There were several doctors and nurses guarding her outside.

There are also my brother's men, the bearded and staring "soldiers".

In the strong attack of the air quake, they had already become ground rolling gourds, and they didn't know where to roll.

Pepe turns on the light on her protective clothing and gropes in the dark and twisted corridor. Along the way, she also encounters a lot of crew members, but they all bow like shrimps, vomit and burst into tears. She can't even stand straight, let alone stop her.

There are also some people who seem to be drunk and stagger, giggle when they see her, with grotesque expressions, just like a group of madmen.

Pepe knows that this is a special concussion caused by the process of "three-dimensional disintegration, four-dimensional transmission and three-dimensional reorganization" of the brain in a short period of time, which is called "star sea jumping syndrome".

Because the jump came so suddenly that there was hardly enough protection for the crew, most of them were caught and couldn't come back for a long time.

Only Pepe is safe.

——The dreamer who can communicate with the void hunter is the one with the most stable brain and the most powerful spirit.

In the process of communication with shannuya, Pepe is imperceptibly influenced, and his brain is also influenced by shannuya. He is more able to adapt to the side effects of Xinghai jump than ordinary people.

This is her biggest card.

And the key to her escape.

According to the instructions of crystal brain, the girl stumbled to find the escape area.

Thank goodness, there are still three escape pods that have not been launched, and the medical ship is still in a state of emergency. The escape pods can be launched!

Pepe did not hesitate to get into one of the escape pods.

In the design of the escape capsule, the fully automatic fool operation mode is adopted to ensure that every child in the fleet can master the most basic setting and control methods.

——Only with this design can we ensure the survival probability of the "fire" in a fleet to the greatest extent.


Pepe heard the harsh sound of jet coming from the rear of the escape capsule, as if someone had kicked her heavily. After a whirl, the twisted steel was replaced by the bright stars, and she was launched into space.

Behind it is a cluster of scattered, self rotating starships.

Ahead is shanua, floating quietly in the universe, whose life and death are uncertain.

Pepe gritted her teeth, set the direction of the escape capsule, and ran into shanua.

"Hold on, shanua, I'm coming!"

Although it's just a small escape capsule, but at the moment when all the starships are still in shock and control has not yet been restored, the clear directional flame jet is still very abrupt.

Soon, there was a "beep" sound from the communication channel of the escape capsule, and a familiar voice rang out: "who is in the escape capsule, is it out of control, why are you flying towards the empty hunter?"

It's brother!

Brother is still alive, he should stay on the flagship with Dad, so dad is OK?

Pei Pei's nose was sour, he resisted the impulse of response and bowed his head forward.

"... Pepe?"

Brother sister heart to heart, maybe it's intuition, maybe it's brother knows that only Pepe on the medical ship can recover from "Xinghai jump syndrome" so quickly, or maybe brother knows that only Pepe will foolishly ride the escape capsule to find the empty hunter, he asked tentatively.

Pepe can not answer, but tears can not help running down, the girl trembled: "brother!"

"Pepe, is that you?"

The elder brother was overjoyed at first, then burst into a rage, "what are you doing, come back quickly!"

"No... no!"

Pepe was biting her teeth. The teeth were deeply embedded in her lips. The blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth. She said in a trembling voice, "I'm doing what I should do. I'm going to save shanua!"

"You, what did you say?"

My brother growled, "you are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy. I'm awake enough to see everything and remember what just happened!"

The girl screamed, "just now, shanua spared no effort to save us and everyone in this fleet! It doesn't hesitate, doesn't calculate any profit or loss, and doesn't have any doubt and suspicion on us. It regards us as best friends, friends worthy of saving with life!

"Now, I'm going to save it, just as it just saved us. It's my friend. It's Prince shanua. It's unique. I, our best friend. What's the problem, brother?"


How are you going to save it

"I want to tell it the truth, let it escape far away from here, to where there are no human beings, and never come back."

Pepe gritted his teeth and said, "the signal ship you used to activate the" explosive "in its body has just been destroyed in the air. It will take you at least one day to prepare a new signal transmitter, which is enough for shanua to escape."

"What if it doesn't run away?"

The elder brother said coldly, "what if it finds out the truth, gets angry, and in turn destroys our starship and kills all of us?"

"Why do you always use hypothetical questions to pre sentence others to death?"

Pepe's voice became sharper and sharper. "If it wasn't for shanua's sacrifice, we would all be dead! All the starships will be torn up by the "air shock". All the people have long been turned into cold dust in the sea of stars! Shanua has just sacrificed himself to save us. As a result, before you get rid of the "star sea jumping syndrome", you begin to doubt it and try every means to kill it. What are you, adults, thinking about!

"I, I have to tell shanua the truth, even if... He gets angry after hearing it, we all owe him a life, no matter what the consequences are, we deserve it!"

The communication channel was silent for a long time, and my brother seemed speechless.


The girl had a bad feeling in her mind.

Sure enough, before long, she saw a dark blue light coming from the Starship group. The second came first, and soon caught up with the clumsy escape capsule with round head and brain.

It's the brother with the space war armor.

This kind of psionic weapon specially designed for war, surprise and sprint is naturally much faster than the escape capsule.

At this time, they are tens of thousands of kilometers away from shanua.

Brother opened his arms, surrounded by spirit flame, like a devil, blocking in front of the escape capsule.

"I'm sorry, Pepe. It's my duty. I can't let you move on."

My brother whispered in the communication channel, his voice full of guilt and entanglement.