CH 10

Name:6 Cats Rush to Raise Me Author:
The relationship between Kang Xing Luo and Li Hong Ming could be considered as brothers. During their 4 years of college, Li Hong Ming loved playing so much. Thanks to that, he didn’t really socialize with his peers. Instead, he only talked to Kang Xing Luo. It just so happened that their personalities complimented each other well, with one being easy-going and the other being soft-hearted. From then on, a deep friendship was formed.

After college graduation, Kang Xing Luo found an apartment in the city, raising cats and actively applying for jobs. Li Hong Ming continued to pass his days recklessly. However, on the weekends the two of them would still play games together and chat.

Looking from family circumstances, there was a large difference between him and Li Hong Ming. This person was your standard rich second generation, the older generation were successful and his family’s sole requirement was for him to live happily. Their family circumstances and social status were as different as heaven and earth, but if one were to discuss their friendship circle, they were each other’s best friend.

Even if they had not been in contact for two years, Kang Xing Luo wasn’t worried about Li Hong Ming ignoring him. He just wasn’t sure if Li Hong Ming, who was such a carefree person, would change his number.

When he called the saved phone number, it rang several times and did not connect through.

Kang Xing Luo looked at the time and immediately realized it was almost dusk. He had been so sleepy that when he woke up he missed the chance to look at the world during the daytime.

The phone call didn’t go through so Kang Xing Luo didn’t try calling again. He sent a message to Li Hong Ming on WeChat, which had no messages for the past two years.

——If you’ve read this, reply to me.

After sending the message, Kang Xing Luo gathered his few belongings and went to the front desk to check out. He had booked the room at an hourly rate; in a situation where he had no money on hand, he did not dare to delay even a second.

After leaving the hostel, Kang Xing Luo was still confused about the road ahead. Nevertheless, there was something that he had to do right now. He meandered along the street until he finally found an ABC automated teller machine (ATM).

(T/N: ABC= Agricultural Bank of China)

Although it was good that he was able to successfully pay for last night’s convenience store purchase and the hostel, it was still unknown how much money he had in his bank account. Since he doubted the accuracy of his memory, he had no choice but to personally confirm the balance.

After inserting his card and inputting the password, Kang Xing Luo waited anxiously. The amount in the bank would decide his fate so he prayed a little harder, his dinner for later had not been decided.

With a ‘ding’, the screen display turned over a page and the balance column popped up.

Kang Xing Luo’s current mood was similar to when he was waiting for the teacher to announce the exam grade. He was so nervous to the point where it was as if his heart was about to jump out from his chest.

Finally, Kang Xing Luo mustered his courage and peeked at the screen. The balance in the column showed the first digit was one followed by multiple zeros.

Kang Xing Luo was startled and his mind was blown.

? ? ?

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, hundred thousand, millions, ten million…

Hundred million???

A billion!??

Kang Xing Luo was so shocked that his mind went blank. There was a billion yuan in his bank account??? How was that possible?

When he counted the balance once more, the figure was indeed right, Kang Xing Luo withdrew the card and looked at it carefully. The engraved card number was indeed his, if not then how could he input the correct PIN.

With such a huge amount of money displayed before his eyes,……, Kang Xing Luo was not pleasantly surprised; rather, he was horrified since he couldn’t understand how the money came to be in his card.

Was it Li Hong Ming?

No way. Even if Li Hong Ming had more pocket money, it couldn’t amount to one billion.

Who else could it be? It couldn’t have been the government giving him a subsidy for being in a car accident and compensating him a billion dollars. Then wouldn’t everyone fight to be in a car accident.

Hold on, don’t tell me it’s like some movie where some big shots used some long unused account to launder money…

Would he need to worry about his life if he spent the money???

Kang Xing Luo previously thought it would be better if there was money in his card to relieve this desperate situation for a while, but now that he had a large amount of asset he dared not touch it. He stood there in internal conflict for a while on the street with the bank card in his hand, and finally could only let out a sigh.

Nighttime came again.

He still had nowhere he could go.

Just as he was thinking about it, a message notification came from his phone. He had no recollection of the sender’s name or when he saved it.

