This is a thin, wrinkled old man.

Looking at the yellow, thin, feeble, a broad robe of the priest draped over his body, all drooping like a shroud.

In terms of appearance, he is much inferior to the priest leilie in Chijin town. He is a little old man that can be seen everywhere.

But his appearance, but let all iron fist army are like in the evil, inexplicably excited.

Even those iron fisted soldiers who were shot by steam cannons, regardless of the wound involved, yelled at the top of their voice:

"High priest Luotian!"

"High priest Luotian!"

"High priest Luotian!"

The little old man named "Luo Tian" flew slowly past the statue of the God of boxing. Standing aloof in the air, he glanced at the steam cannon and the crazy believers, then drew back his eyes and lowered his eyelids.

It's as if the destruction they create is just a children's game.

Luo Xinglong's eyes and mouth twitch together.

The two brothers and sisters of GUS were closest to him, and they could see clearly that the loyal core of the mechanical and steam religion was trying to show an awe inspiring and dismissive expression.

But did not succeed, still from the eyes of the deepest trembling, leakage of a trace of fear.

And GUS and grey can also understand his fear of being ruthless.

Because, even in Chijin Town, they heard the name "Luotian high priest" from their uncle leilie and other people more than once.

It is said that he is the first master of boxing in Qianyuan city and even within a thousand miles!

It is said that he practiced a peerless magic power known as "999 ladder", which can step on the void, step by step on the nonexistent ladder, "walk" to the sky, directly absorb the power of heaven and earth, and communicate with the God of boxing.

It is said that he made a great wish in front of the God of boxing, and refined himself into a cauldron by secret method, in order to better attract the power of the God of boxing to his body!

The two brothers and sisters of GUS did not know how many of these "stories" were true and how many were false.

But my uncle will not cheat them. My uncle leilie once said that he can't walk three moves in the hands of high priest Luotian. When high priest Luotian gets serious, it's like hollowing out his body and asking God to help him!

It's said that Gus and his brothers don't know it.

All the crazy believers have heard of the high priest's toughness.

For a moment, the noisy battlefield was silent.

Even the roar of the siren and the roar of the steam cannon seemed to be suppressed by the momentum of the high priest Luotian and frozen into ice.

The high priest of Luotian is like a mountain, crushing the heart of every crazy believer.

Only by crossing, no, smashing this mountain can their faith be turned into reality.

"Fire! Fire

Luo Xinglong roared fiercely, "aim at high priest Luotian, fire!"

The gunner who controlled the steam cannon was crushed by the invisible aura of high priest Luotian. He was at a loss.

Luo Xinglong gritted his teeth and pushed away the gunner. He sat down on the gun position and shook the crankshaft wildly to adjust the firing data.

Luotian high priest is still standing in the air, seemingly motionless, even without blinking an eyelid, patiently waiting for Luo Xinglong to turn the black muzzle to him.

However, careful observation shows that the figure of high priest Luotian gradually becomes blurred, as if there are invisible waves all over his body, which is a sign of the earth shaking power.

Everyone realized that this shot was the key to the battle.

A large number of iron fists rushed up bravely, trying to destroy the steam cannon before it was ready for the next firing, at least interfering with the firing height and angle.

Countless crazy believers rushed up like a soldier bee, blocking the narrow streets and building an indestructible wall with their own flesh and blood flowing hot steam.

The collision between the two sides splashed a lot of blood. No matter how the limbs and arms were flying, the blood line could not move half an inch. Even if an anxious iron fist master jumped up high and tried to dive into the air to bomb the steam cannon, the fierce and fearless death fighters of the mechanical and steam sect immediately came up to meet the fist and hold each other firmly in the air, Detonate the steam bomb wrapped around themselves, and fry each other into meat sauce.


In the dashboard of the steam cannon, the pointer rushed to the red area on the far right in the shrill sound of the whistle.

This means that the steam cannon has been pressurized to the limit.

Shells full of destructive power, and feathers blocking the gap, are also filled.

Long live the true God

Luo Xinglong flushed with excitement and danced like drunk. He stared at the high priest Luo Tian in the air and yelled fiercely, "the running dog of the false god, go to die!"


Luo Xinglong tugs at the rope, and the steam cannon roars like a fierce beast, shaking Gus and grey from above.

From the crevice of the complex mechanical structure, the billows poured out from the mountains and the sea, and blew the two brothers and sisters and the crazy believers who dragged the huge guns forward at least 10 meters.

Even some people were scalded by the hot steam, and a series of startling blisters appeared on their hands and faces, but they ignored the scream and looked at the sky covered with steam.

In the sky, huge projectiles, such as meteorites, draw a fierce and shrill arc, and blast to the high priest of Luotian with unparalleled accuracy.

Everyone, regardless of the iron fist army or the steam army, their hearts are lifted high. They hold their breath together and feel that the moment becomes eternity.

The high priest of Luotian was still expressionless and unhurried to welcome the steam cannonball.

In front of him, the twisted air had formed whirlpools visible to the naked eye, like the strongest shield.

Behind him, as like as two peas of war, the flames of war were gradually forming a magnificent, solemn and sacred face -- the same as the statue of the statue of the boxing God, and the face of the boxing God.


Countless crazy believers were frightened by the face that appeared in the air and screamed in horror.

In the scream, the high priest of Luotian gave his hand.

With a slight wave of his thin fist, the air whirlpool in front of him becomes a huge and unfathomable super whirlpool.

The steam cannonball rushed into the whirlpool and was immediately disturbed in its flight path, shaking like a exhausted top.

Then, the giant face behind the high priest of Luotian, which looks like the God of boxing, put on an angry expression, opened his mouth and roared through the world!

All of a sudden, everyone felt that there were 10000 thunders beside their ears.

The roar turned out to be true, as if it came directly from the will of the God of boxing!