Then the picture flashed like a lantern.

Theresa and Princess Asha saw that an embryo surrounded by golden thread was pregnant rapidly. When they were still in the state of baby, their brain was highly developed, and they spent a long and arduous education stage in the virtual space.

Feicui takes good care of the embryo, nourishes her more and more vigorous body with the few resources left in the wreckage of feicui, and makes her grow up lonely but stubborn.

Because of the lack of energy, the process of automatic breeding is very slow. The main reason is that there is too much information input in an instant, which will cause the explosion of the embryonic brain. We can only use the subtle method.

After hundreds of years of long gestation, the emerald has a new captain, Kelly Connor.

At this time, the wreckage of the jadeite has been sealed by chief mate quack and others to the debris world close to the jadeite continent.

This barren world without sunshine, energy and indigenous life is like the shadow of the emerald continent, which is the opposite of all good things.

Captain Kelly is walking alone in the dark corridor, the cooling power furnace, and the perforated bunker, inspecting the invisible army like a ghost.

Her eyes pierced through the shell of the starship, through the twisted barriers of the debris world, and straight into the emerald continent.

At this time, the traitors such as chief mate quack had established a preliminary order on the emerald continent.

Kingdom, knight, magic, brilliant sunshine, abundant resources, beautiful scenery, birds' singing and flowers' fragrance, everything is so beautiful.

However, these 1% people's fantastic life can only be exchanged at the cost of the death of the other 99% of the crew. The undead who are not willing to completely perish will eventually set off a death storm.

On the emerald, he inherited the mission of captain gaozunlong. Captain Kelly began to repair the warship and wake up the hibernators who were still alive.

It is a pity that she has encountered insurmountable difficulties in both tasks.

First, resources.

When the traitors, such as chief mate quack, left the jade, they took almost all the fuel, weapons and resources. Most of the things that they could not take away were destroyed by them. In the case of extreme lack of resources, the restoration work of the jade had to be carried out slowly with "ten thousand years" as the unit.

Secondly, most of the hibernators sealed on the jade died when the nutrient and energy circulation system was cut off, and only a few of them survived - but even if they were forced to wake up, because there was not enough food and medicine, they could not completely get rid of the symptoms of osteoporosis, malnutrition and brain atrophy caused by long hibernation, They are no longer indomitable sailors and brave soldiers, but just a group of dying old people.

But Captain Kelly had no choice but to place his hope on these old people.

She uses the last strengthening potion to stimulate these old people and awaken their deepest soul, the pride and glory of the original civilization. She leads them to squeeze out all the vitality in an instant, resulting in deformity and mutation, such as crazy old people, killing the wreckage of the jade, killing the fragmented world, and killing the sunny and peaceful jade continent.

This is the "battle of the devil".

Feicui said, in the retina of Theresa and Princess Asha, aroused the magnificent and bloody and cruel illusion.

Tall and strong nobles, elegant and mysterious magicians and upright knights are in sharp contrast with those "demons" who are ragged, ferocious and twisted in limbs.

But Theresa and Princess Asha really can't tell which side represents "justice" and which side represents "evil".

In a word, there were countless bloody civil wars in the history of human civilization, which once again came meaninglessly.

The dreams of the quiet years are smashed to pieces. The betrayers are wailing and the betrayed are roaring. They turn the new world into Shura hell and dance in this hell together.

"At this time, not long after the first mate Kuike and others came to the emerald continent, the traitors such as the first mate Kuike still had a lot of cutting-edge weapons and advanced technology brought out from the emerald, that is, the legendary" artifact ", and the fierce" demon clan "was just a group of old people who had no future to vent their last anger and hatred."

Feicui said calmly, "relying on the" artifact ", the traitors such as chief mate quack finally defeated the old people's army who were still loyal to the mission, stigmatized these Avengers as dirty, evil, ugly and extremely cruel demons, and sealed them into the debris world again. Even captain Kelly lost his precious life in this revenge war.

"The traitors breathed a sigh of relief. They celebrated each other with joy and continued to live a carefree, peaceful and happy life. They thought that such a life would last forever - at least for 30000 to 50000 years or more.

"But they didn't realize the real reason why captain Kelly started the war.

"No, it's not the complete annihilation and occupation. Captain Kelly knows very well that the traitors such as chief mate quack still have powerful power. It's impossible to win this war only by those loyal but old men's army.

"The key is resources.

"Captain Kelly wants to fight for some precious resources for the jadeite, which is full of holes and is about to be scrapped. In particular, he wants to fight for some resources for the seeds of life preserved intact in the gene pool, that is, the new generation of jadeite crew.

"If jadeite is to enter a state of self-healing, it also needs huge resources to act as the" first bucket of gold ". If it is always sealed in the debris world, it will never be able to obtain these resources, and the progress of restoration will be far away.

"That's why captain Kelly launched the" battle of marauding ". On the surface, it was a desperate attempt to destroy the new world created by chief mate quack and others. In fact, the old men's army was just a bait to divert chief mate quack's attention. When the current battle was in full swing, another team was frantically collecting resources on the emerald continent - their collection points, It's now the doomsday mountains, the fallen forests. "

Theresa and Princess Asha said "ah" at the same time.

i see.

It turns out that the fallen forest in the doomsday mountains has long been severely reaped. No wonder it has turned into a terrible appearance like the forbidden zone of life.

"Captain Kelly's strategic objectives have been achieved."

Feicui said, "although the battle of the magic robbery ended with our failure and the fall of Captain Kelly, she and the old men's legions brought new hope to the feicui. With the resources they collected from the feicui continent, new embryos began to be bred, the most basic life support and resource recycling system were restored, and fresh air was injected into one cabin after another, One power stove after another is rekindled, and the unyielding flames of war are burning again! "