Lai Yin: ——I can’t leave. But for the time being, there’s money in the card. Go find a place to settle in first. Also, don’t let anyone else find out about your whereabouts. Wait for me.

Kang Xing Luo, “….”

It was as if he was acting in a movie since all the threads matched up. What ‘find a place to settle in,’ what ‘don’t let other people discover your whereabouts,’……Kang Xing Luo palpitated with anxiety and fear. He deeply felt like he was involved in some major event.

He was terrified that he had discovered some big secret on accident and if Lai Yin found out, there was an 80% chance he would be killed off.

Kang Xing Luo’s stomach rumbled but no matter how hungry he was, he wouldn’t dare to spend the money in this bank card again.

Heaven never bars one’s way. Just in time when he was starving to the point where he was unable to endure, Li Hong Ming’s message came:—— XX high-class restaurant, 9 PM, I’ll be waiting for you.

(T/N: Heaven never bars one’s way: Heaven never cuts off a man’s means;there is always a way out)

Usually, if a close friend who disappeared for two years suddenly appeared, then Li Hong Ming would surely call to ask where he was and then immediately come over to pick him up. However, Kang Xing Luo was absent-minded at this moment so he didn’t think much of it.

This high-class restaurant was not too far from his current location. He unhurriedly walked over and made it just in time.

This French cuisine high-class restaurant wasn’t like his and Li Hong Ming’s down-to-earth style in the past. When Kang Xing Luo reached the entrance, a server blocked his path, “Your clothing is not suitable for entry, do you have a reservation?”

It was then that Kang Xing Luo realized he was still wearing a hospital gown. His striped clothing was incompatible with the atmosphere of this place.

He had no other choice but to give Li Hong Ming a call. The phone rang for a few times before connecting, “Hello——?”

Kang Xing Luo tried hard to articulate, “I’ve arrived at the restaurant but I can’t go in, you come out and look for me.”

It was quiet on the other line for a while, as if wanting to confirm, then a surprise, “Doofus!??? You’re back?? When did you come back, where have you been for such a long time! ! !”

Li Hong Ming’s voice sounded astonished as if he completely didn’t expect to receive Kang Xing Luo’s call. The instant after he finished yelling, he said, “Hold on, what did you just say just now? Where are you?”

Kang Xing Luo was also startled, he then replied, “Wasn’t it you who sent a message to me, telling me to…..”

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Hong Ming said, “Ah?? What are you saying, I……”

Li Hong Ming looked at his WeChat after exiting the call screen and sure enough, he saw the never seen before chat message in his WeChat record. His eyelid twitched, he promptly said to Kang Xing Luo, “Luo ah! It was not me who made the appointment…..It was probably….Ai! I can’t tell you clearly through the phone, you said you’re at the restaurant now? Wait for a moment at the entrance, I’ll go there now.”

Kang Xing Luo hummed in agreement. After he hung up the phone, a girl’s voice suddenly sounded from behind, “He still truly cares about you.”

Kang Xing Luo turned around to see a gorgeous woman wearing a black dress looking at him coldly. Kang Xing Luo’s thoughts diverged then suddenly recalled Li Hong Ming ‘glorious achievement’ when he was in university.

Forgot to mention, Li Hong Ming this guy…As a friend, he was loyal. However, when it came to issues between men and women, he had always been unclear. It could be said that while his name was written as “Li Hong Ming”, it should be read as “Li Zha Nan”.

(T/N: 渣男 zhānán: Jerk/scumbag)

However, it was odd. If she and Li Hong Ming had a love debt between them, then what was the point of looking for him?

The woman sized Kang Xing Luo up. Although his clothing was strange, he looked pretty and delicate. He did have the appearance that men were fond of. She couldn’t help but harbor some resentment, “Kang Xing Luo?”

Kang Xing Luo replied politely, “You are?”

The woman said, “I’m Li Hong Ming’s girlfriend.”

Kang Xing Luo thought of Li Hong Ming’s manner of speaking on the phone, feeling somewhat speechless.

Girlfriend? I’m afraid…. Li Zha Nan doesn’t think that way.

The woman said, “Don’t stand here anymore, go in then we’ll talk.”

