The young man's heart almost stopped with his breath.

The illusory world is like a butterfly in a storm.

The broken remains of butterflies form a beautiful picture.

In the endless sea of stars, a milky way road is spreading towards the other side. The silver road is covered with burning thorns, and the burnt thorns secrete enough venom.

This is the way to "reality.".

This is the road to "humanity.".

Do you really want to embark on such a road?

As Gus's Adam's apple rolled, he felt a molten steel gushing out of his chest.

Knowing that this is most likely still the devil's means, he could not say it and did not want to say a word of refutation.

"Let's go."

Lu Qingchen smiles. He doesn't care what Gus thinks, but he grabs the young man's wrist and says, "let's go to the final battlefield!"

Gus went back to the wounded camp in a daze.

At this time, the battle on the front became more and more fierce.

Even though it is still tens of miles away from the front line, the thunder like rumble on the battlefield is still like a raging wave, surging higher and higher, which makes people feel numb from the eardrum to the sole of their feet.

The flame of the horizon burns all the way from the battlefield to the sky, which reflects the night sky like a big red iron pot. The bottom of the pot will be burned with huge holes at any time.

It's been a long time since the wounded were transported.

But there were a lot of panicked rout soldiers who left their armor behind and went through the wounded camp in disorder.

It was found that there were only old and weak women and children and ghosts left in the wounded camp. These defeated soldiers didn't bother to disturb them. They just ran to the south in a hurry.

Gus and grey bravely asked them about the situation of the front line, but the rout soldiers couldn't tell them clearly. They only knew that the two armies were very close to each other. There were encirclement and counter encirclement everywhere. They collapsed, gathered and collapsed again.

The steam army is a mob in a hurry. No matter in discipline, morale or training, it is far less than the iron fist army. Once a small group of troops are beaten and collapsed, it is difficult to rally again. When they are confused, as long as there are one or two cowards who are afraid of war, they will often trigger a chain reaction and lead hundreds of people to flee together.

There are also many steam troops who have escaped without even seeing the enemy.

After all, the iron fist army is a well-trained elite. Even if it is wounded or disabled, as long as it does not lose its mobility, it can gather again and enter the battlefield without changing its face.

After all, this is the southern territory, the home of machinery and steam.

As the saying goes, "many ants kill elephants", the number of mobs exceeds the limit and may also overwhelm the mass.

It is true that many mobs are on the verge of collapse or even collapse without fighting. However, the news that the main forces of the two sides are entangled is spreading in all directions, but more mobs keep coming. With the increasing number of mobs, the advantages of large numbers of people are more and more brought into play, and the front is gradually stabilizing.

Therefore, it is not clear who will win.

Maybe both sides are getting closer and closer to the limit of victory and death, just like two boxers who insist on their teeth, they are looking forward to making each other fall down and never get up with just one last punch.

"We should go to the front line!"

Gus and grey find Andre.

This remnant of the steam army from the north, whose mission is to guard the wounded battalion, did not participate in the decisive battle between the two main forces.

But in the process of going south, they saw the "miracles" from Gus more than once, and worshipped Gus to a fanatical level.

What's more, what Gus said is reasonable.

"Now that the war has entered a burning stage, the main forces of both sides are dead and holding their last breath. Who can get a new chip at this time - even a small chip, may trigger a chain reaction and make the balance of victory fall to their own side!"

Gus gritted his teeth, "although we don't have many people and our strength is not strong, who says we can't be the key chips to decide the outcome?

"As for the danger, of course, there is danger, but we went all the way south to here. Do we have any choice but to take a chance?

"You know, those rout soldiers are all local people. Even if the steam army is really defeated, they can't find them if they just hide in the reed marshes with dense water networks and in the mountains with a hundred thousand mountains.

"As for us, we are all from the north. In the process of going south, we also killed countless iron fist soldiers and priests in the temple of boxing. We have already put up the number in the temple of boxing. If the steam army is really defeated and the iron fist army pursues the victory and launches a big search, we have no hope to escape from the net of heaven and earth.

"Therefore, whether it's to defeat the iron fist army and the temple of martial arts, to control our own destiny completely, or just to survive, we should go against the current and fight to the decisive battlefield!"

Gus's words deeply touched the hearts of every disabled soldier.

Of course, it is more likely that these disabled soldiers think of the earth shaking and decaying power of arrow blasters, Vulcan cannons and honeycomb launchers.

If, when the two armies are anxious, they fight as a surprise force and help Gus directly destroy the core of the iron fist army with that terrible weapon, it is very likely that they will win at one stroke.

So it was decided.

The disabled soldiers were originally responsible for guarding the wounded camp, but that was the task when the wounded, the old and the weak, and the supplies were sufficient.

Now, the wounded camp has almost become a ghost. It's meaningless to stay here again.

The remnant soldiers had been waiting for him, and GUS inspired his last blood and desire for survival. A moment later, he became the only rebel among countless rout soldiers.

Many rout soldiers were surprised to see the rest of the soldiers.

But by this time, the order was out of control, and even the rout soldiers were not stopped, let alone the disabled soldiers who rushed to the battlefield to die.

Not all of the rout soldiers were warfearers.

Many people are fanatical believers of steam and machinery religion. The whole family was slaughtered by the iron fist army, and the temple of Hequan has a deep blood feud.

It was only by the torrent that they were carried away from the battlefield.

After running dozens of miles at a time, the rout soldiers finally calmed down and recovered a little bit of organization and discipline.

At this moment, I know that even a remnant soldier from the north is fighting against the current, ready to fight against the main force of the iron fist army.

Looking at their own performance, these fanatical believers are just dying of shame.

In addition, Gus's name of "Holy Son" has been publicized for a long time, and many crazy believers have heard of it.

Even though he is usually dubious and does not take this "Holy Son" seriously, it is an irrefutable fact that "Holy Son" is leading his troops up against the current.

In the reflection of the torch, and perhaps under the bewitching of the devil, Gus looks a little immature, but is extremely sacred and great.

Therefore, after walking out of dozens of miles, the followers behind Gus and grey are not only the northern remnant soldiers led by Andre, but also the crazy believers in dozens of rout troops. The number of followers has suddenly increased ten times!