said, "do you think I used to use a sticky gel to delay the explosion of a mine? If not, how can I know when the mine will explode! "

"This --"

White Deer gaped, half angry, half depressed, "you, you deceived me!"

"So --"

The golden tooth grinned and held out his shaking hand. He patted the white deer's face twice. "Kid, I told you not to believe anyone long ago."

Wan Zang Hai came running towards them.

He was covered with guns and bullets.

Bai Xiaolu and King Ya look at each other and forget the dispute between them. However, both of them excite the brain waves to the limit and lock in the Tibetan sea.

Wan Zang Hai's eyes kept turning. He looked at the two men who were still normal though they were covered with bruises. Then he looked at the vulture scout Falcon circling in the sky behind him. After half a second's hesitation, he squeezed out a sincere smile on his face. He first pulled up the golden tooth and then opened his arms to the white deer.

"Congratulations on your escape, fawn. It seems that we are going to have a better time!"


"Whoa, whoa!"

A sound of chain dragging.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The harsh friction and rolling sound of winch and pulley.

As the wind and sand dispersed and the cool breeze came, an underground wine cellar and a small shelter were presented to the three people.

"Oh, there has been electricity here all the time. It's really saved this time!"

The Tibetan sea dances and shouts.

They really mean that the best is coming, as if all the bad luck was consumed at the moment when the White Deer stepped on the mine.

After wandering around the wind farm for a short time, they found the ruins of the former winery, and along the traces of the ruins, they found the entrance to the cellar and refuge.

This is a large wine cellar, about half the size of a football field before the war. It relies on wind power plants to provide energy. Although most of the wind turbines were destroyed in the nuclear war, there are still one or two units in normal operation, which is enough to support the daily use of a small wine cellar and refuge.

At the end of the war, in order to stabilize people's hearts and encourage people to dig and transform shelters themselves, the authorities will provide the greatest degree of support in energy supply. This wind power plant is built for this purpose and adopts fully automated design. Even so, it is still a miracle that some units can survive up to now. Perhaps, It's a miracle for them.

The wine cellar still keeps constant temperature and humidity, most of the wine is not bad, even if it is bad, it can be used as domestic water.

A corner of the wine cellar has been refitted to form a small living area with sparrows and all kinds of internal organs. There are all kinds of bedrooms, living rooms and washrooms. There is also a small warehouse with all kinds of materials. It is a small supermarket.

It seems that the owner of the winery was ready to stick to the ground for a long time and planned not to go out for ten or twenty years.

Unfortunately, they died.

Three people in the bedroom found a white body, from the body of decadent clothes, should be the hostess of the winery.

Her corpse is emitting a faint blue light, and some of her bones are deformed, which indicates that the cause of her death is not radiation syndrome, but bacterial invasion of various biochemical weapons, virus infection, or both.

Next to the bedroom is the living room. In the middle of the living room, there is a colorful carpet, which is painted with colorful cartoon patterns. On the carpet, there is a pair of unfinished toy chess, dice, toy money and toy title deeds scattered on the ground.

In the corner, there were two corpses, one large and the other small. It should be a middle-aged man holding his child tightly. There were several open medicine bottles scattered beside him. Green pills were scattered everywhere.

"Ve44 nerve antidote."

Golden tooth knelt down on one knee and picked up a medicine bottle. "Within the safe dose, intramuscular injection after dissolving in water can effectively alleviate most of the injuries caused by nerve biochemical weapons. However, if you take more than five times the safe dose directly, it is an effective suicide drug - directly paralyzing the central nervous system, without pain or even feeling, You can fall into eternal sleep. "

"I don't understand."

Bai Xiaolu said, "they still have so many materials. Most of them are vacuum packaged cans, including compressed drinking water. There is no shortage of energy supply. They have everything. They can stay here for more than ten to twenty years or even longer. Why should they commit suicide?"

"No, they don't have everything. They are ready for everything, but they lose one of the most important things."

Gold tooth boss low voice way, "hope, they lost hope."

For a moment, Bai Xiaolu lost his voice.

He didn't understand what "lost hope" meant.

Because he never had hope.

There is no hope, there is no loss.

"If I remember correctly, the owner of this winery seems to be John or something. He loves his wife very much. His wife was also a good wine maker in those years, and all the wineries nearby know it."

Poor old John, he prepared everything like a squirrel preparing for the winter. It must have cost him all his efforts to transform this shelter. In the end, he found that his beloved wife was attacked by virus or radiation before she could enter the shelter. Finally, he could only guard so many materials and watch his wife mutate Exhaustion, death.

"It must have defeated old John and made him lose all hope. Maybe he suspected that he and his son were also infected; Maybe he didn't think he could hold on to the end of the war; Maybe he knows that the war is over, but the outside world has become a hell on earth. As a wine maker, he can't fight those who hold guns and operate drones. Sooner or later, his winery will become a den of demons, and his son will become the prey of wild animals. So, he played the last game of chess with his son, While cheating his son to eat the excessive nerve antidote, he went to reunite with his mother without any pain. "

With a sigh, he took a blanket from the sofa beside him and gently covered the dead father and son.

Bai Xiaolu was silent for a long time. He couldn't help saying, "let's carry them to the bed, to his wife and his mother."

The golden tooth boss took a deep look at the white deer.


Wan Zang Hai also said, "this living room is pretty good, but there are two corpses in the corner. It's always creepy. Take them out and we can have a good rest here."


Golden tooth's eyelids drooped down, and together with the blanket, he picked up two corpses that had become very light.

Bai Xiaolu went up to help, carefully held the heads of old John and his son, and took them back to the bedroom with the golden tooth. He lay down next to the female corpse and covered the whole family with rotten and moldy quilts.

At this time, Bai Xiaolu saw a picture full of dust on the bedside table. After brushing away the dust, he found that it was old John's family before the war.

It was a very strong and happy couple, with the local people's unique dark complexion and snow-white teeth, golden hair as if they would shine.

The child among them, holding a bunch of ruby like grapes, picked one and put it into his mouth, laughing more happily than the adults.

The background is the vineyard, which is ten times more bright and beautiful than the golden tooth. It reminds people of those beautiful days, those past days, those gone days.