Kang Xing Luo was not interested in going in at all. This woman kept staring straight at him with a look like she won’t give up. Kang Xing Luo felt helpless and had no alternative but to nod slowly.

With the woman leading the way, the server did not obstruct the way anymore. They entered and took a seat. The woman’s line of sight never moved away from Kang Xing Luo’s face.

Kang Xing Luo did not know why, but he felt uneasy being stared at with such hostility. He could only ask, “Excuse me, why are you looking for me?”

The woman was occupied with her thoughts so she did not care about Kang Xing Luo’s strange manner of speaking. She snorted as she grinded her teeth, “Don’t think I can’t tell that you’re Li Hong Ming’s first love boyfriend.”

Kang Xing Luo, “….”

? ? ?

Li Hong Ming’s first love boyfriend???

Kang Xing Luo could not react in time to what she meant. Even though he liked men, he did not have any emotional relationship with Li Hong Ming in that kind of aspect. Furthermore, from his observation, Li Hong Ming was a man who was as straight as iron and steel.

“What do you mean by that?”

The woman said, “Drop the act. Who in the social circle does not know that Li Hong Ming got a boyfriend last year, and has been thinking about him ever since they broke up? Are you not Kang Xing Luo? I personally heard him call your name in his sleep.”

The information in her words was a bit overwhelming. While the knowledge that Li Hong Ming called his name in his sleep was quite comforting,…but seeing this present situation, it was truly not suitable to feel moved.

According to the woman’s words, if Li Hong Ming truly did have a first love boyfriend then there was no way it was him. Last year?

He was still unconscious in the hospital last year……

However, he had digressed, But that Li Hong Ming— who boasted to have visited the brothels all over the world— actually had a boyfriend, and even couldn’t forget about him?…….It was unimaginable.

Kang Xing Luo looked pensive, but in the woman’s eyes it looked as if he tacitly agreed. For a moment, the woman was muddled in the brain by strong jealousy, resentment and grievance. She raised her voice and said, “Didn’t you guys break up?! Why did you come back? For what reason did you come back? Why are you still in contact with him?!”

“Oh…I get it! Looking at your appearance, you don’t have money anymore, is it? You thought of him when you are in a tight spot, is it? After breaking up, you can’t find another man that is as good as him? You thickened your skin and came back because you hate parting with his money, right!”

These words were really unpleasant to hear; Kang Xing Luo wasn’t like that but her cutting remarks that he was penniless and in a tight spot stabbed him again, making him feel unhappy.

Kang Xing Luo was not good at arguing with a woman and knew it would be useless trying to explain. Instead, he simply stood up and walked out without looking back.

Despite his desire to leave, the woman would not allow it. He had not taken two steps when the woman grabbed hold of his hand and yelled, “Why are you leaving? What I said was right! You only love him for his money! Hey, don’t go! Don’t you want money?! Then I’ll give you money for you to disappear from his side!”

For a woman to be able to shout until her voice became hoarse, she must be infatuated with Li Zha Nan. But Kang Xing Luo could not feel any sympathy for her .

The way the woman handled the matter was so extreme that in an instant Kang Xing Luo became the focus of attention. Everyone in the restaurant turned and looked at him with contempt and disdain.

The current situation was embarrassing as the woman held onto his hand for dear life. Kang Xing Luo frowned, feeling pitiful, helpless and without a place to go to.

Suddenly, a tall figure walked up to him and flicked the woman’s forehead. There wasn’t a lot of power infused in that flick, but it startled the woman. She immediately released his hand and retreated two steps.

The man hugged Kang Xing Luo from behind. His half-golden coloured head appeared like a halo of radiance under the light as he warned her in an indifferent tone,

“Stay away from him, okay? Who did you come here with?”

Translator Corner:

Zu: Okay, so because of the confusion regarding about Laiyin’s cat breed and how the author’s description didn’t match the appearance of a Chausie Cat, despite Baidu saying it’s a ‘Chausie Cat’.

I decided to change the cat breed that’s more Laiyin looking with his long fur and ‘Lion Cat’-looking cat which is the breed; Maine Coon 

(This is the closest Laiyin looking cat I searched up if you have any cat breed that’s more lion and majestic looking then do comment your suggestions :))